
History: GeoCMS_Maps_18


Information Version
Tue 14 of Feb, 2023 06:48 GMT-0000 Marc Laporte Could not parse YAML in profile: "Duplicate key "section" detected at line 57 (near "section: blogs")." 12
Tue 14 of Feb, 2023 05:32 GMT-0000 Marc Laporte There were some errors while trying to load the profile definition Could not parse YAML in profile: "Duplicate key "feature_categories" detected at line 43 (near "feature_categories: y")." 11
Sat 03 of Aug, 2019 11:04 GMT-0000 Xavier de Pedro added extra poi 9 - 10
Sat 03 of Aug, 2019 10:08 GMT-0000 Xavier de Pedro added a new tracker item with geolocation and surrounded by quotes from text fields with spaces just in case 8
Mon 08 of Jul, 2019 13:20 GMT-0000 Xavi (as xavidp - admin) updated a couple of refs to latest version of profile 6 - 7
Sun 07 of Jul, 2019 14:58 GMT-0000 Xavier de Pedro added box and centered 4 - 5
Sun 07 of Jul, 2019 13:09 GMT-0000 Xavier de Pedro replaced GeoCMS_Maps: with GeoCMS_Maps_18: 3
Sun 07 of Jul, 2019 12:32 GMT-0000 Xavier de Pedro updated link to updated page to tiki18+ (ol3 params) 1 - 2