You have successfully installed, with a new menu on the side column to ease the navigation tasks and a bunch of potentially useful links.1.1. Is PluginR installed?
If you see a series of numbers from 1 to 10 below, this means that you have your already installed successfully in your Tiki site. Plugin disabled
Plugin r cannot be executed.
Otherwise, you need to install PluginR as admin by means of:
- tiki-mods.php (tiki-mods.php?action=install&package=wikiplugins-r) through the Tiki interface to install mods (see it in section 'Wiki plugins' at the bottom of the list).
- downloading PluginR from , decompressing it locally, and uploading the folders to their equivalent folders in the server side.
- Accepted parameters in the version of PluginR installed in this system
Click HERE to view/hide themPlugin disabledPlugin pluginmanager cannot be executed.
- Official documentation of PluginR - html
- Related profile: R_HeatMaps