This handler allows to create content templates for various object types in Tiki


objects: - type: template ref: some_template data: name: Hello World content: wikicontent:SomeTemplateContent sections: [ wiki page, forums, newsletters ]

objects: - type: template ref: some_template data: name: Hello World page: Template Page sections: [ wiki page, forums, newsletters ] - type: wiki_page data: name: Template Page content: wikicontent:some_page

Template Object

Field nameMandatoryValue
nameyesName of the template as displayed.
content Content of the template to be included by default
page Page name to use as the template (Tiki6)
sections List of Tiki sections for which the template is available: "wiki page", "forums", "newsletters". Default value only applies to "wiki pages"
type static or page, allows to switch to using wiki pages as content templates. When using page, content must contain page:PageName