What I'll talk about | |
Mass collaboration | |
What are the most important volunteer mass collaboration projects in the history of humankind? |
Wikipedia | |
Wikis: what for? | |
Why a wiki? | |
Give someone a fish and you feed them for a day. Teach someone to fish and you feed them for a lifetime. Add that knowledge to a wiki And countless people will be able to learn on their own And share their knowledge And many will feed their families |
Because email doesn't scale | |
What happens when... | |
Tiki Wiki CMS Groupware | |
Hundreds of built-in features | |
Action log Alert Articles & Submissions Backlinks Backup Banner Blog Bookmark Browser Compatibility Cache Calendar Category Charts Chat Comment Communication Center Compression (gzip) Contact Address book Contact us Content template Contribution Cookie Copyright Custom Home (and Group Home Page) Date and Time Debugger Console Directory (of hyperlinks) Documentation (Help System) DogFood Drawing Dynamic Content Dynamic Variable External Authentication FAQ Featured links File Gallery Forum Friendship Network (Community) Game Gmap Google maps Group Help System Hotword HTML Page i18n (Multilingual, l10n, Babelfish) Image Gallery Install Integrator Interaction Inter-User Messages InterTiki JS Calendar Karma Live Support Login Lost edit protection Mail-in Map with Mapserver Menu Meta Tag Mini-Calendar Mobile Tiki and Voice Tiki Mods Module Mootools Multimedia MultiTiki MyTiki Newsletter Newsreader Notepad OS independence (Non-Linux, Windows/IIS, Mac, BSD) PDF Performance Speed / Load Permission Poll Profile Manager Quicktags Quiz Rating Registration RSS Score Search Engine Friendly Search Security Semantic links Shadowbox Shoutbox Site Identity Slideshow Smarty Template Smiley Spam protection (Anti-bot CATPCHA) Spellcheck Spreadsheet Stats Survey System log Tags Task Tell a Friend + Social Bookmarking TikiTests Theme Trackers TRIM User Administration User Files User Menu Watch WebHelp Webmail Wiki 3D Wiki History, page rename, etc Wiki plugins extends basic syntax Wiki syntax text area, parser, etc Wiki structure (book and table of content) Workflow (Galaxia Workflow engine) WYSIWYCA WYSIWYG XMLRPC
But... | |
Permissions & groups | |
Wiki engine | |
Tracker & form generator & reports | |
Calendar | |
Blog & news articles | |
Discussion forums | |
File & image galleries | |
Multilingual | |
Profiles.Tiki.org | |
Tiki Use Cases | |
Tiki Use Cases (part 2) | |
Tiki Use Cases (part 3) | |
Major enhancements in 3 | |
Major enhancements in 4 | |
Major enhancements in 5 | |
Major enhancements in 6 | |
The Tiki model | |
Benefits & challenges | |
3 things... | |
Questions? | |
Thank you | |