This sample profile sets up the configuration needed to facilitate the creation of forums that help their users to seek consensus on the discussion topics held.


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Remember that once you install this profile, you are NOT LOCKED IN to any feature, menu or content. Everything can always be changed, deleted or added to.

Features (Quick List)

  • Forums
  • Ratings
  • User and Group Watches
  • User Preferences screen (to allow adding a user picture/avatar)
  • 2 new users created
  • Multilingual enabled (for instructions to be internationalized)

  • Please note that this demo profile creates two users (user1 and user2) for you in your site to help you test the feature from the point of view of different users.
  • One single user can not rate his/her own posts (not even the admin), and that's why you need a second user, at least, to rate the thread or posts of another user.
  • If you try this profile in a production system, remember to remove these 2 users if you don't want to keep them in your site.

3 pages found for title search 'Consensus_Forums'

YAML (Profile Code)


preferences: feature_forums: y feature_forum_parse: y forum_thread_defaults_by_forum: y wiki_comments_simple_ratings_options: 0,5,4,3,2,1 wiki_comments_form_displayed_default: n rating_results_detailed: y rating_smileys: y feature_userPreferences: y feature_mytiki: y forum_thread_user_settings_threshold: 3 instructions: Instructions for the Consensus Forums

preferences: feature_multilingual: y feature_translation: y feature_best_language: y feature_detect_language: y feature_search: y

Groups & Permissions

permissions: Anonymous: allow: - forum_read - ratings_view_results Registered: allow: - forums_report - forum_attach - forum_edit_own_posts - forum_post - forum_post_topic - forum_vote Editors: description: Can approve & delete allow: - admin_forum include: Registered

Create Forum
objects: - type: forum ref: General_Forum data: name: Discussion forum description: This forum allows rating forum threads and will display in the header of each user reply the current rating that this user maintains on the initial forum thread. This way, you can provide more attention and further details or clarifications to those users which agree less with the contents of the initial discussion thread (idea, proposal, action, ...). When the user changes the rating on the starting message of the thread, the user choice shown in his/her reply headers will be updated to reflect the user last rating on that starting message of the thread. attachments: everyone is_flat: n thread_style: commentStyle_threaded enable: - vote_threads - show_description - ui_avatar - ui_rating_choice_topic - ui_posts - ui_online list: - topic_reads - topic_replies - topic_points - topic_author - topic_last_post


preferences: feature_user_watches : y feature_group_watches : y


Add two users to facilitate rating other users threads
objects: - type: user data: name: user1 pass: user1 email: change: n groups: [ Registered ] - type: user data: name: user2 pass: user2 email: change: n groups: [ Registered ]

Wiki pages

objects: - type: wiki_page ref: consensus_forums_include data: name: Instructions for the Consensus Forums description: Instructions on how to use forums to help users seek consensus on discussion threads lang: en mode: create_or_update translations: [ $consensus_forums_es_include] content: wikicontent:Consensus_Forums_Instructions - type: wiki_page ref: consensus_forums_es_include data: name: Instrucciones de los Foros de Consenso description: Instrucciones sobre como users los foros para ayudar a los usuarios a buscar consensos en cada hilos de debate lang: es mode: create_or_update content: wikicontent:Consensus_Forums_Instrucciones