The purpose of this profile is to generate a quick start for the Groupmail feature for Tiki20+ sites. For more information, see Groupmail at the Documentation site and at the developers site.
Alias names for this page:
Group mail 20 | Groupmail20
Table of contents
preferences: feature_wiki: y feature_mytiki: y feature_webmail: y feature_contacts: y feature_trackers: y feature_jquery: y feature_ajax: y ajax_autosave: y feature_categories: y allowRegister: y userTracker: y groupTracker: y userPreferences: y wikiplugin_groupmailcore: y wikiplugin_cypht: y trackerfield_groupselector: y
User Data
objects: - type: tracker ref: user_info data: name: User Data description: Additional user info tracker default_status: open show: [ status, creation_date, modification_date, list_modification_date ] allow: [ ] - type: tracker_field ref: user_tracker_user data: name: User tracker: $user_info type: user flags: [ public, list, mandatory, link ] order: 1 - type: tracker_field ref: user_tracker_signature data: name: Signature tracker: $user_info type: text_area flags: [ public ] description: Sig attached to emails you send (overrides group sig) order: 10 - type: tracker_field ref: user_tracker_from data: name: From tracker: $user_info type: text_field flags: [ public, list ] description: From field displayed on emails you send (overrides group from) order: 20 - type: tracker_field ref: user_tracker_status data: name: Status tracker: $user_info type: text_field flags: [ public, list ] description: Your status as shown in GroupMail order: 30
Group Data
objects: - type: tracker ref: group_info data: name: Group Data description: Additional group info tracker default_status: open show: [ status, creation_date, modification_date, list_modification_date ] allow: [ ] - type: tracker_field ref: group_tracker_group data: name: Group tracker: $group_info type: group flags: [ public, list, mandatory, link ] order: 1 - type: tracker_field ref: group_tracker_signature data: name: Signature tracker: $group_info type: text_area flags: [ public ] description: Sig attached to emails you send (overrides group sig) order: 10 - type: tracker_field ref: group_tracker_from data: name: From tracker: $group_info type: text_field flags: [ public, list ] description: From field displayed on emails the group sends order: 20 - type: tracker_field ref: group_tracker_webmail data: name: Webmail tracker: $group_info type: text_field flags: [ public. list ] description: The name of the webmail account this group can access order: 30
GroupMail Logs
objects: - type: tracker ref: groupmail_tickets data: name: GroupMail Logs description: Taken emails (a.k.a. Cases) and replies default_status: open show: [ status, creation_date, modification_date, list_modification_date ] allow: [ ] sort_default_field: creation sort_default_order: desc - type: tracker_field ref: groupmail_tickets_from data: name: From tracker: $groupmail_tickets type: text_field flags: [ searchable, public, list, mandatory ] description: Original sender of the email order: 10 - type: tracker_field ref: groupmail_tickets_operator data: name: Operator tracker: $groupmail_tickets type: user flags: [ public, list, mandatory ] description: User (of this Tiki) in charge of this ticket order: 20 - type: tracker_field ref: groupmail_tickets_subject data: name: Subject tracker: $groupmail_tickets type: text_field flags: [ searchable, public, list, mandatory, link ] description: Original email subject order: 30 - type: tracker_field ref: groupmail_tickets_messageid data: name: Message_Id tracker: $groupmail_tickets type: text_field flags: [ public, mandatory ] description: Original email message-id order: 40 - type: tracker_field ref: groupmail_tickets_content data: name: Content tracker: $groupmail_tickets type: text_area flags: [ searchable, public ] description: Content body of the mail order: 50 - type: tracker_field ref: groupmail_tickets_account data: name: Mail_Account tracker: $groupmail_tickets type: text_field flags: [ searchable, public ] description: Original account the mail arrived at order: 60 - type: tracker_field ref: groupmail_tickets_datetime data: name: Date_Time tracker: $groupmail_tickets type: datetime options: dt,,,empty flags: [ searchable, public ] description: Mail received date order: 70
More to be definedYAML
permissions: Help Team: description: Users assigned to GroupMail work allow: [ use_webmail, use_group_webmail, use_personal_webmail, admin_personal_webmail, attach_trackers, comment_tracker_items, tracker_view_comments, create_tracker_items, list_trackers, modify_tracker_items, view_trackers, watch_trackers ] include: [ Registered ] user_tracker: $user_info group_tracker: $group_info user_tracker_field: $user_tracker_user group_tracker_field: $group_tracker_group
Example data
This adds sample data for the user and group trackersYAML
objects: - type: tracker_item ref: user_info_admin_record data: tracker: $user_info status: open values: - [ $user_tracker_user, admin ] - [ $user_tracker_signature, "from admin, head of The Help Team" ] - [ $user_tracker_from, ] - [ $user_tracker_status, "Here to help!" ] - type: tracker_item ref: group_info_helpteam_record data: tracker: $group_info status: open values: - [ $group_tracker_group, "Help Team" ] - [ $group_tracker_signature, "from The Help Team" ] - [ $group_tracker_from, ] - [ $group_tracker_webmail, "GroupMail Account (example)" ]
No modules needed.Groupmail-enabled Cypht plugin
objects: - type: wiki_page ref: GroupMail_cypht_plugin data: name: GroupMail description: Access Tiki GroupMail features from this page. content: '{cypht use_global_settings="n" groupmail="y" group="Help Team" trackerId="$profileobject:groupmail_tickets$" fromFId="$profileobject:groupmail_tickets_from$" operatorFId="$profileobject:groupmail_tickets_operator$" subjectFId="$profileobject:groupmail_tickets_subject$" messageFId="$profileobject:groupmail_tickets_messageid$" contentFId="$profileobject:groupmail_tickets_content$" accountFId="$profileobject:groupmail_tickets_account$" datetimeFId="$profileobject:groupmail_tickets_datetime$"}'
Plugin Alias
objects: - type: plugin_alias ref: groupmail_alias data: name: groupmail implementation: groupmailcore description: name: GroupMail description: Helper for group mail cases prefs: [ feature_trackers ] params: fromEmail: name: From Email description: Email address to report required: false accountName: name: Account Name description: Account to report from required: true body: input: ignore default: ignore params: trackerId: $groupmail_tickets fromFId: $groupmail_tickets_from operatorFId: $groupmail_tickets_operator subjectFId: $groupmail_tickets_subject messageFId: $groupmail_tickets_messageid contentFId: $groupmail_tickets_content accountFId: $groupmail_tickets_account datetimeFId: $groupmail_tickets_datetime fromEmail: accountName:
objects: - type: category ref: groupmail_category data: name: Help Team Pages description: Pages created by GroupMail
Redirects to GroupMail20_Instructions_includeYAML
instructions: GroupMail_Instructions objects: - type: wiki_page ref: GroupMail_include_wiki_page data: name: GroupMail_Instructions description: What needs to be done next content: wikicontent:GroupMail20_Instructions_include
Alias names for this page:
Group mail 20 | Groupmail20