edit the documentation page
This is the page for the documentation of this profile, and is designed to be shown just after the profile is successfully installed. This profile is not usable yet, but still on wishlist
This Learning_Center profile is intended to work using the new Workspaces feature implemented in Tiki4 core code. It's being designed for educational scenarios. The first case would be a workspace class with 1 teacher and many students.
Once this profile has been installed, you can browse departments and courses through the drop down options in the right column, while listing only in the hierarchical menu underneath the categories of objects related to that perspective, and appropriate objects under the "Since your last visit" box.
To Do
Related pages
7 pages found for title search 'Learning_Center'
This is the page for the documentation of this profile, and is designed to be shown just after the profile is successfully installed. This profile is not usable yet, but still on wishlist
This Learning_Center profile is intended to work using the new Workspaces feature implemented in Tiki4 core code. It's being designed for educational scenarios. The first case would be a workspace class with 1 teacher and many students.
Once this profile has been installed, you can browse departments and courses through the drop down options in the right column, while listing only in the hierarchical menu underneath the categories of objects related to that perspective, and appropriate objects under the "Since your last visit" box.
To Do
- find a way to make it easy to create new departments and courses from the homepage for the administrator
- — edit the sample data and categories A and B into department A, Course A1, Course A2, ... department B, Course B1, Course B2, ...-- done
- how can new departments be created from a wiki page?
look at the http://profiles.tiki.org/Project_Management profile edited by lph. - make it more similar to the Moodle interface for course creation
- ?
Related pages
7 pages found for title search 'Learning_Center'
- Learning_Center_HomePage
- Learning_Center_Documentation
- Learning_Center_Department_new_channel_template_include
- Learning_Center_Department_list
- Learning_Center_Course_XXXX_Syllabus
- Learning_Center_Course_template
- Learning_Center
Table of contents
This is a draft profile for a learning centerFeatures (Quick List)
- Wiki (Collaboration)
instructions: Learning_Center_Documentation preferences: feature_wiki: y feature_categories: y feature_perspective: y wikiplugin_datachannel: y wikiplugin_listpages: y wikiplugin_titlesearch: y wikiplugin_memberlist: y feature_page_title: n #Because most pages use underscore and it's ugly permissions: Anonymous: allow: [ perspective_view ] Registered: objects: - type: category object: $Learning_Center_root_category allow: - view_category - view objects: - type: wiki_page ref: Learning_Center_Department_list data: name: Learning_Center_Department_list content: wikicontent:Learning_Center_Department_list - type: wiki_page ref: Learning_Center_Department_new_channel_template data: name: Learning_Center_Department_new_channel_template content: wikidirect:Learning_Center_Department_new_channel_template_include - type: wiki_page ref: Learning_Center_Documentation data: name: Learning_Center_Documentation content: wikicontent:Learning_Center_Documentation - type: wiki_page ref: Learning_Center_HomePage data: name: Learning_Center_HomePage content: wikicontent:Learning_Center_HomePage - type: category ref: Learning_Center_root_category data: name: Learning_Center - type: datachannel ref: Learning_Center_Department_new_channel data: name: Learning_Center_Department_new_channel profile: $Learning_Center_Department_new_channel_template groups: [ Admins ]
- Learning_Center_Department_list
- Learning_Center_Department_new_channel_template_include as a data channel
- Learning_Center_Documentation
Features & Settings (YAML) - (Whole Tiki)
preferences: style: thenews.css feature_iepngfix: y # prevents major ugliness in IE6 sitetitle: $profilerequest:sitetitle$Learning center$ sitesubtitle: $profilerequest:sitesubtitle$An apple a day$ browsertitle: $profilerequest:browsertitle$Learning center$ feature_phplayers: y feature_cssmenus: y feature_top_bar: y feature_sitemenu: y allowRegister: y forgotPass: y feature_wiki : y feature_perspective: y
User Interface (YAML)
Top bar menu
preferences: feature_sitemenu : y feature_topbar_id_menu: $profileobject:Learning_Center_menu$
Menu items
objects: - type: menu ref: Learning_Center_menu data: name: Our Menu description: A menu containing the base navigation of the course collapse: none items: - name: Home url: ((Learning_Center_HomePage)) - name: About items: - name: Learning_Center url: ((Learning_Center)) - name: Help items: - name: Wiki Syntax Help url: ((Wiki Help)) - name: Admin menu url: tiki-admin_menus.php permissions: [ edit_menu ]
objects: - type: module ref: switcher data: name: perspective position: right order: 10 groups: [ Registered, Anonymous ] - type: module ref: category_listing data: name: categories position: right order: 20 groups: [ Admins, Registered, Anonymous ] - type: module ref: module_quick_edit data: name: quick_edit position: right groups: [ Registered ] order: 30 - type: module ref: module_since_last_visit_new data: name: since_last_visit_new position: right groups: [ Registered ] order: 40
Object Creation (YAML)
Create some sample categories to prefill the site with some content. To be edited later on.YAML
objects: - type: category ref: tree_a data: name: Department A items: - [ wiki page, $aonly ] - [ forum, $foruma ] - [ forum, $foruma_and_b ] - [ file gallery, $fgaonly ] - [ blog, $aonlyblog ] - [ blog, $aandbblog ] - [ tracker, $trackera ] - type: category ref: tree_b data: name: Department B items: - [ wiki page, $bonly ] - [ forum, $forumb ] - [ forum, $foruma_and_b ] - [ file gallery, $fgbonly ] - [ blog, $bonlyblog ] - [ blog, $aandbblog ] - type: category ref: a1 data: name: Course A1 parent: $tree_a items: - [ wiki page, $o1 ] - [ wiki page, $oax ] - [ file gallery, $fg1 ] - [ file gallery, $fgax ] - type: category ref: a2 data: name: Course A2 parent: $tree_a items: - [ wiki page, $o2 ] - [ wiki page, $oax ] - [ file gallery, $fg2 ] - [ file gallery, $fgax ] - type: category ref: a3 data: name: Course A3 parent: $tree_a items: - [ wiki page, $o3 ] - [ wiki page, $oax ] - [ file gallery, $fg3 ] - [ file gallery, $fgax ] - type: category ref: b1 data: name: Course B1 parent: $tree_b items: - [ wiki page, $o1 ] - [ wiki page, $obx ] - [ file gallery, $fg1 ] - [ file gallery, $fgbx ] - type: category ref: b2 data: name: Course B2 parent: $tree_b items: - [ wiki page, $o2 ] - [ wiki page, $obx ] - [ file gallery, $fg2 ] - [ file gallery, $fgbx ] - type: category ref: b3 data: name: Course B3 parent: $tree_b items: - [ wiki page, $o3 ] - [ wiki page, $obx ] - [ file gallery, $fg3 ] - [ file gallery, $fgbx ]
Sample Data to play and test with
objects: - type: wiki_page ref: o1 data: name: Wikipage for Courses A1 and B1 content: Irrelevant - type: wiki_page ref: o2 data: name: Wikipage for Courses A2 and B2 content: Irrelevant - type: wiki_page ref: o3 data: name: Wikipage for Courses A3 and B3 content: Irrelevant - type: wiki_page ref: oax data: name: Wikipage for Courses A1 A2 A3 content: Irrelevant - type: wiki_page ref: obx data: name: Wikipage for Courses B1 B2 B3 content: Irrelevant - type: wiki_page ref: aonly data: name: Wikipage for Courses from department A content: Irrelevant - type: wiki_page ref: bonly data: name: Wikipage for Courses from department B content: Irrelevant
objects: - type: blog ref: aonlyblog data: title: Blog for courses for department A - type: blog ref: bonlyblog data: title: Blog for courses for department B - type: blog ref: aandbblog data: title: Blog for courses for departments A and B
objects: - type: forum ref: foruma data: name: A - type: forum ref: forumb data: name: B - type: forum ref: foruma_and_b data: name: A and B
objects: - type: file_gallery ref: fg1 data: name: A1 and B1 flags: [ public, visible ] - type: file_gallery ref: fg2 data: name: A2 and B2 flags: [ public, visible ] - type: file_gallery ref: fg3 data: name: A3 and B3 flags: [ public, visible ] - type: file_gallery ref: fgax data: name: A1 A2 A3 flags: [ public, visible ] - type: file_gallery ref: fgbx data: name: B1 B2 B3 flags: [ public, visible ] - type: file_gallery ref: fgaonly data: name: A flags: [ public, visible ] - type: file_gallery ref: fgbonly data: name: B flags: [ public, visible ]
objects: - type: tracker ref: trackera data: name: Trial_of_tracker description: Trial of tracker for the Learning Center profile default_status: open show: [ status, creation_date, modification_date, list_modification_date ] allow: [ comments, attachments ] - type: tracker_field ref: trial_tracker_summary data: name: Summary tracker: $trackera type: text_field flags: [ searchable, public, list, mandatory, link ] order: 10 - type: tracker_field ref: trial_tracker_priority data: name: Priority tracker: $trackera type: dropdown options: 5 (high),4,3,2,1 (low) flags: [ searchable, public, list ] order: 20
objects: - type: perspective data: name: Dept. A preferences: category_jail: $tree_a - type: perspective data: name: Dept. B preferences: category_jail: $tree_b - type: perspective data: name: Course A1 preferences: category_jail: $a1 - type: perspective data: name: Course A2 preferences: category_jail: $a2 - type: perspective data: name: Course A3 preferences: category_jail: $a3 - type: perspective data: name: Course B1 preferences: category_jail: $b1 - type: perspective data: name: Course B2 preferences: category_jail: $b2 - type: perspective data: name: Course B3 preferences: category_jail: $b3 - type: perspective data: name: Courses number1 preferences: category_jail: $profileobject:a1$,$profileobject:b1$ - type: perspective data: name: Courses number2 preferences: category_jail: $profileobject:a2$,$profileobject:b2$ - type: perspective data: name: Courses number3 preferences: category_jail: $profileobject:a3$,$profileobject:b3$ - type: perspective data: name: ALL Departments and Courses preferences: category_jail: $profileobject:tree_a$,$profileobject:tree_b$
Groups & Permissions (YAML)
permissions: Anonymous: allow: - view - wiki_view_history description: Already exists Registered: description: Will be ignored because group is already created allow: - edit Admins: allow: - admin
Classroom | Learning_Centre | Training_Center | Learning | Training | TeachingFeature request
These are things that would help to make this profile faster/easier/nicerImportant
- Include plugin: direct link to edit that included page, and send back to initial page after edit
- multi-edit of trackers for gradebook
- modify many tracker items in one save (trackerlist plugin)
Nice to have
- Wiki blame: WikiTrust
- Rating per wiki edit (like in NWiki module for Moodle 1.8).