This profile will apply a set of changes to the settings in your tiki site to make it adapted to work as a blog as the common blogs elsewhere (wordpress, etc.) plus the geolocation capability of your blog posts. You publish your content, and anonymous users can post comments to them (with an antibot captcha). Comment moderation is active, and you will be able control potential spammers if they happen to post to your site (you can remove multiple comments in one go, while also banning their multiple users names or ip with just a minimum number of clicks).
Keep in mind that once you install this profile, you are NOT LOCKED IN to any feature, menu or content. Everything can always be changed, deleted or added to.
Pages in involved:
7 pages found for title search 'Easy_GeoBlog'
(from twitter or elsewhere) on the right side
Header images are derived from the ones taken by Jean-Marc Libs (jyhem) in Barcelona during the TikiFestBarcelona2 in 2010.
Easy Blog | EasyBlog | Easy_Blog | EasyGeoBlog | Easy Geo Blog | Easy_GeoBlog | Easy_Geo_Blog
Keep in mind that once you install this profile, you are NOT LOCKED IN to any feature, menu or content. Everything can always be changed, deleted or added to.
Pages in involved:
7 pages found for title search 'Easy_GeoBlog'
- Easy_GeoBlog_Registered_HomePage
- Easy_GeoBlog_map_include
- Easy_GeoBlog_Instructions
- Easy_GeoBlog_Custom_CSS
- Easy_GeoBlog_Custom_Code
- Easy_GeoBlog_about_include
- Easy_GeoBlog
Table of contents
Features (Quick List)
- Blogs
- Comments
- Geolocated blog posts & aggregated Map
- Different home page once the user logs in
- Random header image from files included in a file gallery
- Wysiwyg Editor (compatible mode with wiki syntax)
- Wiki
- Search
- Menu
- Freetags
- Banning (for anonymous comments to your site from spammers)
Features & Settings (YAML)
instructions: Instructions preferences: style: $profilerequest:style$gradiant.css$ feature_iepngfix: y # prevents major ugliness in IE6 sitetitle: $profilerequest:sitetitle$My Easy GeoBlog$ sitesubtitle: $profilerequest:sitesubtitle$My thoughts and musings$ browsertitle: $profilerequest:browsertitle$Easy GeoBlog$ feature_topbar_custom_code: wikicontent:Easy_GeoBlog_Custom_Code header_custom_css: wikicontent:Easy_GeoBlog_Custom_CSS feature_cssmenus: y feature_top_bar: y menus_items_icons: y allowRegister: y forgotPass: y feature_blogs: y feature_comments_moderation: y feature_comments_locking: y feature_contact: y contact_anon: y feature_categories : y feature_freetags : y feature_messages: y feature_search : y feature_user_watches : y feature_group_watches : y feature_mytiki : y feature_userPreferences: y feature_file_galleries: y feature_sitelogo: n feature_site_login: n sitemycode_publish: y feature_layoutshadows: y feature_jquery: y feature_sitemenu: n wikiplugin_titlesearch: y wikiplugin_list: y geo_locate_blogpost: y comments_field_website: y comments_field_email: y feature_banning: y feature_actionlog: y feature_wysiwyg: y useGroupHome: y limitedGoGroupHome: y
User Interface (YAML)
Top bar menu
preferences: feature_sitemenu : y feature_topbar_id_menu: $profileobject:easy_geoblog_menu$
Menu items
objects: - type: menu ref: easy_geoblog_menu data: name: My Menu description: A menu containing the base navigation of the site collapse: none mode: create_or_update items: - name: Home url: tiki-view_blog.php?blogId=$profileobject:personal$ - name: About url: ((Me)) - name: Map url: ((Map)) - name: Contact me url: tiki-contact.php - name: Files url: tiki-list_file_gallery.php permissions: [ upload_files ] - name: Help permissions: [ edit_page ] items: - name: Wiki Syntax Help url: ((Wiki Help)) permissions: [ edit_page ] - name: Admin menu url: tiki-admin_menus.php permissions: [ edit_menu ]
objects: - type: module ref: module_search data: name: search position: right groups: [ Anonymous, Registered ] mode: create_or_update order: 2 params: compact: y nobox: y decorations: y notitle: y - type: module ref: module_months_links data: name: months_links position: right groups: [ Anonymous ] order: 4 mode: create_or_update params: feature: blogs id: $profileobject:personal$ title: Archives - type: module ref: module_since_last_visit_new data: name: since_last_visit_new position: left groups: [ Registered ] mode: create_or_update order: 20 params: use_jquery_ui: y - type: module ref: module_freetags_most_popular data: name: freetags_most_popular position: right groups: [ Anonymous ] order: 25 mode: create_or_update params: section: blogs nonums: y type: cloud max: 50 where: All - type: module ref: module_freetag data: name: freetag position: right groups: [ Anonymous ] order: 35 mode: create_or_update params: section: blogs nonums: y - type: module ref: module_last_blog_posts data: name: last_blog_posts position: right groups: [ Anonymous ] order: 40 mode: create_or_update params: blogid: $profileobject:personal$ nonums: y - type: module ref: module_blog_last_comments data: position: right order: 60 name: blog_last_comments groups: [ Anonymous ] mode: create_or_update - type: module ref: module_twitter_rss data: name: Tiki Tweets position: right order: 70 rows: 5 groups: [ Anonymous ] mode: create_or_update custom: "{rss id=$profileobject:external_rss$ max=3}" - type: module ref: module_header_pics data: name: Header Pictures position: top order: 2 groups: [ Anonymous, Registered ] mode: create_or_update params: notitle: y nobox: y custom: | {CENTER()}{img randomGalleryId="$profileobject:header_pictures_gallery_id$" stylebox="border" responsive="y"}{CENTER}{JQ()} $(document).ready(function () { $('#top_modules .imgbox').attr('style', 'display: inline-block; max-width: 100%; width: 966px !important; height: auto !important;'); $('#top_modules').css({ display: 'block' }); $('#top_modules .box-logo').css({ display: 'none' }); $('#top_modules .box-login_box').css({ display: 'grid' }); $('#top_modules .imgbox img').css({ width: '100%' }); }); {JQ} parse: y - type: module ref: module_menu data: name: menu position: top groups: [ Anonymous, Registered ] order: 1 mode: create_or_update params: id: $profileobject:easy_geoblog_menu$ type: horiz nobox: y decorations: n notitle: y
Object Creation (YAML)
Wiki Pages
objects: - type: wiki_page ref: easy_geoblog_registered_homepage_include data: name: Registered HomePage description: Registered Members HomePage lang: en mode: create_or_update content: wikicontent:Easy_GeoBlog_Registered_HomePage - type: wiki_page ref: easy_geoblog_instructions_include data: name: Instructions description: Profile Instructions lang: en mode: create_or_update content: wikicontent:Easy_GeoBlog_Instructions - type: wiki_page ref: easy_geoblog_about_include data: name: Me description: About Me lang: en mode: create_or_update content: wikicontent:Easy_GeoBlog_about_include - type: wiki_page ref: easy_geoblog_map data: name: Map description: Map of Posts lang: en mode: create_or_update content: wikicontent:Easy_GeoBlog_map_include - type: wiki_page ref: easy_geoblog_help_include data: name: Wiki Help description: Wiki Syntax Help lang: en mode: create_or_update content: wikicontent:Simple_Sample_Page
objects: - type: blog ref: personal data: title: $profilerequest:Blog Title$My Personal GeoBlog$ description: $profilerequest:Blog Description$Random daily thoughts and travel stories$ user: $profilerequest:Blog Owner$admin$ use_title: y comments: y allow_comments: y mode: create_or_update heading : $profilerequest:Heading$Never a dull moment!$ - type: blog_post ref: sample_post3 data: blog: $personal title: PLEASE READ content: wikicontent:personal_blog_and_profile_post3_include geolocation: -46.6333094,-23.5505199,15 - type: blog_post ref: sample_post1 data: blog: $personal title: Introducing Tiki Profiles content: wikicontent:personal_blog_and_profile_post1_include geolocation: -73.5539925,45.5086699,15 - type: blog_post ref: sample_post2 data: blog: $personal title: TikiFestBarcelona2 July 12-18th 2010 content: wikicontent:personal_blog_and_profile_post2_include geolocation: 2.1734035,41.3850639,15
RSS Feed
This will create an RSS Feed that will display your updated infos(from twitter or elsewhere) on the right side
objects: - type: rss ref: external_rss data: name: Tiki Events url:
File Gallery
objects: - type: file_gallery ref: General_File_Gallery data: name: General description: Images & files owner: admin archives: 0 flags: [ public, visible, lockable ] column: [ icon, name, created, creator, files ] - type: file_gallery ref: header_pictures_gallery_id data: name: Header Pictures description: Images for the header at 800 x 150 px that will be resized to 980px in the header module owner: admin archives: 0 flags: [ public, visible, lockable ] column: [ icon, name, created, creator, files ] init_files: - - - - - -
Header images are derived from the ones taken by Jean-Marc Libs (jyhem) in Barcelona during the TikiFestBarcelona2 in 2010.
Groups & Permissions (YAML)
Name | Description |
Anonymous | Anonymous users can read blog posts and add comments |
Registered | Just self-register with an email address |
Editors | Can destroy & edit all content |
SubAdmins | Almost all powers |
Admins | All powers |
permissions: Anonymous: allow: - download_files - list_file_galleries - messages - read_blog - read_comments - comment - post_comments - search - view - view_calendar - view_categories - view_categorized - view_events - view_fgal_explorer - view_fgal_path - view_file_gallery - view_freetags description: Already exists Registered: description: Blog user home: $easy_geoblog_registered_homepage_include allow: - add_events - blog_post - create_blogs - edit - edit_categorized - freetags_tag - plugin_preview - upload_files - upload_picture - watch_trackers Editors: description: Can approve & delete allow: - admin_banning - admin_calendar - admin_categories - admin_comments - admin_file_galleries - admin_freetags - admin_notifications - admin_rssmodules - admin_shoutbox - admin_wiki - blog_admin - clean_cache - edit_menu - edit_menu_option - lock - minor - plugin_approve - trust_input - use_HTML include: Registered SubAdmins: include: Editors allow: - adminusers Admins: include: SubAdmins allow: - admin
Easy Blog | EasyBlog | Easy_Blog | EasyGeoBlog | Easy Geo Blog | Easy_GeoBlog | Easy_Geo_Blog