Webmail Handler (only available from v6.0)
Allows the Webmail compose screen to be opened with content pre-populated. Typically used through a data channel so that it can be invoked from a button on a wiki page.
objects: - type: webmail ref: new_webmail data: to: test@test.com cc: test@test.com bcc: test@test.com subject: Subject text body: wikiparsed:TempWebmail # uses text from a wiki page html: n
Webmail Object Parameters
Field name | Mandatory | Value | tiki version |
type | yes | must be "webmail" | >=6.0 |
ref | can potentially link to other objects | >=6.0 | |
accountId | the account Id# that is set as the current send webmail account | from ??? | |
to | the 'direct' addressee(s) for the webmail. Can be a comma separated list or imported from a wiki page using for example wikiparsed: pagename or wikicontent: pagename | >=6.0 | |
cc | the 'copy to' addressee(s) for the webmail. Can be a comma separated list or imported from a wiki page using for example wikiparsed: pagename or wikicontent: pagename | >=6.0 | |
bcc | the 'blind copy' addressee(s) for the webmail. Can be a comma separated list or import from a wiki page using for example wikiparsed: pagename or wikicontent: pagename | >=6.0 | |
subject | the webmail subject line. Can be simple text or imported from a wiki page using for example wikiparsed: pagename or wikicontent: pagename | >=6.0 | |
body | the webmail body content. Can be simple text or imported from a wiki page using for example wikiparsed: pagename or wikicontent: pagename | >=6.0 | |
html | sets the webmail html parameter | >=6.0 | |
fattId | sets a File Gallery fileId# that will be an attachment to the composed webmail | >=12.4 but not Tiki13 | |
pageaftersend | defines a wiki page that a link is shown to 'clicked through to' after the send is complete. A useful feature since this can be assigned dynamically in a profile when webmail is used as part of an overall business process | >=12.4 but not Tiki13 |
Minimally, to open the webmail screen with just a to: field populated the following YAML syntax will suffice.YAML
objects: - type: webmail data: to: test@test.com
A more complete set of YAML might look like this
objects: - type: webmail data: accountId: 3 to: test@test.com cc: test2@test.com bcc: test3@test.com subject: the subject line text body: the text in the body of the composed webmail html: y fattId: 12 pageaftersend: Homepage
- mind your spaces here each level of indentation is two spaces. (recommended). type and data are at the third level, webmail fields at the fourth
List of Profiles with Webmail Handler
None yet