- Get the most recent stable version of Tiki
- Profiles are not maintained for previous versions. They may work, but no active testing will be done.
- Point your browser to tiki-admin.php?page=profiles for your site
- You can use default profile repository
- Click "List" (all profiles)
- Click on a profile to read about it. Make sure to choose a profile which works for your version of Tiki.
- Once you have read the info (which is a wiki page taken from profiles.tiki.org), you can click "apply"
- Apply one or many profiles.
- If you apply many profiles, the last one you install "wins" in case of conflicts.
You can also use PluginProfile.
To apply a profile via the command line on older Tikis
php lib/profilelib/shell.php install CartoGraf
To apply a profile via the command line on newer Tikis
php console.php profile:apply CartoGraf
Screenshots can be seen at: Administration Interface