
History: Collaborative_Multilingual_Terminology


Information Version
Thu 28 of Dec, 2023 17:00 GMT-0000 Marc Laporte warning 621
Fri 14 of Jul, 2017 11:44 GMT-0000 luciash d' being 🧙 mark broken link 620
Tue 24 of Jan, 2017 11:09 GMT-0000 Xavi (as xavidp - admin) adding a space between "-" and the permission name to have th enew yaml library in 16.x accept the syntax (it was probably invalid yaml being tolerated only by the former yaml library and not allowed) 619
Wed 18 of Apr, 2012 19:00 GMT-0000 Marc Laporte more 618
Wed 18 of Apr, 2012 17:22 GMT-0000 Marc Laporte more 610 - 617
Sun 18 of Mar, 2012 20:53 GMT-0000 Greg Wheat Moved to needs a bit more coding 609
Fri 03 of Dec, 2010 13:31 GMT-0000 Marc Laporte Should be obvious 608
Tue 14 of Sep, 2010 02:10 GMT-0000 Marc Laporte cleaner 607
Mon 15 of Feb, 2010 21:27 GMT-0000 alain_desilets 605 - 606
Mon 15 of Feb, 2010 19:37 GMT-0000 alain_desilets 602 - 604
Wed 03 of Feb, 2010 20:57 GMT-0000 alain_desilets 601
Sun 24 of Jan, 2010 12:07 GMT-0000 alain_desilets 600
Tue 22 of Dec, 2009 21:48 GMT-0000 alain_desilets 599
Tue 22 of Dec, 2009 16:56 GMT-0000 alain_desilets 596 - 598