
History: SNiPTT


Information Version
Sat 19 of Feb, 2011 04:06 GMT-0000 luciash d' being 🧙 added missing Edit User Post page + removed one test user 109
Tue 30 of Nov, 2010 04:31 GMT-0000 luciash d' being 🧙 correct link to *My* Profile 108
Wed 29 of Sep, 2010 17:19 GMT-0000 Xavier de Pedro fixed the problem with "My profile" showing also my own post as my followers posts, it seems. Plus th ewrong link at the link at the bottom, when a user see's his own profile page (tr_user gets popula 105 - 107
Tue 14 of Sep, 2010 03:19 GMT-0000 Marc Laporte cleaner 104
Tue 14 of Sep, 2010 02:21 GMT-0000 Marc Laporte cleaner 103
Wed 08 of Sep, 2010 22:50 GMT-0000 luciash d' being 🧙 deny modify tracker items for the user trackers category 102
Tue 07 of Sep, 2010 23:02 GMT-0000 luciash d' being 🧙 little change to see if it helps to apply this profile on Windows 101
Sun 05 of Sep, 2010 03:22 GMT-0000 luciash d' being 🧙 it doesn't work to store profile picture if db is used to store tracker files in tiki 5.1 (?) 97 - 100
Sat 04 of Sep, 2010 20:53 GMT-0000 luciash d' being 🧙 fix to not define objects twice, otherwise only the last one was applied 96
Sat 04 of Sep, 2010 18:05 GMT-0000 luciash d' being 🧙 Create some demo users note 95
Sat 04 of Sep, 2010 00:09 GMT-0000 luciash d' being 🧙 forgot one template 90 - 94
Sun 29 of Aug, 2010 19:59 GMT-0000 luciash d' being 🧙 profilerequest can't have empty default value ? 89
Sat 28 of Aug, 2010 23:35 GMT-0000 luciash d' being 🧙 oops 87 - 88
Sat 28 of Aug, 2010 17:33 GMT-0000 luciash d' being 🧙 Center Plugin modified by editor. 86
Sat 28 of Aug, 2010 16:23 GMT-0000 luciash d' being 🧙 labels must be unique for 3 different users 85