Pages used by this profile: 14 pages found for title search 'barter'
Pages used by other somewhat related profiles: 5 pages found for title search 'Kart'
One page found for title search 'exchange' |
preferences: allowRegister: y art_home_title: y auth_method: y available_languages: y browsertitle: $profilerequest:browsertitle$Our barter community$ change_theme: y cookie_domain: y cookie_name: y cookie_path: y default_wiki_diff_style: y display_field_order: y feature_actionlog: y feature_ajax: y feature_article_comments: y feature_articles: y feature_backlinks: y feature_best_language: y feature_blogs: n feature_calendar : y feature_categories: y feature_cms_emails: y feature_cms_templates: y feature_comments_post_as_anonymous: y feature_community_gender: n feature_community_mouseover: y feature_cssmenus: y feature_detect_language: y feature_display_my_to_others: y feature_file_galleries_author: y feature_file_galleries: y feature_forum_local_search: y feature_forum_parse: y feature_forum_quickjump: y feature_forum_replyempty: y feature_forums_allow_thread_titles: y feature_forums_search: y feature_forums: y feature_freetags: y feature_groupalert : n feature_group_watches : y feature_iepngfix: y # prevents major ugliness in IE6 feature_jquery: y feature_layoutshadows: y feature_messages: y feature_minichat : n feature_modulecontrols: y feature_multilingual: y feature_mytiki : y feature_newsletters : y feature_notepad : n feature_polls : y feature_referer_highlight: y feature_referer_stats: y feature_right_column: y feature_score: y feature_search_show_object_filter: y feature_search_show_object_type: y feature_search_show_pertinence: y feature_search_stats: y feature_search: y feature_smileys: y feature_submissions: y feature_tasks : n feature_trackers: y feature_translation: y feature_urgent_translation: y feature_use_quoteplugin: y feature_user_bookmarks : n feature_userfiles : n feature_userPreferences: y feature_user_watches : y feature_wikiapproval: n feature_wiki_argvariable: y feature_wiki_attachments: y feature_wiki_comments: y feature_wiki_multiprint: y feature_wiki_open_as_structure: y feature_wiki_print: y feature_wiki_show_hide_before: y feature_wiki_structure: y feature_wiki_userpage_prefix: y feature_wiki: y feature_wysiwyg: y fgal_limit_hits_per_file: y fgal_prevent_negative_score: y forgotPass: y forum_thread_style: y forum_thread_user_settings_keep: y limitedGoGroupHome: y log_mail: y long_date_format: y long_time_format: y modseparateanon: y payment_currency: $profilerequest:Currency initials$ECO$ payment_feature: y quantify_changes: y remembermethod: y rememberme: y short_date_format: y short_time_format: y sitemycode: y sitesubtitle: $profilerequest:sitesubtitle$Join us$ sitesubtitle: y sitetitle: $profilerequest:sitetitle$Our Barter Market$ sitetitle: y useGroupHome: y use_minified_scripts: n user_flip_modules: y user_show_realnames: y users_prefs_display_timezone: y users_prefs_mailCharset: y users_prefs_mess_sendReadStatus: y users_prefs_user_information: y wiki_creator_admin: y wiki_edit_plugin: y wiki_page_regex: n wikiplugin_addtocart: y wikiplugin_trackerfilter: y wikiplugin_trackerlist: y wiki_watch_author: y wiki_watch_editor: y
preferences: feature_sitemenu : y feature_topbar_id_menu: y feature_topbar_id_menu: $profileobject:Barter_market_horizontal_menu$ feature_top_bar: y
objects: - type: menu ref: Barter_market_horizontal_menu data: name: My Menu description: A menu containing the base navigation of the site collapse: none items: - name: Home url: ((HomePage)) - name: About items: - name: Community url: ((Community)) - name: Calendar url: tiki-calendar.php - name: Forums url: tiki-forums.php - name: Files url: tiki-list_file_gallery.php - name: Help items: - name: Wiki Syntax Help url: ((Wiki Help)) - name: Admin menu url: tiki-admin_menus.php permissions: [ edit_menu ]
objects: - type: module ref: module_cart data: position: left order: 1 name: cart groups: [ Anonymous ] - type: module ref: module_breadcrumb data: position: left order: 2 name: breadcrumb groups: [ Anonymous ] - type: module ref: module_quick_edit data: name: quick_edit position: right groups: [ Registered ] order: 3 - type: module ref: module_calendar_new data: name: calendar_new position: right groups: [ Anonymous ] order: 4 - type: module ref: module_upcoming_events data: name: upcoming_events position: right groups: [ Anonymous ] order: 5 - type: module ref: module_last_blog_posts data: name: last_blog_posts position: right groups: [ Anonymous ] order: 10 - type: module ref: module_users_rank data: name: users_rank position: right groups: [ Registered ] order: 15 - type: module ref: module_since_last_visit_new data: name: since_last_visit_new position: right groups: [ Registered ] order: 20
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objects: - type: forum ref: General_Forum data: name: Discussion forum attachments: everyone enable: [ topic_smiley ] list: [ topic_reads ]
Name | Description |
Anonymous | Anonymous users can read articles |
Registered | Just self-register with an email address |
Editors | Can destroy & edit all content |
SubAdmins | Almost all powers |
Admins | All powers |
permissions: Anonymous: allow: - download_files - forum_read - list_file_galleries - list_trackers - live_support - read_article - read_blog - read_comments - search - tracker_view_comments - tracker_view_ratings - view - view_calendar - view_categories - view_categorized - view_directory - view_events - view_faqs - view_fgal_explorer - view_fgal_path - view_file_gallery - view_freetags - view_poll_results - view_sheet - view_shoutbox - view_tiki_calendar - view_trackers - view_trackers_closed - view_trackers_pending - wiki_view_attachments - wiki_view_comments - wiki_view_history - wiki_view_source description: Already exists Registered: description: Will be ignored because group is already created allow: - add_events - attach_trackers - blog_post - comment - comment_tracker_items - create_blogs - create_bookmarks - create_tracker_items - edit - edit_categorized - edit_sheet - forums_report - forum_attach - forum_edit_own_posts - forum_post - forum_post_topic - forum_vote - freetags_tag - messages - notepad - payment_view - payment_request - plugin_preview - post_comments - post_shoutbox - submit_article - submit_link - suggest_faq - take_quiz - take_survey - tasks - tracker_vote_ratings - upload_files - upload_picture - userfiles - usermenu - vote_comments - vote_poll - watch_trackers Editors: description: Can approve & delete allow: - admin_banners - admin_banning - admin_calendar - admin_categories - admin_cms - admin_comments - admin_directory - admin_dynamic - admin_faqs - admin_file_galleries - admin_forum - admin_freetags - admin_newsletters - admin_notifications - admin_polls - admin_quizzes - admin_rssmodules - admin_sheet - admin_shoutbox - admin_surveys - admin_wiki - blog_admin - broadcast - broadcast_all - clean_cache - detach_translation - edit_cookies - edit_dynvar - edit_languages - edit_menu - edit_menu_option - export_tracker - live_support_admin - lock - minor - modify_tracker_items - plugin_approve - trust_input - use_HTML - wiki_admin_attachments include: Registered Customers: description: Ignored allow: [] include: [ Registered ] SubAdmins: include: Editors allow: - adminusers Admins: description: Site administrators include: SubAdmins allow: - admin - payment_manual - payment_admin
objects: - type: category ref: category_offerings data: name: Offerings description: Base category for all offerings - type: category ref: category_food data: name: Food parent: $category_offerings - type: category ref: category_drink data: name: Drink parent: $category_offerings - type: category ref: category_others data: name: Others parent: $category_offerings - type: category ref: category_pretty_tracker_templates data: name: Pretty Tracker Templates description: For Wiki pages serving as templates for Tracker and TrackerList wikiplugins items: - [ wiki_page, $page_offeringlist_tpl ] - [ wiki_page, $page_offering_tpl ]
objects: - type: tracker ref: tracker_offerings data: name: Offerings description: Offerings of goods, knowledge, and services. default_status: open show: [ modification_date ] - type: tracker_field ref: tracker_offerings_code data: name: Offering Code description: Unique offering code id tracker: $tracker_offerings type: auto_increment options: ,,,itemId flags: [ public, list, mandatory, link ] order: 1 - type: tracker_field ref: tracker_offerings_title data: name: Title description: Main display name of the offering tracker: $tracker_offerings type: text_field flags: [ searchable, public, list, mandatory, link ] order: 10 - type: tracker_field ref: tracker_offerings_description data: name: Description description: More info tracker: $tracker_offerings type: text_area flags: [ searchable, public, list ] order: 20 - type: tracker_field ref: tracker_offerings_category data: name: Category description: Offering category tracker: $tracker_offerings type: category options: $profileobject:category_offerings$,checkbox flags: [ searchable, public, mandatory, list ] order: 30 - type: tracker_field ref: tracker_offerings_price data: name: Price description: The offering price as a decimal value (e.g. 42.50) tracker: $tracker_offerings type: numeric options: 0,6,$profilerequest:Currency symbol$€$, flags: [ public, list, mandatory ] order: 40 - type: tracker_field ref: tracker_offerings_weight data: name: Weight description: The weight of the offering (most likely in grammes) tracker: $tracker_offerings type: numeric flags: [ mandatory ] order: 50 - type: tracker_field ref: tracker_offerings_image data: name: Image description: Main image of the offering for offering detail page tracker: $tracker_offerings type: image flags: [ public ] order: 60 - type: tracker_field ref: tracker_offerings_thumb data: name: Thumbnail description: Smaller image for lists tracker: $tracker_offerings type: image flags: [ public, list, link ] order: 70
objects: - type: tracker ref: people data: name: People description: People registered allow: [ attachments ] default_status: open - type: tracker_field ref: people_name data: name: Name tracker: $people type: text_field flags: [ public, list, mandatory, link ] order: 10 - type: tracker_field ref: people_interests data: name: Short Description description: Very short description of interests from each person. tracker: $people type: text_area flags: [ public ] order: 60
objects: - type: wiki_page ref: page_offering_tpl data: name: Profile_Barter_Offering_Template content: wikicontent:Profile_Barter_Offering_Template - type: wiki_page ref: page_offeringlist_tpl data: name: Profile_Barter_OfferingList_Template content: wikicontent:Profile_Barter_OfferingList_Template - type: wiki_page ref: page_offering data: name: Offering content: wikicontent:Profile_Barter_Offering_Include - type: wiki_page ref: page_offeringlist data: name: Offerings content: wikicontent:Profile_Barter_OfferingList_Include