
History: Collaborative_Multilingual_Terminology

Preview of version: 386

When completed, this profile will allow a group of users to collaborate on creating a multilingual glossary of terms for a site. This kind of glossary is invaluable to help with the translation of content, and ensure consistent use of terms and their equivalents.

A big inspiration for this profile is HTAGlossary site

It is being tested/developed at: http://terminology.tikiwiki.org/

To try on your own, get a pre-release of Tiki4 at Download, and apply this profile.

Table of contents

Features & settings

instructions: Get Started with Multilingual Terminology preferences: terminology_profile_installed: y # The whole thing is based on the wiki feature feature_wiki : y # # Pages for a term must be available in multiple languages # feature_multilingual : y feature_translation: y # So you can see a term and its translation on same page feature_multilingual_one_page: y # So users can specify the languages that they # speak change_language: y # # For sites with less than 4 available languages, include all languages # in the preferred language list. Additional languages will be added at # the end of the list. # language_inclusion_threshold: 4 # # Wiki link format; characters that can be used with Wiki link syntax: ((page name)). # Since terms will be as wiki pages, let's permit the maximum. # wiki_page_regex: complete # # Enable templates, so we can provide user with # templates for terminology entries # feature_wiki_templates: y # # User preferences needed so users can specify # the languages they are interested in. # feature_userPreferences: y feature_mytiki: y # # Backlinks (what links here) and semantic (how does that backlink relate?) # feature_backlinks: y feature_semantic: y # # In tiki-listpages.php, we want to see the language. # wiki_list_language: y # # Page title is the term, so it should be displayed # feature_page_title : y # # When we try to access a page which has been aliased to # two different pages, we want the system to ask us # which of the aliased pages to go to. This is what # feature_likePages is for. # feature_likePages: y # # Showing source is not very relevant for terminology (unless there is lots of wiki content) # feature_source: n # # So site can send out email messages to users? # feature_messages: y # # Allow users to undo changes history # feature_wiki_undo: y # # Use nicer theme # style: strasa.css # # Categories can be used to specify domains for terms. # # As of 2009-06-10, Category Objects lists all the # pages that are tagged with a category. This is WAY too # long, and takes too much screen real-estate. Need to # change code to make list of pages optional # # Could also use categorypath, but it is only displayed for # the first language at the top, and we need it displayed # for all languages. # feature_categoryobjects: y feature_categories: y categoryobjects: y categorypath: n # # Not sure what this is.... # wiki_edit_plugin: y # # Comments can take too much real-estate. Translators # mostly want to see the term in source language, and # its equivalent in target language, and they need # to visually parse the screen efficiently # So make comments invisible unless the user # clicks on it. # feature_wiki_comments: y wiki_comments_displayed_default: n # # Do we really need freetags? # feature_freetags: y # # Disable the standard search feature. Users should employ # the Terminology module to search for terms. # When standard search feature was enabled, we found users # had a tendancy to use that one instead of the Terminology # search module. # feature_search: n # Enable user watches feature_user_watches: y feature_print_indexed: y feature_mytiki: y # # Support voting on equivalents for a term # AD: Not sure which of those features are actually needed. # Still experimenting with different voting mechanisms # feature feature_polls: y feature_wiki_ratings: y wikiplugin_proposal: y # # Need a forum for asking terminology questions # feature_forums: y # # Hum... shouldn't we validate users? # validateUsers: n allowRegister: y validateRegistration: y auth_ldap_adminuser: y auth_ldap_adminpass: y # # Set home page to the terminology help page. # wikiHomePage: Get Started with Multilingual Terminology

Modules and Objects

objects: # # Note: terminology module may only be available in trunk # version, not 3.0. # # # Anonymous users can search for terms, but they won't be # allowed to modify them. # - type: module ref: module_terminology data: name: terminology position: right groups: [ Anonymous, Registered ] order: 10 - type: module data: name: last_modif_pages position: right order: 1 groups: [ Editors, Registered, Admins ] - type: module ref: module_since_last_visit_new data: name: since_last_visit_new position: right groups: [ Registered ] order: 30 - type: module ref: module_switch_lang data: name: module_switch_lang position: right groups: [ Registered, Anonymous ] order: 25 - type: forum ref: term_fr_en_questions data: name: Fr <-> En questions description: For En, Fr question / Pour des questions entre le français et l'anglais attachments: everyone enable: [ topic_smiley ] list: [ topic_reads ] - type: forum ref: term_es_en_questions data: name: Es <-> En questions description: For En, Fr question / Para preguntas entre Es y En attachments: everyone enable: [ topic_smiley ] list: [ topic_reads ]

Wiki pages included with this profile

This is where we include some wiki pages
Id Page Last modification Categories
278 collaborative_terminology_platform_blog
Thu 08 of Mar, 2012 03:16 GMT-0000
279 collaborative_terminology_platform_bl...
Thu 08 of Mar, 2012 03:17 GMT-0000
244 collaborative_terminology_platform_fi...
Thu 08 of Mar, 2012 03:29 GMT-0000
286 collaborative_terminology_platform_in...
Admin page for Terminology features
Thu 08 of Mar, 2012 03:30 GMT-0000
367 collaborative_terminology_platform_in...
French User guide for Collaborative Multilingual Terminology module
Thu 08 of Mar, 2012 03:33 GMT-0000
Wiki pages included by profiles
277 collaborative_terminology_platform_in...
Thu 08 of Mar, 2012 03:33 GMT-0000
Wiki pages included by profiles
396 collaborative_terminology_platform_in...
Template for German terms
Sat 17 of Mar, 2012 02:29 GMT-0000
305 collaborative_terminology_platform_in...
Template for new English terminology entries
Sat 17 of Mar, 2012 02:29 GMT-0000
375 collaborative_terminology_platform_in...
Sat 17 of Mar, 2012 02:30 GMT-0000
309 collaborative_terminology_platform_in...
Modèle pour entrées en français
Mon 15 of Oct, 2012 01:57 GMT-0000
242 collaborative_terminology_platform_in...
Help page for the profile.
Sun 18 of Mar, 2012 20:42 GMT-0000
Wiki pages included by profiles
288 collaborative_terminology_platform_mo...
Sample terminology entry in French
Mon 28 of Jul, 2014 16:10 GMT-0000
Wiki pages included by profiles
374 collaborative_terminology_platform_Mo...
Just a sample spanish term
Sun 18 of Mar, 2012 20:40 GMT-0000
243 collaborative_terminology_platform_rs...
Thu 08 of Mar, 2012 03:15 GMT-0000
281 collaborative_terminology_platform_ta...
Sun 18 of Mar, 2012 20:44 GMT-0000
Wiki pages included by profiles
280 collaborative_terminology_platform_ta...
Sun 18 of Mar, 2012 20:45 GMT-0000
Wiki pages included by profiles
287 collaborative_terminology_platform_wi...
Just a sample term.
Sun 18 of Mar, 2012 20:45 GMT-0000
Wiki pages included by profiles


objects: - type: wiki_page ref: collaborative_terminology_platform_include_get_started_with_multilingual_terminology data: name: Get Started with Multilingual Terminology lang: en content: wikicontent:collaborative_terminology_platform_include_Get_Started_with_Multilingual_Terminology_include - type: wiki_page ref: collaborative_terminology_platform_include_admin_page data: name: Collaborative Terminology admin page lang: en content: wikicontent:collaborative_terminology_platform_include_admin_page - type: wiki_page ref: collaborative_terminology_platform_include_register_and_set_your_languages data: name: Register and Set your Languages lang: en content: wikicontent:collaborative_terminology_platform_include_register_and_set_your_languages - type: template ref: Term_Template_en data: name: Term Template-en content: wikicontent:collaborative_terminology_platform_include_Term_Template_en sections: [ wiki ] - type: template ref: Term_Template_fr data: name: Term Template-fr content: wikicontent:collaborative_terminology_platform_include_Term_Template_fr sections: [ wiki ] - type: wiki_page ref: collaborative_terminology_platform_wiki_engine data: name: Wiki engine lang: en content:wikicontent:collaborative_terminology_platform_wiki_engine translations: [ $collaborative_terminology_platform_moteur_wiki, $collaborative_terminology_platform_Motor_de_Wiki] - type: wiki_page ref: collaborative_terminology_platform_moteur_wiki data: name: Moteur wiki lang: fr content:wikicontent:collaborative_terminology_platform_moteur_wiki - type: wiki_page ref: collaborative_terminology_platform_Motor_de_Wiki data: name: motor de wiki lang: es content:wikicontent:collaborative_terminology_platform_Motor_de_Wiki - type: wiki_page ref: collaborative_terminology_platform_tagging data: name: tagging lang: en content:wikicontent:collaborative_terminology_platform_tagging translations: [ $collaborative_terminology_platform_taggage] - type: wiki_page ref: collaborative_terminology_platform_taggage data: name: taggage lang: fr content:wikicontent:collaborative_terminology_platform_taggage - type: category ref: cateory_term data: name: term description: Base category used for all terms


objects: - ref: Multilingual_Permissions permissions: Anonymous: allow: -view -comment -wiki_view_comments # # Anons can view history, but not roll back changes. # -wiki_view_history -post_comments -search -search_categorized -view_categories -forum_read Registered: description: Will be ignored because group is already created allow: allow: -view -comment -wiki_view_comments -wiki_view_history -post_comments -search -search_categorized -view_categories -forum_read -view_categories Editors: description: Can edit & delete all content allow: -edit -rename -admin_categories -rollback -forum_vote -forum_post -forum_post_topic -forum_edit_own_posts -forums_report -forum_attach -forum_autoapp Admins: description: Have all rights allow: [ admin ]


Below is a list of todos, sorted by priority

Priority 1: Need to be done before the Oct 7 demo at Translation Bureau

1.0- LANGS_HALF_AND_HALF Side by side languages should always occupy 50% of the available space each

Assigned to: AD (2009-10-01)

Even if comments are opened on one side, and not on the other side. Currently, if the comments window is opened on one side but not on the other, the other side gets squished into a very narrow column, which is hard to read. If comments open on both sides, then the second column spreads beyond the current screen, and you have to scroll horizontally which is annoying.

This is very important for the demo, cause it looks really goofy and non-professional, and the side by side entries are hard to read and consult.

In the Test plan, look for items marked BROKEN-LANGS_HALF_AND_HALF.

ML: agreed.

Dev notes: Probably just need to specify WIDTH=50% in the table colums, and to not specify a number of chars in the text field for comments.

P1.1- COMMENTS_NOT_APPEARING (LPH): When you fill the comments form, comments never appear

Assigned to: AD (2009-10-01, just for trying to reproduce... if can be reproduce, should be debugged by LPH)__

This happens whether I am logged on as anon or registered, or Editor.

If I go to a page, I a form for entering comments. But if I fill it, the comment does not appear.

This is important for the demo, because comments are the only way for the community to "vote" on entries.

See items marked BROKEN-COMMENTS_NOT_APPEARING in the test plan.

ML: works for me with admin. User editor has no email?

AD: Will try with a user who has an email. But in any case, why should you need to have an email in order to post a comment?

AD: I tried after setting an email for test_editor and still, comments didn't show up.


When the terminology search form finds one and only one hit, and it's an exact hit, it takes you directly to that term.

BUT, right now it only show you the term in the one language.

It would be MUCH BETTER if the system took you to the all language view.

This is important for the demo, because it's confusing to the user. Sometimes when he does a terminology search, he gets all languages, sometimes just the one.

P1.1 - Extensive help pages

  • Help pages should cover all the common tasks.
  • In particualr, it should provide instructions about how to deal with the situation where a same word can refer to different things. For example, Tag can refer to metadata, to a markup element, or to a dog tag. The solution is to create pages with slightly different names, for example "tag - metadata", "tag - markup", "tag - identity plaque".
  • Refactor the instructions pages into one long page called "Guide to collaborative multilingual terminology creation". The guide will have a section for Admins, and a section for Editors.
    • Section for editors comes first.
    • Section for editors talks about:
      • Searching for a term
      • Creating a new term
      • Creating an equivalent for a term
      • What to do if a same word can mean different things (create different pages which are more explicit, ex: tag — dog plaque, vs tag — metadata).
      • Tracking certain pages or the whole site
      • Using categories for domain classification
    • Section for admins talks about:
      • Finalizing the installation
      • Keeping abreast of new users
      • Approving new users
      • Tracking the whole site
  • The guide should provide instructions about using categories to assign domains. The admin section should suggest that the admin seed the category tree.
  • Guide should provide instructions about how to manage users.
    • Ask for email notification of new users.
    • Move new users from Registered to Editors soon after registering.
    • What are the different groups and their permissions.
  • Guide should bring users attention to the Last changes module as a way to keep track of what others do. Also, explain the page tracking feature.
  • How do I set up the glossary profile and make it multilingual?
  • How do I create a glossary entry in say, French?
  • Given an entry in say, French, how do I create the corresponding entry in say, English?
  • How do I avoid reinventing the wheel? For example, say I create a French entry for word X, and then want to create the corresponding entry Y in English, but someone already created Y, how do I find out about it and tie the two together. In particular, what happens if the existing Y is a very slight variation on the Y that I am currently trying to create (eg: I am creating the verb form, whereas the existing Y used the noun form)?
  • I don't want to change an entry... just comment on it.
  • How can I respond to someone else's comment?
  • Can I create an entry in French that has more than one English equivalent?
  • How do I create a domain hierarchy?
  • Admin: What is the current permissions scheme, and how do I customize it for my needs?
  • How do I specify my source and target language?
  • How do I enable a new language?
    • HOw to enable that language in the prefs panel
    • Create a new template for an entry in that language
  • Admin: How do I monitor spam, etc...
  • Admin: What to do when a new user registers?
  • User: how do I ask a terminology queston
    • Create a terminology entry for it, and put a comment asking for its translation.
    • Or, post the question on appropriate discussion forum. Once you have decided which is best, please create a bilingual terminology entry so people will find it more easily later.
  • User: How to keep abreast of what's going on?
    • Can ask to watch the whole site...
    • Or, can ask to watch a partiular forum
    • By default, may be notified of changes made to pages you created, or to forum posts that you create.

P1.1 Translate guide to French

  • Make it so that the guide is available in French and English.

This is necessary for the Translation Bureau demo, cause they are very touchy about those things.

Priority 2: These should be done before we actually deploy the system on pilot operational site


If the admin tries to change the site's default language, it remains at the old value (English).

This does not matter that much for the demo, because the user can still specify his own language preferences, and those work. It only affects the default language that the site presents, which in most cases will be English anyway (which is what the default stays at). But it is important for the Réseau des traducteurs en éducation, since their main language is French.


Right now, anons don't have an easy way to get to the home page, or to the forums list.

Could be deal with either by:

See items marked BROKEN-LINKS4ANONS in the test plan.

This does not matter that much for the demo, cause we can just avoid spending too much time in the anons mode. People at the demo will be mostly interested in what people see when they are registered as editors.

Priority 3: These should be fixed before we advertise the profile widely


For registered at least, if you change the prerered langs to just Eng and Fr, and the site also supports Spanish, then the term search form still offers you Spanish as an option.

This does not matter for the demo or for the pilot sites, because their list of languages will be 2 or 3 at the most. So having a list of 3 languages offered to the user instead of 3 is not so bad.

See items marked BROKEN-USER_LANGS_DOES_NOT_CHANGE_SEARCH_LANGS in the test plan.

P3.1 COMMENTS_HIDDEN- Coments should be hidden by default

Doesn't seem to be the case.

This doesn't matter that much for the demo, IF AND ONLY IF, we can ensure that the two language sides will be displayed half and hafl, even if comments are open on one side only. If we can't get that to work, then a way to minimize the situation is to make sure that comments are not open by default.

Look for items marked BROKEN-COMMENTS_HIDDEN in the test plan

P3.2- LANG_CHOICE_FOR_ANONS (Alain will fine tune it): Terminology module does not offer possibility to search in French

If you configure the site so that it suports say, En and Fr, and you log on as a user who has not specified his languages preferences in the site nor in his browser, then he will only see English in the list of languages for the Terminology module.

Besides, for systems with 2-3 languages (which will be very common), do we really want to force all users to set their languages?

Proposed solution: When deciding the list of languages to search in (in the terminology module), if the system says that the user only speaks one language, then we should assume that it just means that he didn't specify languages in either the site or browser (because it doesn't make sense for people to only want to search in one language if they are on a site for multilingual terminology). In that case, assume that the list of languages to put in the picklist is all the languages supported by the site.

ML: This is what was needed for htaglossary.net (show all site languages and avoid that users need to set)

Note from AD: There is a function (in multilingualib.php I think) which does a logic similar to what will be needed here. It's the function that's invoked by the all_languages script, to decide what languages to display. Might want to reuse/expand that. The main difference is that this function chooses languages to display among those for which a particular page has translations. In the present case, you want to choose among ALL the languages that are supported by the site.

LPH: Added a language_inclusion_threshold in r21636 to deal with this and added it to this profile.

AD: More precisely, LPH added a setting: language_inclusion_threshold.

If set, say, at 4, then if a site has 4 or less supported languages, then whenever we offer a list of languages to the end user, we list all of the site's languages, but with his preferred languages first.

AD thinks that this is not quite right. If user specified En and Fr as source and target languages, then we DEFINITELY only want to list those two (in particular, when viewing terminlogy entries side by side).

I think it would be better if the list of languages to search for was set in the exact same way as the list of languages to display in the all_languages script, i.e. If more than one languages specified by user (either in browser or on wiki site), then give choice between only those two languages. If only one language, then display ALL languages, but with the user's one language first (in the case of all-languages), or selected by default (in the case of the languages picklist).

This does not matter much at all. If you want to see all languages, just set the langauge threshold at 999! But it makes the admin UI confusing, and the code too. Better to remove the language threshold altogether eventually.

Priority 4: These are additional new features that should eventually be added

Simple approval, versus to be approved status

For example:

  • Create a category to capture that.
  • Category is displayed on the page.
  • Can modify it by editig the page and changing the category.
  • In version 4, possible to set permissions on the page so that only say, Admins can set that particualr category.
  • There is a page listing all pages that fit a particular category (ex: "Need approval").

Say there is a page "Translation Memory", but I don't know. I create a French entry "Mémoire de traduction". I then translate it and specify "Translation Memory" as the name of the equivalent.

In that case, the system will tell me that "Translation Memory" already exists, and ask me to go back.

It would be MUCH better if the system offered me right there to link "Translation Memory" to "Mémoire de traduction".

Note: This would be useful not only for terminology, but also for general translation features.

ML: perhaps the box could also show pages that contain same characters (in AJAX like quick_edit box) because it could have a disambiguation suffix I could be unaware about.

PROGRAMMATION: Forum postings should allow empty text

Translators will use the forum mostly to post questions like this:

"How do you say "Machine Translation" in French?

Whenever I do this, I tend to just type that as the title of the post, and leave the body of the message blank. But then the system tells me that the body of the message should not be empty. But the error message is so small that I don't notice it, and I assume that my message got posted (because the system shows me the message I just wrote).

The system really should accept posts with empty body. This should be the default behaviour in my opinion, but maybe it should be overrideable in the options panels.

PROGRAMMATION: Make it possible to use Categories for domains

Terminolgists (and, to a much lesser extent, translators) like to assign domains like Health, Education, etc... to terms.

Categories could be used for that, but they present many problems.

First problem is that it doesn't work in IE. At least on Alain Désilets' machine, whenever he does Edit, and then tries to click on a category, the system doesn't respond to the click (i.e. the checkbox remains unchecked).

Second problem is that at the bottom of the page, each category is listed, ALONG WITH ALL THE PAGES THAT BELONG TO THE SAME CATEGORY. This takes up way too much real-estate. Should have an option so that only the list of categories is provided, and they are concatenated in a compact way. For example:

Computer Science; Web 2.0; Sociology

Marc Laporte mentions that the module "change category" has lots of useful features.

  • Should editors be allowed to create/modify/delete categories, or should it just be admins?
  • May need to change code a bit so that the categories don't take so much real estate.
  • Should each category be multilingual, or should we have parallel category hierarchies in different language?

Maybe freetags would be better? Their display is more compact than that of categories. But on the other hand, they are not hierarchichal, and it's harder to control what folks will put in there. Also, when you display "all" languages, tags are not displayed. Only when you display a single language.

Ideally, should also be possible to search by category. But already, being able to just see the categories for each page is good.


Figure out the right level of tracking

  • By default, users should be setup to track certain things. What should those things be:
    • Track pages that they themselves created?
    • Track creation of new pages (i.e. new terms), so that they can track implicit terminology questions from other users?

Tracking a page should also track its translations

  • If I create a term in English for which I don't know the French equivalent, as a way of implictly asking a question. Then, when someone actually translates that page to create a French equivalent, I should be notified of that.
  • But right now, that does not happen.
  • Note: Maybe a better way to ask a question is to use a discussion forum. See todo regarding forum.

Simple approval mechanism for terms

For example:
  • A category Status with sub categories Approved, Needs Approval.
  • By default, all pages are assigned Needs Approval.
  • Only a certain group (Ex: Terminologists) are allowed to change that category.
  • There is a page listing all pages with Needs Approval.

When translating, only list languages that I speak

If the site supports 12 languages but I told it that I only speak 2, then when I click on the Translate button, the system should only give me the choice between those 2 languages. Not all 12 of them.

Automatically select language of equivalent when possible

  • If I translate a term to another language, if there is only one language left in the user's language preferences, for which a translation of that term does not exist, then automatically select that language by default.
  • For example, if I have set only En and Fr as my languages, and I am translating an En term, then system should automatically select Fr by default for the translated page.

Allow people to vote on the best equivalent

Simplest way to do this is to use the proposal plugin: http://doc.tikiwiki.org/tiki-index.php?page=PluginProposal.

For example, if you want to specify a list of possible alternatives for a term, "wiki engine", you could write:

((wiki engine)): {proposal()}{PROPOSAL} (alias(wiki system)): {PROPOSAL(){PROPOSAL} (alias(wiki backend)): {PROPOSAL()}{PROPOSAL}

Then each equivalent is displayed with a voting plugin next to it.

Problem with that is that the vote plugin takes WAY too much realestate! Maybe we could have an argument to the PROPOSAL plugin which would tell it to only display a summary of the votes, without details of who voted for what. There could be a link allowing people to see more details.

For example, the above could be redndered more or less as follows

wiki engine accept(0), undecided(0), reject(0) (details) etc...

By clicking on accept, undecided, or reject, you would vote in favour of that. If you click on details, you get the current display whith who voted for what.

Terminology module should validate that Terminology PROFILE has been applied

  • The Terminology module should check that the Terminology profile has been applied. If it hasn't, it should display a highly visible warning telling the admin to apply that profile (and providing a link with instructions on how to do this... for example, a link to the profile itself, and the profile would have instructions on how to apply it.)
    • Done, but the link that points to how to install the profile could be more specific. It could point to the admin page for applying the profile.

Automatic translation of labels when creating an equivalent

  • Say I have a page "web browser", and I want to create its French equivalent "navigateur web".
  • I click on Translate button.
  • The content of the English page is pasted into the French page.
  • The problem is that all the labels like Synonyms, Definition, must be translated.
  • And they need to be translated in a standardized way.
  • It would be nice if these could be translated automatically.
  • Here's a generic way in which this could be done.
  • When we create a new translation, the system will automatically translate occurrences of an English page name, to the name of the corresponding French page.
  • So, now all we need to do create an English page Synonym with a French equivalent Synonymes.
  • This feature would be useful in other ways.
  • It would automatically translate links to English pages into links to French pages.
  • It would automatically translate English terminology to French terminology (often, terms are captured as pages, even on sites where Terminology profile is not used).
  • Question: Won't that be too slow?

Alias search should respect language

  • Right now, if you search for a word in English, and there is an alias for that word that corresponds to a French page, the alias will be listed.
  • The list of aliases should instead be filtered on the basis of the language of the page they refer to.

Create all terms in a same category called Term

  • Terms should all be created in a same categorry called Term. Search and page creation form for the Terminology module should use that category. Make the seeded pages in the profile part of that category.
  • Note: The list of aliases should be filtered, so that we onlyh show aliases for pages that are in that category.

Put a new users dashboard for admins, so they can move new users to the Editors group.

Related wishes


Test plan

Below is a list of scenarios that needs to be tested for this profile. Eventually, they should be implemented as automated tests using Selenium.

Setting up the site for testing

  • Reinstall the DB, using Barebones profile
  • Install the Terminology profile
  • Set the site lanmguages as English first, French second, and Spanish third
  • Create two users: test_editor (in Editors group) and test_registered (in Registered group)
  • Create a posting in one of the discussion forums.
  • Make a change to page 'wiki engine', so it has SOME HISTORY.
  • add a comment to page 'wiki engine'

Testing anon permissions

  • Logoff
  • Make sure anon user CAN:
    • See a link to the site's home page, visible at all time (BROKEN-LINKS4ANONS).
    • See a link to the forums at all time (BROKEN-LINKS4ANONS)
    • view the terminology module
    • that the terminology module offers him to search in English, French and Spanish (with English as the default).
    • do a term search (use query 'wiki')
    • view a page and see both languages displayed at same time (without having to specify all languges)
    • Post a comment on a term (ex: 'wiki engine') and that:
      • the comment does appear
      • the comment is associated with the language for which it was created (BROKEN-COMMENTS_NOT_APPEARING)
      • try this with both languages.
    • View history of a page (but not rollback)
    • View forum
  • Make sure anons CANNOT:
    • Modify page
    • rollback page version (MAKE SURE YOU USE THE PAGE 'wiki engine, cause it's the only one that has an history. Pages that only have one version can never be rolled back anyways).
    • Rename page
    • Delete page
    • Post on the forum
    • Delete a forum posting

Testing registered

  • Logon as test_registered
  • Make sure registered user CAN:
    • See a link to the site's home page, visible at all time.
    • See a link to the forums at all time
    • view the terminology module
    • that the terminology module offers him to search in English, French and Spanish (with English as the default).
    • do a term search (use query 'wiki')
    • view a page
    • Post a comment on a term (ex: 'wiki engine') and that:
      • the comment does appear (BROKEN-COMMENTS_NOT_APPEARING)
      • the comment is associated with the language for which it was created (BROKEN-COMMENTS_NOT_APPEARING)
      • try this with both languages.
    • View history of a page (but not rollback)
    • View forum
    • Change his language preferences to English and French only.
      • and that this makes it so that the term search form only offers those two languages (no more spanish) (BROKEN-USER_LANGS_DOES_NOT_CHANGE_SEARCH_LANGS)
  • Make sure registered CANNOT:
    • Modify page
    • rollback page version(MAKE SURE YOU USE THE PAGE 'wiki engine, cause it's the only one that has an history. Pages that only have one version can never be rolled back anyways).
    • Rename page
    • Delete page
    • Post on the forum
    • Delete a forum posting
    • Access an admin panel

Testing editors

  • Logon as test_editor
  • Make sure editorsuser CAN:
    • See a link to the site's home page, visible at all time.
    • See a link to the forums at all time
    • view the terminology module
    • that the terminology module offers him to search in English, French and Spanish (with English as the default).
    • do a term search (use query 'wiki')
    • view a page
    • Post a comment on a term (ex: 'wiki engine') and that:
      • the comment does appear(BROKEN-COMMENTS_NOT_APPEARING)
      • the comment is associated with the language for which it was created(BROKEN-COMMENTS_NOT_APPEARING)
      • try this with both languages.
    • View history of a page
    • rollback page version(MAKE SURE YOU USE THE PAGE 'wiki engine, cause it's the only one that has an history. Pages that only have one version can never be rolled back anyways).
    • Modify page
    • Rename page
    • View forum
    • Post on the forum
    • Change his language preferences (and that this affects the choice of languages in the search form, and the list of languages being displayed in the all languages view) ((BROKEN-USER_LANGS_DOES_NOT_CHANGE_SEARCH_LANGS)
  • Make sure editors CANNOT:
    • Delete page
    • Delete a forum posting
    • Access an admin panel

Searching for a specific term that exists

  • logon as test_editor
  • make sure language preferences are English first, French second
  • Search for term 'wiki engine' in English
    • Make sure system takes you directly to page 'wiki engine'...
    • ... and that it shows you English on the left and French on the right (BROKEN-SHOW_ALL_LANGUAGES_WHEN_JUMPING_STRAIGHT_TO_TERM)
  • Search for term 'moteur wiki' in French
    • Make sure system takes you directly to page 'wiki engine'...
    • ... and that it shows you French on the left and English on the righ
  • change language preferences to be English first, Spanish second
  • Search for term 'motor de wiki' in spanish
    • Make sure system takes you directly to page 'motor de wiki'...
    • ... and that it shows you French on the left and English on the right
  • Make sure that term search is case insensitive
    • 'wiki engine', 'Wiki engine', 'WIKI engine', 'wiki Engine', 'wiki ENGINE', all take you to the same term 'wiki engine'.
  • Search in French for 'engin wiki'. This is not a page, but an alias for existing page 'moteur wiki'. (BROKEN???)
    • System should bring you automatically to 'moteur wiki'
    • .. and it should display all languages. (BROKEN???)

User changes language preferences

  • Logon as test_editor
  • Check that terminology search form offers all three languages (en, fr, and es).
  • search in English for 'wiki engine'
  • Check that all three languages (en, fr, es) are displayed
  • Change language preferences to only en and fr
  • Check that terminology search form offers all three languages (en, fr, and es).
  • search in English for 'wiki engine'
  • Check that only en and fr are displayed (no more es)

Layout of all languages

  • logon as test_editor
  • setup user languages to be en, fr, es
  • search for 'wiki engine' in English
    • Make sure that fr and en are side by side, with es below both.
    • Make sure that fr and en each occupy 50% of the available space (BROKEN-LANGS_HALF_AND_HALF).
  • search for 'tagging' in English
    • Make sure that only fr and en are displayed, and that they are side by side (tagging does not have a spanish version in that profile)
  • Change language preferences to be en, fr only
  • Redo the search for 'wiki engine'
  • Verify that en and fr only appear (no more es).

Searching for a word with only partial matches

  • Logon as editor
  • Make sure all three languages are enabled
  • Search for wiki in English
    • Make sure you see 'wiki engine' in the list
    • And that clicking on it takes you to that term, with the other three languages listed
  • Search for wiki in French
    • Make sure you see 'wiki engine' in the list
    • And that clicking on it takes you to that term, with the other three languages listed
  • Search for wiki in Spanish
    • Make sure you see 'wiki engine' in the list
    • And that clicking on it takes you to that term, with the other three languages listed

Searching for a term that does not exist

  • Logon as test_editor
  • Search for term 'machine translation' in English
    • Make sure it does not exist.
    • Make sure system gives you a button to create it.
    • Click on the button
    • Make sure the English term template is being used to fill the edit for
    • Edit and save.

Translate a term

  • logon as test_editor
  • Search for term 'tagging' in English
  • Go to it.
  • Click on Translation button
    • Make sure that the only language that is offered for translation is Spanish (French already exists for that page)
  • Choose Spanish as the language of the translation
  • Write a bit of translation, then click on Complete Trnslation button.
  • Go to the Spanish page that you created, and select all languages.
    • Make sure you see both the French and English pages listed.
  • Go to an English page that does not have a Spanish translation (can also create one like 'rss feed')
  • Try to translate it to Spanish, giving 'motor de wiki' as the spanish name.
    • System should tell you that this page already exists
  • Try the same thing, but using a different capitalisation like 'Motor de Wiki'
    • System should still tell you that the page already exists.
  • Try to translate a term to a new name that does not exist
  • Go to an English page that does not have a French translation (can also create one like 'rss feed')
  • Try to translate it to French, giving as the French name, an existing alias (as opposed to an existing page). For example, 'engin wiki'.
    • System should still tell you that the page already exists. (BROKEN-SHOULD_NOT_BE_ABLE_TO_TRANSLATE_TO_AN_EXISTING_ALIAS)
  • Try same thing, but with a different capitalisation of the existing alias (ex: Engin Wiki) (BROKEN-SHOULD_NOT_BE_ABLE_TO_TRANSLATE_TO_AN_EXISTING_ALIAS).
    • System should still tell you that the page already exists.

Testing aliases

  • Search for French page 'moteur wiki'
  • Click on the link 'engin wiki' in the Synonymes section.
    • This should lead you straight back to the 'moteur wiki' page.
  • Search for 'engin wiki' in French
    • This should tell you that it was not found, but that there is an alias by that name.

Persistance of search language

  • logon as test_editor
  • Make sure lang prefs are eng, fr.
  • do a french search for 'wiki'.
    • check that the default search language remained at french
  • click on the link 'moteur wiki'
    • Make sure that the search language remained at french (BROKEN-SEARCH_LANGUAGE_SHOULD_BE_PERSISTENT).
  • do a sPANISH search for 'wiki'.
    • check that the default search language remained at sPANISH
  • click on the link 'moteur wiki'
    • Make sure that the search language remained at sPANISH (BROKEN-SEARCH_LANGUAGE_SHOULD_BE_PERSISTENT).

Comments hidden by default

  • Open a page that has some comments ('wiki engine' for example?)
  • Comments should not be visible by default (BROKEN-COMMENTS_HIDDEN).

User and Admin doc is available in both English and French

  • And check that all links in them work.

Testing discussion forum

  • Check that can add a topic on a discussion forum.
  • Check that can add a topic with an empty content (just the title)

Testing Admin can change site languages

  • Log on as admin
  • Change the site default to Spanish
    • System should show Spanish as the new default (BROKEN-ADMIN_CAN_CHANGE_SITE_DEFAULT_LANG).


Information Version
Thu 01 of Oct, 2009 17:11 GMT-0000 alain_desilets 391
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Thu 01 of Oct, 2009 01:55 GMT-0000 Marc Laporte 378
Thu 01 of Oct, 2009 01:31 GMT-0000 Marc Laporte feature_semantic 377
Wed 30 of Sep, 2009 20:12 GMT-0000 alain_desilets 376
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