
History: Combine_Image_Plugins

Preview of version: 50 (current)

Uses PluginImg as base for PluginThumb

objects: - type: plugin_alias ref: combine_thumb data: name: THUMB implementation: img description: name: Thumbnail documentation: PluginThumb description: Displays a thumbnail of an image that enlarges upon mouseover or links to a target prefs: params: file: required: false name: File ID description: File ID from the file gallery. filter: digits id: required: false name: Image ID description: Image ID from the image gallery. filter: digits image: required: false name: Image URL description: URL to the image. filter: url max: required: false name: Maximum Size description: Maximum width or height for the image. filter: int float: required: false name: Alignment description: Set alignment as left, right or none. filter: alpha options: none: text: None left: text: Left right: text: Right url: required: false name: Link Target description: Link target of the image. filter: url body: default: '' params: fileId: pattern: %file% params: file: token: file id: pattern: %id% params: id: token: id src: pattern: %image% params: image: token: image max: pattern: %max% params: max: token: max imalign: pattern: %float% params: float: token: float link: pattern: %url% params: url: token: url thumb: mouseover

Uses PluginImg as base for PluginImage

objects: - type: plugin_alias ref: combine_image data: name: IMAGE implementation: img description: name: Image documentation: PluginImage description: Display images params: fileId: required: false name: File ID description: Numeric ID of an image in a File Gallery (or comma-separated list). "fileId", "id" or "src" required. id: required: false name: Image ID description: Numeric ID of an image in an Image Gallery (or comma-separated list). "fileId", "id" or "src" required. src: required: false name: Image source description: Full URL to the image to display. "fileId", "id" or "src" required. filter: url scalesize: required: false name: Maximum size description: Maximum width or height for the image in pixels. height: required: false name: Image height description: Height in pixels. filter: int width: required: false name: Image width description: Width in pixels. filter: int link: required: false name: Link description: For making the image a hyperlink. Enter a url to the page the image should link to. filter: url rel: required: false name: Link relation description: Link relation attribute to add to the link. title: required: false name: Link title description: Link title that appears upon mouseover. alt: required: false name: Alternate text description: Alternate text that displays image doesn't load. align: required: false name: Align image block description: Enter right, left or center to align the box containing the image. options: left: text: Left right: text: Right center: text: Center block: required: false name: Wrapping control description: Whether to block items from wrapping next to image from the top or bottom. (top,bottom,both,none) options: '': text: None top: text: Top bottom: text: Bottom both: text: Both desc: required: false name: Description description: Image caption usemap: required: false name: Image map description: Name of the image map to use. class: required: false name: CSS class description: CSS class to apply to the image. style: required: false name: CSS syle description: CSS styling to apply. border: required: false name: Border options description: Border configuration for image block. descoptions: required: false name: Caption style description: Styling of image description. Use CSS syntax to override default setting. default: required: false name: Default configuration description: Default configuration definitions (usually set by admin). mandatory: required: false name: Mandatory configuration description: Mandatory configuration definitions (usually set by admin). body: default: '' params: fileId: pattern: %fileId% params: fileId: token: fileId id: pattern: %id% params: id: token: id src: pattern: %src% params: src: token: src max: pattern: %scalesize% params: scalesize: token: scalesize default: 200 height: pattern: %height% params: height: token: height width: pattern: %width% params: width: token: width link: pattern: %link% params: link: token: link rel: pattern: %rel% params: rel: token: rel title: pattern: %title% params: title: token: title alt: pattern: %alt% params: alt: token: alt align: pattern: %align% params: align: token: align block: pattern: %block% params: block: token: block desc: pattern: %desc% params: desc: token: desc usemap: pattern: %usemap% params: usemap: token: usemap class: pattern: %class% params: class: token: class stylebox: pattern: %style% params: style: token: style default: border:3px double;padding:.1cm; font-size:12px; line-height:1.5em; margin-left:4px; width:200px; styledesc: pattern: %descoptions% params: descoptions: token: descoptions default: pattern: %default% params: default: token: default mandatory: pattern: %mandatory% params: mandatory: token: mandatory button: y imalign: center

Uses PluginImg as base for PluginPicture

objects: - type: plugin_alias ref: combine_picture data: name: PICTURE implementation: img description: name: Picture description: Display uploaded pictures params: file: required: true name: File path description: File name or path of the image. body: default: '' params: src: pattern: %file% params: file: token: file


Information Version
Sat 21 of Nov, 2009 23:02 GMT-0000 lindon 25
Sat 21 of Nov, 2009 22:51 GMT-0000 lindon 24
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Sat 21 of Nov, 2009 19:25 GMT-0000 lindon 13
Wed 18 of Nov, 2009 03:08 GMT-0000 lindon 12
Sun 15 of Nov, 2009 18:46 GMT-0000 Jonny Bradley 11
Sat 14 of Nov, 2009 20:04 GMT-0000 lindon 10
Fri 13 of Nov, 2009 20:56 GMT-0000 lindon 9
Fri 13 of Nov, 2009 20:47 GMT-0000 lindon 8
Fri 13 of Nov, 2009 20:39 GMT-0000 lindon 7
Fri 13 of Nov, 2009 17:28 GMT-0000 lindon 6
Fri 13 of Nov, 2009 03:24 GMT-0000 lindon 1
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