
History: Profile_CDF_instructions_page

Preview of version: 5

Show case of how to use the plugin jquery to conditionally hide or display some fields in a form

To be continued.... In the mean time, see this:

To be refactored still with the appropriate reference (instead of fixed numbers) for fields
You do not have permission to insert an item

 Plugin disabled
Plugin jq cannot be executed.

[FIELD1] fieldId = 1 name = #Id permName = id position = 0 type = q options = {"start":1,"prepend":"#","append":"","itemId":""} isMain = n isTblVisible = y isSearchable = y isPublic = y isHidden = n isMandatory = y description = descriptionIsParsed = n [FIELD4] fieldId = 4 name = Title of item (as a Text field) permName = campText position = 10 type = t options = {"samerow":1,"size":80,"prepend":"","append":"","max":100,"autocomplete":"y","exact":"n"} isMain = y isTblVisible = y isSearchable = y isPublic = y isHidden = n isMandatory = y description = descriptionIsParsed = n [FIELD11] fieldId = 11 name = Header permName = header position = 20 type = h options = {"level":1,"toggle":"o"} isMain = n isTblVisible = n isSearchable = y isPublic = y isHidden = n isMandatory = n description = descriptionIsParsed = n [FIELD2] fieldId = 2 name = User field permName = usuari position = 30 type = u options = {"autoassign":1,"notify":0,"groupIds":[0],"showRealname":0} isMain = n isTblVisible = n isSearchable = y isPublic = y isHidden = n isMandatory = n description = descriptionIsParsed = n [FIELD9] fieldId = 9 name = Which is your case? permName = campRadioButton position = 40 type = R options = {"options":["0=Case A","1=Case B","3=Unknown"]} isMain = n isTblVisible = y isSearchable = y isPublic = y isHidden = n isMandatory = n description = descriptionIsParsed = n [FIELD3] fieldId = 3 name = Case B Numeric field permName = campNumeric position = 50 type = n options = {"samerow":1,"size":20,"prepend":"","append":"","decimals":0,"dec_point":".","thousands":","} isMain = n isTblVisible = n isSearchable = y isPublic = y isHidden = n isMandatory = n description = descriptionIsParsed = n [FIELD6] fieldId = 6 name = Case B Dropdown with other field permName = campDesplegableAmbAltres position = 60 type = D options = {"options":["0","1","2","3"]} isMain = n isTblVisible = n isSearchable = y isPublic = y isHidden = n isMandatory = n description = descriptionIsParsed = n [FIELD7] fieldId = 7 name = Case B date time field permName = data position = 70 type = f options = {"datetime":"dt","startyear":"2001","endyear":"2016","blankdate":"blank"} isMain = n isTblVisible = n isSearchable = y isPublic = y isHidden = n isMandatory = n description = descriptionIsParsed = n [FIELD8] fieldId = 8 name = Case B Text area field permName = campAreaDeText position = 80 type = a options = {"toolbars":1,"width":80,"height":5,"max":10000,"listmax":200,"wordmax":0,"distinct":"n","wysiwyg":"n","samerow":1} isMain = n isTblVisible = n isSearchable = y isPublic = y isHidden = n isMandatory = n description = Pots afegir més informació i comentaris aquí descriptionIsParsed = y [FIELD10] fieldId = 10 name = Case B datepicker field permName = campDatepicker position = 90 type = j options = {"datetime":"dt","useNow":0} isMain = n isTblVisible = n isSearchable = y isPublic = y isHidden = n isMandatory = n description = descriptionIsParsed = n [FIELD12] fieldId = 12 name = Case A. Static Text permName = staticText position = 100 type = S options = {"wikiparse":1,"max":100} isMain = n isTblVisible = n isSearchable = y isPublic = y isHidden = n isMandatory = n description = My ~~red:description~~ as ''__static text__'' comes here descriptionIsParsed = y [FIELD13] fieldId = 13 name = Case A. Multiple Selection Checkboxes permName = multiSelectCheckboxes position = 110 type = M options = {"options":["0=foo","1=bar","2=oh yeah"],"inputtype":""} isMain = n isTblVisible = n isSearchable = y isPublic = y isHidden = n isMandatory = n description = descriptionIsParsed = n [FIELD14] fieldId = 14 name = Case A. Multiple Selection List permName = multiSelectList position = 120 type = M options = {"options":["0=foo","1=bar","2=oh yeah"],"inputtype":"m"} isMain = n isTblVisible = n isSearchable = y isPublic = y isHidden = n isMandatory = n description = descriptionIsParsed = n [FIELD15] fieldId = 15 name = Case A. Computed field permName = computedField position = 130 type = C options = {"formula":"#10-#7"} isMain = n isTblVisible = n isSearchable = y isPublic = y isHidden = n isMandatory = n description = Computed based on a formula. For dates, it shows: y=years, m=months, w=weeks, d=days, h=hours descriptionIsParsed = n [FIELD5] fieldId = 5 name = Common Drop down field permName = campDesplegable position = 140 type = d options = {"options":["1","2","2","3"]} isMain = n isTblVisible = n isSearchable = y isPublic = y isHidden = n isMandatory = n description = for all cases (A, B or unknown) descriptionIsParsed = n


Information Version
Fri 24 of Jul, 2015 15:10 GMT-0000 Xavier de Pedro edited according to jonnyb's tips so that the required fields are shown when editing a previously saved item (thanks!) 18
Sun 26 of Apr, 2015 12:43 GMT-0000 Xavier de Pedro fixed ref to page name 17
Sun 26 of Apr, 2015 12:29 GMT-0000 Xavier de Pedro typo 16
Sun 26 of Apr, 2015 12:29 GMT-0000 Xavier de Pedro hide ref info as a tiki comment, and made link to page to add new item through the reference to the page defined in the profile 15
Sun 26 of Apr, 2015 12:11 GMT-0000 Xavier de Pedro added comment 14
Sun 26 of Apr, 2015 12:08 GMT-0000 Xavier de Pedro fixed refs to tracker1 (0 is first, and header breaks the table 0 into another table (1) in that wiki page, so refer to 1 as hardcoded value. Try jq comments 13
Sun 26 of Apr, 2015 11:52 GMT-0000 Xavier de Pedro removed old code from Export. added links at the top 12
Sun 26 of Apr, 2015 11:40 GMT-0000 Xavier de Pedro changed colors a bit and re-ordered code position for consistency 11
Sun 26 of Apr, 2015 11:31 GMT-0000 Xavier de Pedro made reference to tracker id dynamic, and fix positions of slice ranges for field bg colors 10
Sun 26 of Apr, 2015 11:22 GMT-0000 Xavier de Pedro tweaked 9
Sun 26 of Apr, 2015 11:09 GMT-0000 Xavier de Pedro hide code 8
Sun 26 of Apr, 2015 11:06 GMT-0000 Xavier de Pedro fixed a few more params 7
Sat 25 of Apr, 2015 12:25 GMT-0000 Xavier de Pedro fixed profileobject:cdf_campRadioButton 6
Sat 25 of Apr, 2015 12:21 GMT-0000 Xavier de Pedro a bit more fixed 5
Fri 24 of Apr, 2015 21:15 GMT-0000 Xavier de Pedro tweaked some of them 4
Fri 24 of Apr, 2015 16:03 GMT-0000 Xavier de Pedro added raw material 3
Fri 24 of Apr, 2015 15:22 GMT-0000 Xavier de Pedro more info 2
Fri 24 of Apr, 2015 15:20 GMT-0000 Xavier de Pedro ini 1