
History: Profile_r_test7_plot.ly

Preview of version: 11

Plot.ly Charts using PluginR and Tiki

Derived from http://www.r-statistics.com/2013/12/plotly-beta-collaborative-plotting-with-r/

The Plotly R graphing library allows you to create and share interactive, publication-quality plots in your browser. Plotly is also built for working together, and makes it easy to post graphs and data publicly with a URL or privately to collaborators.

{RR(echo="0", cacheby="pagename", wikisyntax="0")} # Installing Plotly # ----------------------- # Install de required packages if you don't have them yet if(!require(devtools)){ install.packages("devtools", repos="http://ftp.heanet.ie/mirrors/cran.r-project.org/") } require("devtools") if(!require(RCurl)){ install.packages("RCurl", repos="http://ftp.heanet.ie/mirrors/cran.r-project.org/") } if(!require(bitops)){ install.packages("bitops", repos="http://ftp.heanet.ie/mirrors/cran.r-project.org/") } if(!require(RJSONIO)){ install.packages("RJSONIO", repos="http://ftp.heanet.ie/mirrors/cran.r-project.org/") } # Next, install plotly (a big thanks to Hadley, who suggested the GitHub route): if(!require(plotly)){ devtools::install_github("plotly/R-api") } # ... # * DONE (plotly) # Then sign-up like this (adapt username and email to your choice) or at https://plot.ly/: require(plotly) response = signup (username = 'yournewusername', email= 'youremail@example.com') # You'll get as output in the R console: # ## Thanks for signing up to plotly! ## ## Your username is: yournewusername ## ## Your temporary password is: yourtemppassword. You use this to log into your plotly account at https://plot.ly/plot. ## ## Your API key is: API_Key. You use this to access your plotly account through the API. ## ## To get started, initialize a plotly object with your username and api_key, e.g. ## >>> p <- plotly(username="yournewusername", key="API_Key") ## Then, make a graph! ## >>> res <- p$plotly(c(1,2,3), c(4,2,1)) # And we’re up and running! You can change and access your password and key in your homepage. # 1. Overlaid Histograms: # ------------------------ require(plotly) p <- plotly(username="yournewusername", key="API_Key") x0 = rnorm(500) x1 = rnorm(500)+1 data0 = list(x=x0, type='histogramx', opacity=0.8) data1 = list(x=x1, type='histogramx', opacity=0.8) layout = list(barmode='overlay') response = p$plotly(data0, data1, kwargs=list(layout=layout)) # The script makes a graph. Use the RStudio viewer or add “browseURL(response$url)” to your script # to avoid copy and paste routines of your URL and open the graph directly. #browseURL(response$url) # In Tiki, you can plot the graph in a wiki page by means of an iframe to the reponse$url # #cat(response$url) # # But since Tiki doesn't allow the word "url" in scripts, we will use the index of the value in the response list: cat(unlist(response[1])) cat(unlist(response[1]) ) # This will produce something like: # #"https://plot.ly/~yournewusername/0/" # # Then you just need to include that url in an iframe as usual in Tiki {RR} {iframe name=myPlotlyChart width=800 height=600 align=middle frameborder=0 marginheight=0 marginwidth=0 scrolling=auto src="https://plot.ly/~yournewusername/0/"}

# Collaborating and Sharing: You’re in Control # --------------------------------------------- # # Keep in mind that: # # (1) You control if graphs are public or private, and who you share with (like Google Docs) # (2) Public sharing in Plotly is free (like GitHub). # # To share privately, press “Share” in our GUI or share with your script. # Users you share with get an email and can edit and comment on graphs. # That means no more emailing data, graphs, screenshots, and spreadsheets around: you can do it all in Plotly. # You can also save and apply custom themes to new data to avoid re-making the same graphs with new data. # Just upload and apply your theme.


Information Version
Mon 23 of Dec, 2013 20:05 GMT-0000 Xavier de Pedro added example of heatmaps 14
Mon 23 of Dec, 2013 17:21 GMT-0000 Xavier de Pedro fixing rr section 13
Thu 19 of Dec, 2013 11:57 GMT-0000 Xavier de Pedro more examples 12
Thu 19 of Dec, 2013 11:39 GMT-0000 Xavier de Pedro new url 11
Thu 19 of Dec, 2013 11:37 GMT-0000 Xavier de Pedro added info about sharing with plot.ly 10
Thu 19 of Dec, 2013 11:25 GMT-0000 Xavier de Pedro changed for plot.ly based charts 9
Thu 19 of Dec, 2013 00:21 GMT-0000 Xavier de Pedro added some extra check 8
Wed 18 of Dec, 2013 14:36 GMT-0000 Xavier de Pedro updated 7
Wed 18 of Dec, 2013 14:33 GMT-0000 Xavier de Pedro changed chart 6
Fri 11 of Oct, 2013 09:28 GMT-0000 Xavier de Pedro fixed iframe src path for Tiki12 5
Fri 31 of May, 2013 10:09 GMT-0000 Xavier de Pedro replaced some explicit code sections with the param echo=1 4
Sat 25 of May, 2013 12:22 GMT-0000 Xavier de Pedro added lattice 3
Fri 10 of May, 2013 15:21 GMT-0000 Xavier de Pedro updated 2nd chart 2
Fri 10 of May, 2013 15:20 GMT-0000 Xavier de Pedro first version 1