
History: CartoGraf_languages

Preview of version: 63

This page is to track all transalations for CartoGraf. Some translations should be in 10.x and trunk, some in custom.js and some in custom.php

Make sure to save the translation files as UTF-8

en custom php

<?php $lang_custom = array( //"Hello"=>"My Hello", //"This is the place to customize your translation"=>":-)", "Layer Selector" => "Collaborators", ); $lang = $lang_custom + $lang;

en custom js

And add the following to lang/en/language.js (would be better to have lang/en/custom.js)
"Editable" : "Me", "Finder" : "Author",

fr custom php

<?php $lang_custom = array( //"Hello"=>"My Hello", //"This is the place to customize your translation"=>":-)", "Layer Selector" => "Collaborateurs", "Share codes can contain only letters and numbers" => "Le code de partage peut seulement contenir des chiffres et des lettres", "Share Code" => "Code de partage", "Public Permalink" => "Lien pour partage", "Embed Code" => "Code pour intégrer", "My Maps" => "Mes cartes", "Duplicate Map|Make your own copy of this map. Only the items you own will be copied." => "Dupliquer|Générer votre propre copie de cette carte. Seulement les éléments qui vous appartiennent seront copiés.", "Collaborate|Collaborate on this map" => "Collaborer|Collaborer à cette carte", "Collaborate" => "Collaborer", "New Entry" => "Ajouter un objet", "Modify" => "Modifier", "Are you sure you want to delete this item?" => "SVP confirmer que vous voulez effacer cet item.", ); $lang = $lang_custom + $lang;

fr custom js

And add the following to lang/fr/language.js (would be better to have lang/fr/custom.js)
"Editable" : "Moi", "Finder" : "Auteur", "Blank" : "Fond blanc", "Enter new map name" : "SVP saisir le nom de la nouvelle carte", "Modify" : "Modifier", "Map" : "Carte", "StreetView is not available at this specific point on the map. Zoom in as needed and make sure to click on a blue line." : "La fonction Panorama n'est pas disponible à cet endroit précis sur la carte. Zoomez au besoin et assurez-vous de cliquer sur une ligne bleue.", "You need to log in to collaborate on this map, do you want to log in now?" => "Vous devez vous connecter pour collaborer sur cette carte, voulez-vous vous connecter maintenant?",

More to be added

Marianne & Steve: please add any new ones below

Not done yet

  • Top icon "StreetView" should become Panorama (in English and in French)
  • Map background selectror
    • Google Street : Google Carte
    • Google Physical : Google Physique
    • Google Hybrid: Google Hybride


Information Version
Sat 23 of Mar, 2013 19:30 GMT-0000 Marc Laporte formatting 75
Sat 23 of Mar, 2013 19:26 GMT-0000 Marc Laporte Code Plugin modified by editor. 74
Sat 23 of Mar, 2013 19:26 GMT-0000 Marc Laporte we now have lang/fr/custom.js 73
Sat 23 of Mar, 2013 19:23 GMT-0000 Marc Laporte Code Plugin modified by editor. 72
Sat 23 of Mar, 2013 19:23 GMT-0000 Marc Laporte We have it in Tiki11 71
Sat 23 of Mar, 2013 17:18 GMT-0000 Marc Laporte Une nouvelle traduction 70
Sat 23 of Mar, 2013 04:14 GMT-0000 Marc Laporte typo 69
Sat 23 of Mar, 2013 04:13 GMT-0000 Marc Laporte This is Tiki9 68
Sat 23 of Mar, 2013 04:13 GMT-0000 Marc Laporte fait 67
Sat 23 of Mar, 2013 04:09 GMT-0000 Marc Laporte fait 66
Fri 22 of Mar, 2013 21:07 GMT-0000 Marc Laporte This is JS 65
Thu 14 of Mar, 2013 17:37 GMT-0000 mariannegiguere Nouvelles traductions à faire 64
Thu 14 of Mar, 2013 17:31 GMT-0000 mariannegiguere "Approchez votre zoom" est devenu "Zoomez" 63
Fri 08 of Mar, 2013 17:25 GMT-0000 Marc Laporte not done yet 62
Fri 08 of Mar, 2013 17:11 GMT-0000 Marc Laporte ... 61
Fri 08 of Mar, 2013 17:01 GMT-0000 Marc Laporte maketoc 60
Tue 05 of Mar, 2013 09:32 GMT-0000 Marc Laporte In JS instead 59
Tue 05 of Mar, 2013 05:28 GMT-0000 Marc Laporte Code Plugin modified by editor. 58
Tue 05 of Mar, 2013 04:56 GMT-0000 Marc Laporte Code Plugin modified by editor. 57
Tue 29 of Jan, 2013 22:35 GMT-0000 Marc Laporte Code Plugin modified by editor. 56
Wed 16 of Jan, 2013 19:09 GMT-0000 Marc Laporte clearer 55
Wed 16 of Jan, 2013 17:29 GMT-0000 Marc Laporte Done, now in 10x 54
Wed 16 of Jan, 2013 16:10 GMT-0000 Jonny Bradley Code Plugin modified by editor. 53
Wed 16 of Jan, 2013 16:10 GMT-0000 Jonny Bradley Code Plugin modified by editor. 52
Wed 16 of Jan, 2013 16:09 GMT-0000 Jonny Bradley Code Plugin modified by editor. 51