
History: How to Create Profiles

Preview of version: 1

To create a profile.

1. Lookup an existing profile in the same category.

Currently we have:

2. Monkey See, Monkey Do
Copy the source of that page to a new page in Profiles.Tikiwiki.org
- There may be something like an excel spreadsheet or some other too to help with the YAML markup.

3. Save the page and categorize it.
-just to be sure- categorize it as "Not Tested"

4. Browse back to your site.

5. Goto AdminHome>Profiles
yeah way down at the bottom there.

6. Reload the profiles from Profiles.tiki.org.

7. Choose and Install


Information Version
Mon 16 of Feb, 2009 10:56 GMT-0000 Xavier de Pedro added quick edit module 7
Thu 05 of Feb, 2009 07:54 GMT-0000 Gary Cunningham-Lee Typos fixed. 6
Thu 22 of Jan, 2009 18:40 GMT-0000 Marc Laporte 5
Sat 23 of Aug, 2008 15:12 GMT-0000 Marc Laporte 4
Sat 23 of Aug, 2008 09:26 GMT-0000 idealpragmatist 3
Sat 23 of Aug, 2008 09:22 GMT-0000 idealpragmatist 2
Fri 22 of Aug, 2008 19:26 GMT-0000 idealpragmatist 1
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