
History: How to Create Profiles

Preview of version: 2

To create a profile.

1 Start a new wiki page.

1. Insert a template.

Various templates have been set up for each of the handlers with sample code to imitate.

There may be something like an excel spreadsheet or some other too to help with creating the YAML code.

2. Save, Check the details for that kind of handler. See if you got right.

3. Re-save the page and categorize it.
-just to be sure- categorize it as "Not Tested" unless you have.

How to Use Profiles


Information Version
Mon 16 of Feb, 2009 10:56 GMT-0000 Xavier de Pedro added quick edit module 7
Thu 05 of Feb, 2009 07:54 GMT-0000 Gary Cunningham-Lee Typos fixed. 6
Thu 22 of Jan, 2009 18:40 GMT-0000 Marc Laporte 5
Sat 23 of Aug, 2008 15:12 GMT-0000 Marc Laporte 4
Sat 23 of Aug, 2008 09:26 GMT-0000 idealpragmatist 3
Sat 23 of Aug, 2008 09:22 GMT-0000 idealpragmatist 2
Fri 22 of Aug, 2008 19:26 GMT-0000 idealpragmatist 1
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