This profile uses the feature "Wiki
Structure" to handle the equivalent feature in desktop office suites called "
Master document and subdocuments", which is useful to create
structured multipage reports with many sections and subsections, thesis, papers, etc.
Parts of the document:
Page Names | Comments
Title (cover) page | 1 page no page number
Copyright page | 1 page (back of title page) no page number
Table of contents | unknown length start with i
Preface (Foreword) | 2 pages continue from ToC
Chapters 1 to 8 | unknown length start with 1
Appendixes A, B | unknown length continue from Chapter 8
Index | unknown length continue from Appendix B
Everything related to page numbers, headings and footers, will be handled in the edition process at a desktop office suite such as
LibreOffice or equivalent, once the content of the whole document has been transfered there from Tiki through exporting it in "Main Application Menu > Wiki > Multiprint".
feature_wiki_structure: y
feature_wiki_open_as_structure: y
feature_wiki_make_structure: y
feature_categories: y
feature_wiki_categorize_structure: y
feature_wiki_multiprint: y
feature_listorphanStructure: y
feature_wiki_structure_drilldownmenu: y
feature_wiki_argvariable: y
useGroupHome: y
limitedGoGroupHome: y
instructions: Profile_Structured_Master_Doc_Instructions
Pages of the Structured Master Document
This profile will include these pages:
No pages found for title search '
instructions: Instructions of the Structured Master Documents Profile
enable: [ feature_wiki ]
type: wiki_page
ref: master_doc_instructions
name: Instructions of the Structured Master Documents Profile
description: Instructions of this profile
lang: en
content: wikicontent:Profile_Structured_Master_Doc_Instructions
type: wiki_page
ref: master_doc1_cover
name: D1 Cover
description: Cover for Master Document 1
lang: en
content: wikicontent:Profile_Structured_Master_Doc1_Cover
type: wiki_page
ref: master_doc1_copyright
name: D1 Copyright
description: Copyright page of Master Document 1
lang: en
content: wikicontent:Profile_Structured_Master_Doc1_Copyright
type: wiki_page
ref: master_doc1_toc
name: D1 Table of Contents
description: Table of Contents (toc) of Master Document 1
lang: en
content: wikicontent:Profile_Structured_Master_Doc1_TOC
type: wiki_page
ref: master_doc1_preface
name: D1 Preface
description: Preface of Master Document 1
lang: en
content: wikicontent:Profile_Structured_Master_Doc1_Preface
type: wiki_page
ref: master_doc1_ch1
name: D1 Chapter 1
description: Chapter 1 of Master Document 1
lang: en
content: wikicontent:Profile_Structured_Master_Doc1_Ch1