
History: GeoCMS_Maps_22

Preview of version: 19 (current)

This profile will apply a set of changes to the settings in your Tiki 22+ site to demonstrate the usage of maps and locations of wiki pages, blogs posts, articles, tracker items and web services, as a GeoCMS with custom Maps. It goes beyond the Easy_GeoBlog profile which shows maps for geolocated blog posts only.


Keep in mind that once you install this profile, you are NOT LOCKED IN to any feature, menu or content. Everything can always be changed, deleted or added to.

Pages in profiles.tw.o involved:
24 pages found for title search 'GeoCMS'


Features (Quick List)

  • Wiki pages
  • Blogs
  • Articles
  • Tracker items
  • Geolocation for the previous features & aggregated Map
  • Comments
  • Search
  • Menu
  • Freetags
  • Web services

Features & Settings (YAML)

instructions: GeoCMS_Instructions preferences: sitetitle: $profilerequest:sitetitle$Our GeoCMS$ sitesubtitle: $profilerequest:sitesubtitle$Geo locating diverse data$ browsertitle: $profilerequest:browsertitle$GeoCMS$ geo_enabled: y feature_cssmenus: y feature_top_bar: y menus_items_icons: y geo_locate_wiki: y feature_blogs: y feature_articles: y geo_locate_article: y article_related_articles: n feature_trackers: y trackerfield_autoincrement: y trackerfield_dropdownother: y feature_comments_moderation: y feature_comments_locking: y feature_categories : y feature_freetags : y feature_messages: y feature_search : y feature_user_watches : y feature_group_watches : y feature_mytiki : y feature_userPreferences: y feature_file_galleries: y feature_jquery: y feature_sitemenu: n feature_jquery_tablesorter: y wikiplugin_titlesearch: y wikiplugin_list: y geo_locate_blogpost: y comments_field_website: y comments_field_email: y feature_wysiwyg: y feature_syntax_highlighter: y feature_wiki_structure: y feature_wiki_open_as_structure: y feature_wiki_make_structure: y feature_wiki_categorize_structure: y feature_wiki_multiprint: y feature_listorphanStructure: y feature_wiki_structure_drilldownmenu: y feature_wiki_argvariable: y feature_webservices: y wikiplugininline_webservice: y wikiplugin_webservice: y geo_openlayers_version: ol3 profile_autoapprove_wikiplugins: y wikiplugin_fluidgrid: y

User Interface (YAML)

Top bar menu

preferences: feature_sitemenu : y

objects: - type: menu ref: geocms_menu data: name: My Menu description: A menu containing the base navigation of the site collapse: none mode: create_or_update items: - name: Home url: tiki-view_blog.php?blogId=$profileobject:personal$ - name: Maps url: ((Map of ALL content)) items: - name: Map (ALL) url: ((Map of ALL content)) - name: Map (Wiki) url: ((Map of Wiki pages)) - name: Map (Blog) url: ((Map of Blog posts)) - name: Map (Articles) url: ((Map of Articles)) - name: Map (Tracker) url: ((Map of Tracker items)) - name: Map (Web services) url: ((Map via Web services)) - name: Data url: items: - name: Wiki pages url: tiki-index.php?page=Localvores+List&structure=Localvores+List - name: Blog posts url: tiki-view_blog.php?blogId=$profileobject:personal$ - name: Articles url: tiki-list_articles.php - name: Tracker items url: tiki-view_tracker.php?trackerId=$profileobject:geo_tracker1$ - name: Unfiltered Data (Web services) url: ((Unfiltered Data via Web services)) - name: Filtered Data (Web services) url: Sant Andreu?itemId=5 - name: Admin menu url: tiki-admin_menus.php permissions: [ edit_menu ]


objects: - type: module ref: module_search data: name: search position: left groups: [ Anonymous, Registered ] mode: create_or_update order: 2 params: compact: y nobox: y decorations: y notitle: y - type: module ref: module_months_links data: name: months_links position: right groups: [ Anonymous ] order: 4 mode: create_or_update params: feature: blogs id: $profileobject:personal$ title: Archives section: blogs - type: module ref: module_since_last_visit_new data: name: since_last_visit_new position: left groups: [ Registered ] mode: create_or_update order: 20 params: use_jquery_ui: y - type: module ref: module_freetags_most_popular data: name: freetags_most_popular position: right groups: [ Anonymous ] order: 25 mode: create_or_update params: section: blogs nonums: y type: cloud max: 50 where: All - type: module ref: module_freetag data: name: freetag position: right groups: [ Anonymous ] order: 35 mode: create_or_update params: section: blogs nonums: y - type: module ref: module_last_blog_posts data: name: last_blog_posts position: right groups: [ Anonymous ] order: 40 mode: create_or_update params: blogid: $profileobject:personal$ nonums: y section: blogs - type: module ref: module_blog_last_comments data: position: right order: 60 name: blog_last_comments groups: [ Anonymous ] mode: create_or_update params: section: blogs - type: module ref: module_menu data: name: menu position: top groups: [ Anonymous, Registered ] order: 1 mode: create_or_update params: id: $profileobject:geocms_menu$ type: horiz nobox: y decorations: n notitle: y - type: module ref: module_menupage_geocms data: name: menupage params: pagemenu: $geocms_wiki_menupage_include groups: - Anonymous - Registered order: 1 position: left

Object Creation (YAML)

Wiki Pages

objects: - type: wiki_page ref: geocms_instructions_include_22 data: name: GeoCMS_Instructions description: Profile Instructions lang: en mode: create_or_update content: wikicontent:GeoCMS_Instructions_22 - type: wiki_page ref: geocms_map_all_include_18 data: name: Map of ALL content description: Map of all geoLocated content in this website lang: en mode: create_or_update content: wikicontent:GeoCMS_map_all_include_18 - type: wiki_page ref: geocms_map_wiki_include_18 data: name: Map of Wiki pages description: Map of GeoLocated Wiki pages lang: en mode: create_or_update content: wikicontent:GeoCMS_map_wiki_include_18 - type: wiki_page ref: geocms_map_blog_include data: name: Map of Blog posts description: Map of geolocated Blog posts lang: en mode: create_or_update content: wikicontent:GeoCMS_map_blog_include - type: wiki_page ref: geocms_map_articles_include data: name: Map of Articles description: Map of Geolocated articles lang: en mode: create_or_update content: wikicontent:GeoCMS_map_articles_include - type: wiki_page ref: geocms_map_tracker_include_18 data: name: Map of Tracker items description: Map of geolocated Tracker items lang: en mode: create_or_update content: wikicontent:GeoCMS_map_tracker_include_18 - type: wiki_page ref: geocms_map_webservices_map_include_22 data: name: Map via Web services description: Map of geolocated items fetched through web services lang: en mode: create_or_update content: wikicontent:GeoCMS_map_webservices_map_include_22 - type: wiki_page ref: geocms_map_webservices_data_noparams_include_22 data: name: Unfiltered Data via Web services description: Display data fetched through web services with no custom filtering (no web service params) lang: en mode: create_or_update content: wikicontent:GeoCMS_map_webservices_data_noparams_include_22 - type: wiki_page ref: geocms_map_webservices_data_params_include_22 data: name: Sant Andreu description: Filtered Data via Web Services - Example of data fetched through web services and custom filtering through web service params using page name and itemId lang: en mode: create_or_update content: wikicontent:GeoCMS_map_webservices_data_params_include_22 - type: wiki_page ref: geocms_wiki_menupage_include data: name: Menu description: Wiki menu lang: en mode: create_or_update content: wikicontent:GeoCMS_wiki_menupage_include - type: wiki_page ref: geocms_wiki_localvores data: name: Localvores List description: List of places with local food lang: en content: wikicontent:GeoCMS_Localvores structure: 0 - type: wiki_page ref: geocms_wiki_site1 data: name: Localvores Site1 description: Site 1 of the list of places with local food (Txapela) lang: en content: wikicontent:GeoCMS_Localvores_site1 mode: create_or_update geolocation: 2.1647703,41.3927117,15 structure: $geocms_wiki_localvores structure_as_sibling: y - type: wiki_page ref: geocms_wiki_site2 data: name: Localvores Site2 description: Site 2 of the list of places with local food (Quatre Gats) lang: en content: wikicontent:GeoCMS_Localvores_site2 mode: create_or_update geolocation: 2.1735743,41.3858096,15 structure: $geocms_wiki_site1 structure_as_sibling: y - type: wiki_page ref: geocms_wiki_site3 data: name: Localvores Site3 description: Site 3 of the list of places with local food (Mercat de la Boqueria) lang: en content: wikicontent:GeoCMS_Localvores_site3 mode: create_or_update geolocation: 2.1715853,41.3817399,15 structure: $geocms_wiki_site2 structure_as_sibling: y - type: wiki_page ref: geocms_wiki_site4 data: name: Localvores Site4 description: Site 4 of the list of places with local food (Santa Gula) lang: en content: wikicontent:GeoCMS_Localvores_site4 mode: create_or_update geolocation: 2.155472,41.397254,15 structure: $geocms_wiki_site3 structure_as_sibling: y - type: wiki_page ref: geocms_wiki_site2_1 data: name: Localvores Site2 Subsite 1 description: Subsite 1 from Site 2 of the list of places with local food (Mercat de Santa Caterina) lang: en content: wikicontent:GeoCMS_Localvores_site_2_1 mode: create_or_update geolocation: 2.178438,41.3862056,15 structure: $geocms_wiki_site2 - type: wiki_page ref: geocms_wiki_site2_2 data: name: Localvores Site2 Subsite 2 description: Subsite 2 from Site 2 of the list of places with local food (Mercat de la Barceloneta) lang: en content: wikicontent:GeoCMS_Localvores_site_2_2 mode: create_or_update geolocation: 2.1892103,41.3804376,15 structure: $geocms_wiki_site2_1 structure_as_sibling: y


objects: - type: blog ref: personal data: title: $profilerequest:Blog Title$My Personal GeoBlog$ description: $profilerequest:Blog Description$Random daily thoughts and travel stories$ user: $profilerequest:Blog Owner$admin$ use_title: y comments: y allow_comments: y mode: create_or_update heading : $profilerequest:Heading$Never a dull moment!$ - type: blog_post ref: sample_post3 data: blog: $personal title: PLEASE READ content: wikicontent:personal_blog_and_profile_post3_include geolocation: -46.6333094,-23.5505199,15 - type: blog_post ref: sample_post1 data: blog: $personal title: Introducing Tiki Profiles content: wikicontent:personal_blog_and_profile_post1_include geolocation: -73.5539925,45.5086699,15 - type: blog_post ref: sample_post2 data: blog: $personal title: TikiFestBarcelona2 July 12-18th 2010 content: wikicontent:personal_blog_and_profile_post2_include geolocation: 2.1734035,41.3850639,15


objects: - type: tracker ref: geo_tracker1 data: name: Geo located Database description: > Geo located database of items. restrict_end: 0 restrict_start: 0 default_status: open, pending, closed show: [status, creation_date, modification_date, list_modification_date ] - type: tracker_field ref: geo_tracker1_id data: name: '#Id' permname: geocmsId tracker: $geo_tracker1 options: start: 1 type: auto_increment order: 0 flags: - searchable - public - mandatory - type: tracker_field ref: geo_tracker1_linename data: name: 'Metro Line #' permname: geocmsLineName tracker: $geo_tracker1 options: options: - | 1 - red - | 2 - purple - | 3 - green - | 4 - yellow - | 5 - blue type: dropdown_other order: 10 flags: - searchable - public - type: tracker_field ref: geo_tracker1_stopname data: name: Metro Stop name permname: geocmsStopName tracker: $geo_tracker1 options: width: 80 height: 5 max: 20000 listmax: 100 distinct: n wysiwyg: n samerow: 1 type: text_area order: 20 flags: - list - searchable - public - type: tracker_field ref: geo_tracker1_district data: name: District permname: geocmsDistrict tracker: $geo_tracker1 options: options: - Ciutat Vella - Eixample - Sants-Montjuïc - Les Corts - Sarrià-Sant Gervasi - Gràcia - Horta-Guinardó - Nou Barris - Sant Andreu - Sant Martí type: dropdown_other order: 30 description: Corresponding district of the city flags: - list - searchable - public - type: tracker_field ref: geo_tracker1_poiName data: name: POI Name permname: geocmsPoiName tracker: $geo_tracker1 options: type: text_field order: 50 description: Name of the Point of Interest flags: - link - list - searchable - public - mandatory - type: tracker_field ref: geo_tracker1_poiAddress data: name: POI Address permname: geocmsPoiAddress tracker: $geo_tracker1 options: samerow: 1 size: 80 max: 2000 autocomplete: n exact: n type: text_field order: 60 flags: - searchable - public - type: tracker_field ref: geo_tracker1_typesOf data: name: POI Type permname: geocmsTypesOf tracker: $geo_tracker1 options: options: - Natural Park - Culture Centre - Food related shops - Bike shop (rentals - ...) type: dropdown_other order: 70 description: > Type of Point of Interest (POI). You can select more than one (Ctrl+click to select more) flags: - list - searchable - public - type: tracker_field ref: geo_tracker1_location data: name: Location permname: geocmsLocation tracker: $geo_tracker1 options: use_as_item_location: 1 list_width: 200 list_height: 200 item_width: 500 item_height: 400 type: map order: 80 flags: - list - searchable - public - type: tracker_field ref: geo_tracker1_addedBy data: name: Added by permname: geocmsAddedBy tracker: $geo_tracker1 options: autoassign: 1 groupIds: - 0 showRealname: 1 type: user order: 90 flags: - list - searchable - public - type: tracker_field ref: geo_tracker1_whyVisitIt data: name: Why visit it? permname: geocmsWhyVisitIt tracker: $geo_tracker1 options: toolbars: 1 width: 80 height: 5 max: 20000 listmax: 200 distinct: n wysiwyg: n samerow: 1 type: text_area order: 100 description: Why we recommend you to visit it? flags: - searchable - public - type: tracker_option ref: geo_tracker1_sort_default_field data: tracker: $geo_tracker1 name: sort_default_field value: modification - type: tracker_option ref: geo_tracker1_popup_fields data: tracker: $geo_tracker1 name: popup_fields value: > $profileobject:geo_tracker1_id$,$profileobject:geo_tracker1_district$,$profileobject:geo_tracker1_whyVisitIt$,$profileobject:geo_tracker1_addedBy$

Geolocated data for the tracker

objects: - type: tracker_item ref: geoitem_001 data: tracker: $GeoCMS_Maps_22:geo_tracker1 status: open values: - [ $GeoCMS_Maps_22:geo_tracker1_id, 1 ] - [ $GeoCMS_Maps_22:geo_tracker1_linename, 1 - red ] - [ $GeoCMS_Maps_22:geo_tracker1_stopname, Hospital de Bellvitge ] - [ $GeoCMS_Maps_22:geo_tracker1_district, "Bellvitge - L'Hospitalet de Llobregat" ] - [ $GeoCMS_Maps_22:geo_tracker1_poiName, Bellvitge University Hospital ] - [ $GeoCMS_Maps_22:geo_tracker1_poiAddress, "Feixa Llarga, sn. 08907 L'Hospitalet de Llobregat" ] - [ $GeoCMS_Maps_22:geo_tracker1_typesOf, "Education centre" ] - [ $GeoCMS_Maps_22:geo_tracker1_location, "2.1068054437637,41.344445044557,18" ] - [ $GeoCMS_Maps_22:geo_tracker1_addedBy, admin ] - [ $GeoCMS_Maps_22:geo_tracker1_whyVisitIt, "Boards with interesting flat rental opportunities and other goods from current students departing soon sold at very cheap prices. Plus enjoy local university athmosphere (take a tea/beer at their bar :-)" ] - type: tracker_item ref: geoitem_002 data: tracker: $GeoCMS_Maps_22:geo_tracker1 status: open values: - [ $GeoCMS_Maps_22:geo_tracker1_id, 2 ] - [ $GeoCMS_Maps_22:geo_tracker1_linename, 1 - red ] - [ $GeoCMS_Maps_22:geo_tracker1_stopname, Catalunya ] - [ $GeoCMS_Maps_22:geo_tracker1_district, "Eixample - Center of the City" ] - [ $GeoCMS_Maps_22:geo_tracker1_poiName, Catalunya square ] - [ $GeoCMS_Maps_22:geo_tracker1_poiAddress, "Plaça Catalunya, Barcelona" ] - [ $GeoCMS_Maps_22:geo_tracker1_typesOf, "City centre with shops, cafes, etc" ] - [ $GeoCMS_Maps_22:geo_tracker1_location, "2.1697740637319,41.387726607908,16" ] - [ $GeoCMS_Maps_22:geo_tracker1_addedBy, admin ] - [ $GeoCMS_Maps_22:geo_tracker1_whyVisitIt, "Center of city, easy access to many parts of city" ] - type: tracker_item ref: geoitem_003 data: tracker: $GeoCMS_Maps_22:geo_tracker1 status: pending values: - [ $GeoCMS_Maps_22:geo_tracker1_id, 3 ] - [ $GeoCMS_Maps_22:geo_tracker1_linename, 3 - green ] - [ $GeoCMS_Maps_22:geo_tracker1_stopname, Vallcarca ] - [ $GeoCMS_Maps_22:geo_tracker1_district, "Gràcia" ] - [ $GeoCMS_Maps_22:geo_tracker1_poiName, "Park Güell" ] - [ $GeoCMS_Maps_22:geo_tracker1_poiAddress, "Carretera del Carmel, 23. Barcelona" ] - [ $GeoCMS_Maps_22:geo_tracker1_typesOf, "Cultural park" ] - [ $GeoCMS_Maps_22:geo_tracker1_location, "2.1556074,41.4145096,15" ] - [ $GeoCMS_Maps_22:geo_tracker1_addedBy, admin ] - [ $GeoCMS_Maps_22:geo_tracker1_whyVisitIt, "Beautiful park, great views" ] - type: tracker_item ref: geoitem_004 data: tracker: $GeoCMS_Maps_22:geo_tracker1 status: pending values: - [ $GeoCMS_Maps_22:geo_tracker1_id, 4 ] - [ $GeoCMS_Maps_22:geo_tracker1_linename, 4 - yellow ] - [ $GeoCMS_Maps_22:geo_tracker1_stopname, "Ciutadella - Vila Olímpica" ] - [ $GeoCMS_Maps_22:geo_tracker1_district, "Ciutat Vella" ] - [ $GeoCMS_Maps_22:geo_tracker1_poiName, "Ciutadella Park" ] - [ $GeoCMS_Maps_22:geo_tracker1_poiAddress, "Pg Picasso, 21. Barcelona" ] - [ $GeoCMS_Maps_22:geo_tracker1_typesOf, "Natural park" ] - [ $GeoCMS_Maps_22:geo_tracker1_location, "2.1872663497923215,41.391797222827705,16" ] - [ $GeoCMS_Maps_22:geo_tracker1_addedBy, admin ] - [ $GeoCMS_Maps_22:geo_tracker1_whyVisitIt, "Beautiful park, high diversity of animals and plants inside, including lake, playground for kids, etc." ] - type: tracker_item ref: geoitem_005 data: tracker: $GeoCMS_Maps_22:geo_tracker1 status: closed values: - [ $GeoCMS_Maps_22:geo_tracker1_id, 5 ] - [ $GeoCMS_Maps_22:geo_tracker1_linename, 5 - blue ] - [ $GeoCMS_Maps_22:geo_tracker1_stopname, "El Coll - La Teixonera" ] - [ $GeoCMS_Maps_22:geo_tracker1_district, "Gràcia" ] - [ $GeoCMS_Maps_22:geo_tracker1_poiName, "La Creueta del Coll Park" ] - [ $GeoCMS_Maps_22:geo_tracker1_poiAddress, "Pg Mare de Déu del Coll 77. Barcelona" ] - [ $GeoCMS_Maps_22:geo_tracker1_typesOf, "Natural park" ] - [ $GeoCMS_Maps_22:geo_tracker1_location, "2.147016653228632,41.41822767243799,16" ] - [ $GeoCMS_Maps_22:geo_tracker1_addedBy, admin ] - [ $GeoCMS_Maps_22:geo_tracker1_whyVisitIt, "Relaxed and family park, with big lake used in summer as shallow swimingpool for families with young kids, bar, and optional hike routes to climb the hill surrounding the park. Beautiful scenic and panoramic views of the City" ]


Sample Articles
objects: - type: article_topic ref: topic data: name: General - type: article ref: Sample_Articles_include data: title: Tiki Fest Barcelona in the Sea Front body: There was a Tiki Fest in Barcelona city which was held for 7 days in a suburbs very close to the beach. See more information at https://tiki.org/TikiFestBarcelona3 heading: The third TikiFest in Barcelona city was held in this suburb on 2012. type: Article topic: $topic geolocation: 2.2026589,41.4012365,15 - type: article ref: Sample_Articles_include2 data: title: Montjuïc Castle body: The foundation stone for the basic fortification was laid out in 1640. A year later, in January 1641, the fort saw its first battle, during the Catalan Revolt when the Principality of Catalonia challenged Spain's authority. (...) Later in the 20th century, the castle became a military museum. In June 1963, Francisco Franco inaugurated the Military Armor Museum, the official name given to the institution. In April 2007, the government transferred the castle to Barcelona City Council. Following discussions over the next months, the castle became a municipal facility. More information https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Montju%C3%AFc_Castle heading: Castle in the mountain on Montjuic at the sea front of Barcelona, which was a military facility but recently became a municipal facility for all the citizens. type: Article topic: $topic geolocation: 2.1674931,41.3640002,15

objects: - type: file_gallery ref: General_File_Gallery data: name: General description: Images & files owner: admin archives: 0 flags: [ public, visible, lockable ] column: [ icon, name, created, creator, files ]

Groups & Permissions (YAML)

Name Description
Anonymous Anonymous users can read blog posts and add comments
Registered Just self-register with an email address
Editors Can destroy & edit all content
SubAdmins Almost all powers
Admins All powers

permissions: Anonymous: allow: - download_files - list_file_galleries - read_blog - read_comments - comment - post_comments - search - view - view_calendar - view_categories - view_categorized - view_events - view_fgal_explorer - view_fgal_path - view_file_gallery - view_freetags - view_trackers - view_trackers_pending - view_trackers_closed - read_article description: Already exists Registered: description: GeoCMS users allow: - add_events - blog_post - create_blogs - edit - edit_categorized - freetags_tag - plugin_preview - upload_files - upload_picture - watch_trackers - create_tracker_items - modify_tracker_items_pending - modify_tracker_items_closed - modify_tracker_items - modify_object_categories Editors: description: Can approve & delete allow: - admin_calendar - admin_categories - admin_comments - admin_file_galleries - admin_freetags - admin_notifications - admin_rssmodules - admin_shoutbox - admin_wiki - blog_admin - clean_cache - edit_menu - edit_menu_option - lock - minor - plugin_approve - trust_input - use_HTML include: Registered SubAdmins: include: Editors allow: - adminusers Admins: include: SubAdmins allow: - admin

GeoCMS Maps22 | GeoCMSMaps22 | CMSMaps22 | GeoCMS22


Information Version
Sun 26 of Jul, 2020 17:17 GMT-0000 Xavi (as xavidp - admin) case 12 - 19
Sun 26 of Jul, 2020 15:53 GMT-0000 Xavi (as xavidp - admin) added pref geo_openlayers_version: ol3 9 - 11
Sun 26 of Jul, 2020 12:30 GMT-0000 Xavi (as xavidp - admin) added wiki pages for webservices map and webservices data 1 - 8