
History: Profile_Tracker_as_Calendar_page_10

Preview of version: 6

Display tracker items in a calendar or resource view

Using TrackerCalendar: http://doc.tiki.org/PluginTrackerCalendar

 Plugin disabled
Plugin trackercalendar cannot be executed.

Filter upcoming events

Missing or incorrect trackerId parameter for the plugin.
Missing or incorrect trackerId parameter for the plugin.

Missing or incorrect trackerId parameter for the plugin.
Image Add event

Show all events (including closed)

Add items to be displayed as calendar events

Missing or incorrect trackerId parameter for the plugin.


Information Version
Thu 27 of Mar, 2014 11:45 GMT-0000 Xavier de Pedro added profileobject:trac_as_cal_location 7
Tue 18 of Feb, 2014 11:40 GMT-0000 Xavier de Pedro replace harcoded page name for dynamic name (feature_wiki_argvariable) 6
Sat 25 of Aug, 2012 16:20 GMT-0000 Xavier de Pedro improved names of sections 5
Sat 25 of Aug, 2012 08:45 GMT-0000 Xavier de Pedro removed one tab so that the trackerfilter works as expected being in the first tab (it doesn¡t work well when inthe second tab or others than the first) 4
Fri 24 of Aug, 2012 14:06 GMT-0000 Xavier de Pedro updated tab names 3
Fri 24 of Aug, 2012 14:04 GMT-0000 Xavier de Pedro added a section for PluginTrackerCalendar 2
Fri 24 of Aug, 2012 12:54 GMT-0000 Xavier de Pedro test 1