
History: User_Tracker_avatar_field

Preview of version: 8 (current)

Optional Avatar field for https://profiles.tiki.org/User_Tracker
This field is trying to simulate an avatar type field (which does not exist yet in Tiki as of version 17.x) using the static type field and it displays the avatar icon for the user item in the wiki parsed description of the field.
It requires one TPL wiki page (see below).

preferences: # enable / disable some preferences this field depends on feature_userPreferences: y trackerfield_static: y wikiplugin_avatar: y objects: - type: tracker_field ref: avatar_icon # unique profile object reference name data: name: $profilerequest:Name for the "Avatar" field:$Avatar$ # request user input before applying the profile description: | {trackerlist trackerId="$profileobject:User_Tracker:user_tracker$" fields="$profileobject:User_Tracker:user_name$" max="1" list_mode="csv" showpagination="n" tplwiki="$profileobject:avatar_field_page_template$"} tracker: $User_Tracker:user_tracker # parent profile reference type: static # field type flags: # can be: list, mandatory, public, searchable - public options: wikiparse: 1 - type: wiki_page ref: avatar_field_page_template data: name: Avatar TPL content: wikicontent:User_Tracker_avatar_field_page_template permissions: Registered: objects: - type: wiki_page id: Avatar TPL allow: - use_as_template


Information Version
Thu 03 of Aug, 2017 09:16 GMT-0000 luciash d' being missing pref 8
Fri 28 of Jul, 2017 18:19 GMT-0000 luciash d' being another try 7
Fri 28 of Jul, 2017 15:16 GMT-0000 luciash d' being trying to fix for Tiki 17 6
Thu 20 of Jul, 2017 11:39 GMT-0000 luciash d' being use tplwiki instead of wiki as the template resource to parse the HTML like in Smarty template 5
Thu 20 of Jul, 2017 10:10 GMT-0000 luciash d' being do not show pagination in tracker item edit mode 4
Thu 20 of Jul, 2017 09:31 GMT-0000 luciash d' being "objects" cannot be twice there 3
Thu 20 of Jul, 2017 09:25 GMT-0000 luciash d' being Code Plugin modified by editor. 2
Thu 20 of Jul, 2017 09:16 GMT-0000 luciash d' being new field for User Tracker 1