CartoGraf is an interactive web-based mapping application to enhance learning in history and geography classes in high schools. CartoGraf is mainly based on Maps, Drawings, PluginAppFrame and Trackers. It is a great example of how to use profiles in a general purpose app (Tiki) to make a very specific application.
Download and InstallTiki9 As of 2012-07-10, you need to get branches/10x (future Tiki10.0) for the latest and greatest goodies :-) (Use the Daily Build of from SVN)
Apply the CartoGraf profile
Follow the profile Setup instructions
We hope you like it and please do join the community!
Work in Progress...
(Do not use Kaltura wikiplugin as it is not enabled in default install when viewing the profile before apply)
instructions: Setup
feature_sefurl: y
allowRegister: y
browsertitle: CartoGraf Project
tracker_refresh_itemlink_detail: y
geo_always_load_openlayers: y
url_after_validation: Account_Validated
feature_jquery_ui_theme: start
feature_left_column: n
tracker_clone_item: y
toolbar_trackers: bold,list,numlist,wikiplugin_youtube
fgal_tracker_existing_search: y
fgal_elfinder_feature: y
layout_add_body_group_class: y
type: users
name: $profilerequest:Test User 1 Login Name:$demo$
email: $profilerequest:User 1 Email (optional):$ $
groups: [ $profilerequest:Groups User 1 should be assigned (for more groups separate them by comma):$Registered$ ]
Look & Feel
style: CartoGraf.css
feature_fixed_width: n
jquery_ui_selectmenu: y
feature_page_title: n
feature_sitelogo: y
wiki_edit_plugin: n
sitelogo_src: styles/CartoGraf/logo.gif
type: menu
ref: CartoGraf_Top_menu
name: Top
description: A menu containing the base navigation of the site
collapse: none
name: Home
url: ((HomePage))
name: My Maps
url: ((MyMaps))
name: Partners
url: ((Partners))
name: Help
url: ((Help))
name: Setup
url: ((Setup))
permissions: [ admin ]
type: menu
ref: CartoGraf_RightEdge_menu
name: RightEdge
collapse: none
name: Register
url: tiki-register.php
name: Demo
url: ((Demo))
name: Contact
url: ((Contact))
modseparateanon: y
type: module
ref: LiveHeaderMap_module
position: top
order: 0
name: LiveHeaderMap
groups: [ Anonymous, Registered ]
nopage: Map
custom: <div id="TheLiveHeaderMap" style="height:188px"></div>
type: module
ref: LocationSearch_module
position: top
order: 49 #ensure the map location search is assigned as last module
name: map_search_location
groups: [ Registered ]
legacy_mode: search_box
show_search_button: y
show_go_button: n
show_edit_button: n
default_button: search
page: Map
nobox: y
style: "float: right; margin-right: 15px" #most of the params ignored as the module is not standard and does have no module div rendered but just the form tag (TODO: fix in Tiki)
type: module
ref: TopMenu_module
position: top
order: 1
name: menu
groups: [ Anonymous, Registered ]
id: $CartoGraf_Top_menu
style: "float: left; margin-left: 350px"
type: module
ref: RightEdgeMenu_module
position: right
order: 1
name: menu
groups: [ Anonymous ]
id: $CartoGraf_RightEdge_menu
menu_id: RightEdgeMenu
nobox: y
nopage: Map
feature_wiki: y
feature_articles: n
feature_mytiki: n
feature_trackers: y
geo_tilesets: [mapquest_street, mapquest_aerial, google_street, google_satellite, google_physical, google_hybrid, blank]
geo_google_streetview: y
geo_google_streetview_overlay: y
wikiplugin_appframe: y
wikiplugin_list: y
feature_search: y
feature_wiki_argvariable: y
trackerfield_geographicfeature: y
fgal_upload_from_source: y
When you apply the profile, you may see "Preference set: geo_tilesets=Array" in the response. This is a cosmetic error. The preference is set correctly.
1-liner to re-install a fresh Tiki with profile
php installer/shell.php install; sh; php lib/search/shell.php rebuild; php lib/profilelib/shell.php install CartoGraf; php lib/profilelib/shell.php install Screencast ; sh; php lib/search/shell.php rebuild; sh
Other notes
1- Une fois logué, il faut que la page arrive sur la liste de carte (MyMaps), ce n'est pas le cas actuellement
2- Dans l'onglet map, il faut ajouter le lien « Mes carte » vers la pages "My Maps"
Print/image capture solution
Use case: export an image for inclusion in a website, a slideshow or a word processor.
This is not trivial because "How do I save the current map view an an image, or print it?
OpenLayers itself doesn't handle printing, nor saving the image to a single image. This is because OpenLayers is actually an illusion, created by many different images being creatively overlaid in your browser's div. The only place the entire map exists, is in your browser's imagination. Nevertheless, there are a few options."
Can you add a way to restrict to certain file galleries (ex.: Gallery #3 and children)
Perhaps thumbnails could be bigger than now, so as to not have to preview each image
Ideally, as well make the image visible after upload (right now, it's just the text of the name of the file)
The image should be copied (forked) as if it was an image from an external site. Copied from File Gallery "ref: imageBank" (populated by site admins) to "ref: imageContainer" (Images uploaded by students)
Since this is the less common use case, another option to use/link would make a lot of sense
Bookmarkable slide-out of right hand sliders and/or some wizard-like pop-ups to explain to the user how it works (start using to see what I mean). So we can link/document to how to create a map (now you need to know to open the slider) Done
works via tiki-view_tracker.php but not in end-user interface with latest svn up and refresh of templates (but seemed to work for a while). If you need tpl changes, attach them to this wiki page
Add a tracker setting to make tracker management via tiki-view_tracker.php accessible only to tiki_p_admin_trackers for that tracker (or a similar strategy to reach this objective)
Hide background wiki page while map loads (fraction of a second of ugliness)
The site requires IE9 (which is required for SVG-edit): can we have some sort of bubble, overlay, topline or something to warn users they have to upgrade their browser? Related:
Add a "duplicate map" link/button in the map slideout box. Ideally, it asks for name of new map, if not, it calls it ABC-copy (ABC-copie in French)
Ideally a delete map button as well ( see with LPH )
After adding a polygon or a path, go in edit mode to add information to what you just created
Add a way for a user to delete his own map
bug; username with a - causes an issue. Not possible to add POIs
At the end, make a French language profile for content and the top-level icons