History: Revision Approval (ISO9001)

Preview of version: 46

Configuration profile that showcases the handling of document revision approval for ISO9001 quality certification systems.

preferences: feature_categories: y feature_community_mouseover: y feature_group_watches: y feature_messages: y feature_mytiki: y feature_search: y feature_syntax_highlighter: y feature_syntax_highlighter_theme: default feature_user_watches: y feature_wiki_categorize_structure: y feature_wiki_make_structure: y feature_wiki_print: y feature_wiki_multiprint: y feature_wiki_open_as_structure: y feature_wiki_structure: y flaggedrev_approval: y flaggedrev_approval_categories: [ $categ_revision_app, $categ_revision_app_urgent ] feature_wiki_argvariable: y search_default_where: [, wiki page] unified_identifier_fields: [language, gallery_id, searchable, view_permission, primary_image, geo_located, geo_location, title_initial, url, object_type, object_id, addongroup, addonleadergroup, addonpendinggroup] user_show_realnames: y users_prefs_show_mouseover_user_info: y users_prefs_user_information: public wiki_auto_toc: y wiki_edit_icons_toggle: y wikiplugin_quote: y wikiplugin_tabs: y wikiplugin_split: y instructions: Profile_ISO9001_instructions


objects: - type: category ref: categ_revision_app data: name: Under Revision Approval description: Base category used to get revision approval on its wiki pages items: - [ wiki_page, HomePage ] - type: category ref: categ_revision_app_urgent data: name: Under URGENT Revision Approval parent: $categ_revision_app items: - [ wiki_page, $iso9001_official_doc_page ] - type: category ref: another_category data: name: Category Foo (out of revision approval) description: Another category used to out of the revision approval system


Breadcrumb for easier navigation
objects: - type: module ref: module_breadcrumb data: position: left order: 2 name: breadcrumb groups: [ Anonymous ]


Create a group "Group_revisors" which has permission to approve revisions. Group registered can't approve revisions, but just edit content and create new versions, pending approval.

permissions: Anonymous: allow: - view Registered: description: Standard registered users to the site, that are not allowed to approve revisions allow: - view - edit - edit_categorized - upload_files - upload_picture - wiki_view_history - wiki_view_source - wiki_view_latest - modify_object_categories include: [ Anonymous ] Group_revisors: description: Members of the organization allowed to revise documents of the ISO9001 system allow: - wiki_view_latest - wiki_approve include: [ Registered ]


Add a user to the group Members
objects: - type: user data: name: user1 pass: user1 email: user1@example.com change: n groups: [ Registered ] - type: user data: name: revisor1 pass: revisor1 email: revisor1@example.com change: n groups: [ Group_revisors ]

Wiki pages

This will include:

instructions: ISO9001 instructions preferences: enable: [ feature_wiki ] objects: - type: wiki_page ref: iso9001_instructions_page data: name: ISO9001 instructions description: The instructions about the ISO9001 implementation lang: en content: wikicontent:Profile_ISO9001_instructions - type: wiki_page ref: iso9001_official_doc_page data: name: Official document description: Some sample official document that requries revision approval lang: en content: wikicontent:Profile_ISO9001_official_document

Alias names for this page:
ISO9001 | Revision Approval | RevisionApproval | (alias(Revision Approval (ISO9001))


Information Version
Fri 06 of Oct, 2023 17:15 GMT-0000 Marc Laporte forget it 51
Fri 06 of Oct, 2023 17:14 GMT-0000 Marc Laporte close as many as opened 50
Sat 05 of Aug, 2023 23:30 GMT-0000 Xavier de Pedro fixing again the instructions page 49
Sat 05 of Aug, 2023 23:28 GMT-0000 Xavier de Pedro changing the nardcoded homepage to a referenced wiki page as the object to be included in that categ by the profile, to see if this avoids the issue stopping this profile from being applied 48
Sat 05 of Aug, 2023 23:24 GMT-0000 Xavier de Pedro adding $profileobject: to the reference of the category that the profile doesn't seem to create 47
Wed 01 of Apr, 2015 13:33 GMT-0000 Xavier de Pedro added extra alias [Rollback by xavi to version 36] 46
Sat 05 of Aug, 2023 23:09 GMT-0000 Xavier de Pedro avoid defining the categories since they make the profile fail, apparently 45
Sat 05 of Aug, 2023 23:08 GMT-0000 Xavier de Pedro move the setting of the category after those categories are created 44
Sat 05 of Aug, 2023 23:05 GMT-0000 Xavier de Pedro leftover? 43
Sat 05 of Aug, 2023 22:54 GMT-0000 Xavier de Pedro fix instructions reference (yaml) 42
Fri 14 of Oct, 2016 09:17 GMT-0000 Xavi (as xavidp - admin) Mass search and replace [Rollback by xavi to version 37] 41
Sun 09 of Jan, 2022 00:27 GMT-0000 Xavier de Pedro testing another change to see if profile validate then 40
Sun 09 of Jan, 2022 00:25 GMT-0000 Xavier de Pedro testing another change to see if profile validate then 39
Sun 09 of Jan, 2022 00:24 GMT-0000 Xavier de Pedro testing to avoid the issue reported at profile application 38
Fri 14 of Oct, 2016 09:17 GMT-0000 Xavi (as xavidp - admin) Mass search and replace 37
Wed 01 of Apr, 2015 13:33 GMT-0000 Xavier de Pedro added extra alias 36
Tue 30 of Dec, 2014 17:00 GMT-0000 Xavier de Pedro typo 35
Tue 30 of Dec, 2014 17:00 GMT-0000 Xavier de Pedro added aliases after page rename 34
Tue 30 of Dec, 2014 16:41 GMT-0000 Xavier de Pedro improved intro 33
Tue 30 of Dec, 2014 16:40 GMT-0000 Xavier de Pedro improved intro 32
Tue 30 of Dec, 2014 16:39 GMT-0000 Xavier de Pedro added 2 plugins used in the instructions 31
Tue 30 of Dec, 2014 16:18 GMT-0000 Xavier de Pedro surrounded by box 30
Tue 30 of Dec, 2014 16:17 GMT-0000 Xavier de Pedro resized 29
Tue 30 of Dec, 2014 16:17 GMT-0000 Xavier de Pedro resized 28
Tue 30 of Dec, 2014 16:16 GMT-0000 Xavier de Pedro added screenshot 27
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