
History: Structured Master Documents

Preview of version: 14

This profile uses the feature "Wiki Structure" to handle the equivalent feature in desktop office suites called "Master document and subdocuments", which is useful to create structured multipage reports with many sections and subsections, thesis, papers, etc.

Parts of the document:
Master Document # Page Names Comments
D1 Title (cover) page Includes image
D1 Copyright page (back of title page)
D1 Table of contents Automatically generated
D1 Preface (Foreword) Continue from ToC
D1 Chapters 1 to 4 start with 1
D1 Appendixes A, B continue from Chapter 4
D2 Title (cover) page Includes image
D2 Copyright page (back of title page)
D2 Table of contents Automatically generated
D2 Preface (Foreword) Continue from ToC
D2 Chapters 1 to 4 start with 1
D2 Appendixes A, B continue from Chapter 4

Everything related to page numbers, headings and footers, will be handled in the edition process at a desktop office suite such as LibreOffice or equivalent, once the content of the whole document has been transfered there from Tiki through exporting it in "Main Application Menu > Wiki > Multiprint".

preferences: feature_wiki_structure: y feature_wiki_open_as_structure: y feature_wiki_make_structure: y feature_categories: y feature_wiki_categorize_structure: y feature_wiki_multiprint: y feature_listorphanStructure: y feature_wiki_structure_drilldownmenu: y feature_wiki_argvariable: y wikiplugin_titlesearch: y useGroupHome: y limitedGoGroupHome: y instructions: Profile_SMasterDoc_Instructions

Pages of the Structured Master Document

24 pages found for title search 'Profile_SMasterDoc'

instructions: Instructions of the Structured Master Documents Profile preferences: enable: [ feature_wiki ] objects: - type: wiki_page ref: master_doc_instructions data: name: Instructions of the Structured Master Documents Profile description: Instructions of this profile lang: en content: wikicontent:Profile_SMasterDoc_Instructions - type: wiki_page ref: master_doc1_cover data: name: D1 Cover description: Cover for Master Document 1 lang: en content: wikicontent:Profile_SMasterDoc1_Cover - type: wiki_page ref: master_doc1_copyright data: name: D1 Copyright description: Copyright page of Master Document 1 lang: en content: wikicontent:Profile_SMasterDoc1_Copyright - type: wiki_page ref: master_doc1_toc data: name: D1 Table of Contents description: Table of Contents (toc) of Master Document 1 lang: en content: wikicontent:Profile_SMasterDoc1_TOC - type: wiki_page ref: master_doc1_preface data: name: D1 Preface description: Preface of Master Document 1 lang: en content: wikicontent:Profile_SMasterDoc1_Preface - type: wiki_page ref: master_doc1_ch1 data: name: D1 Chapter 1 description: Chapter 1 of Master Document 1 lang: en content: wikicontent:Profile_SMasterDoc1_Ch1 - type: wiki_page ref: master_doc1_ch2 data: name: D1 Chapter 2 description: Chapter 2 of Master Document 1 lang: en content: wikicontent:Profile_SMasterDoc1_Ch2 - type: wiki_page ref: master_doc1_ch3 data: name: D1 Chapter 3 description: Chapter 4 of Master Document 1 lang: en content: wikicontent:Profile_SMasterDoc1_Ch3 - type: wiki_page ref: master_doc1_ch4 data: name: D1 Chapter 4 description: Chapter 4 of Master Document 1 lang: en content: wikicontent:Profile_SMasterDoc1_Ch4 - type: wiki_page ref: master_doc1_ch2_1 data: name: D1 Chapter 2.1 description: Section 1 of Chapter 2 of Master Document 1 lang: en content: wikicontent:Profile_SMasterDoc1_Ch2.1 - type: wiki_page ref: master_doc1_ch2_2 data: name: D1 Chapter 2.2 description: Section 2 of Chapter 2 of Master Document 1 lang: en content: wikicontent:Profile_SMasterDoc1_Ch2.2 - type: wiki_page ref: master_doc1_apendix_a data: name: D1 Apendix A description: Apendix A of Master Document 1 lang: en content: wikicontent:Profile_SMasterDoc1_Apendix_A - type: wiki_page ref: master_doc1_apendix_b data: name: D1 Apendix B description: Apendix B of Master Document 1 lang: en content: wikicontent:Profile_SMasterDoc1_Apendix_B - type: wiki_page ref: master_doc2_cover data: name: D2 Cover description: Cover for Master Document 2 lang: en content: wikicontent:Profile_SMasterDoc2_Cover - type: wiki_page ref: master_doc2_copyright data: name: D2 Copyright description: Copyright page of Master Document 2 lang: en content: wikicontent:Profile_SMasterDoc2_Copyright - type: wiki_page ref: master_doc2_toc data: name: D2 Table of Contents description: Table of Contents (toc) of Master Document 2 lang: en content: wikicontent:Profile_SMasterDoc2_TOC - type: wiki_page ref: master_doc2_preface data: name: D2 Preface description: Preface of Master Document 2 lang: en content: wikicontent:Profile_SMasterDoc2_Preface - type: wiki_page ref: master_doc2_ch1 data: name: D2 Chapter 1 description: Chapter 1 of Master Document 2 lang: en content: wikicontent:Profile_SMasterDoc2_Ch1 - type: wiki_page ref: master_doc2_ch2 data: name: D2 Chapter 2 description: Chapter 2 of Master Document 2 lang: en content: wikicontent:Profile_SMasterDoc2_Ch2 - type: wiki_page ref: master_doc2_ch3 data: name: D2 Chapter 3 description: Chapter 3 of Master Document 2 lang: en content: wikicontent:Profile_SMasterDoc2_Ch3 - type: wiki_page ref: master_doc2_ch4 data: name: D2 Chapter 4 description: Chapter 4 of Master Document 2 lang: en content: wikicontent:Profile_SMasterDoc2_Ch4 - type: wiki_page ref: master_doc2_ch2_1 data: name: D2 Chapter 2.1 description: Section 1 of Chapter 2 of Master Document 2 lang: en content: wikicontent:Profile_SMasterDoc2_Ch2.1 - type: wiki_page ref: master_doc2_ch2_2 data: name: D2 Chapter 2.2 description: Section 2 of Chapter 2 of Master Document 2 lang: en content: wikicontent:Profile_SMasterDoc2_Ch2.2 - type: wiki_page ref: master_doc2_apendix_a data: name: D2 Apendix A description: Apendix A of Master Document 2 lang: en content: wikicontent:Profile_SMasterDoc2_Apendix_A - type: wiki_page ref: master_doc2_apendix_b data: name: D2 Apendix B description: Apendix B of Master Document 2 lang: en content: wikicontent:Profile_SMasterDoc2_Apendix_B


Information Version
Fri 14 of Oct, 2016 09:19 GMT-0000 Xavi (as xavidp - admin) Mass search and replace 35
Fri 14 of Oct, 2016 09:17 GMT-0000 Xavi (as xavidp - admin) Mass search and replace 34
Sat 02 of May, 2015 11:20 GMT-0000 Xavier de Pedro fixed instrutions page name 33
Tue 14 of Apr, 2015 23:14 GMT-0000 Nelson Ko 2.2 should be sibling of 2.1 32
Tue 14 of Apr, 2015 23:08 GMT-0000 Nelson Ko I have just finished testing inserting the appendixes after chapter 2, now changing it back to chapter 4 31
Tue 14 of Apr, 2015 23:05 GMT-0000 Nelson Ko Fix ordering of pages 30
Tue 14 of Apr, 2015 22:53 GMT-0000 Nelson Ko Page name is too long for Tiki db table causing error 29
Tue 14 of Apr, 2015 09:18 GMT-0000 Xavier de Pedro restored previous behavior 28
Tue 14 of Apr, 2015 09:15 GMT-0000 Xavier de Pedro playing more with structure_as_sibling 27
Tue 14 of Apr, 2015 09:12 GMT-0000 Xavier de Pedro playing more with structure_as_sibling 26
Tue 14 of Apr, 2015 09:02 GMT-0000 Xavier de Pedro added all pages from D1 to the structure D1 Cover 25
Tue 14 of Apr, 2015 09:00 GMT-0000 Xavier de Pedro playing more with structure_as_sibling 24
Tue 14 of Apr, 2015 08:55 GMT-0000 Xavier de Pedro trying the new param structure_as_sibling 23
Sat 11 of Apr, 2015 12:04 GMT-0000 Xavier de Pedro attempt to get the structure ref fixed 22
Fri 03 of Apr, 2015 16:31 GMT-0000 Xavier de Pedro testing with less options 21
Fri 03 of Apr, 2015 15:42 GMT-0000 Xavier de Pedro added mode create to pages in structure from D1 20
Fri 03 of Apr, 2015 15:16 GMT-0000 Xavier de Pedro added structure references for D1 19
Fri 03 of Apr, 2015 10:00 GMT-0000 Xavier de Pedro added structure param 18
Tue 26 of Aug, 2014 14:49 GMT-0000 Xavier de Pedro added the screenshot 17
Mon 30 of Jun, 2014 14:33 GMT-0000 Xavier de Pedro oups 16
Mon 30 of Jun, 2014 14:31 GMT-0000 Xavier de Pedro added module breadcrumb 15
Mon 30 of Jun, 2014 14:26 GMT-0000 Xavier de Pedro renamed refs to pages 14
Mon 30 of Jun, 2014 14:25 GMT-0000 Xavier de Pedro removed old titlesearch 13
Mon 30 of Jun, 2014 14:25 GMT-0000 Xavier de Pedro added another titlesearch plugin 12
Mon 30 of Jun, 2014 11:32 GMT-0000 Xavier de Pedro typo 11
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