
History: footnotes_references_discussion

Preview of version: 22



  • Possible to have wiki syntax in the references below, which is useful for hyperlinks.
  • Like Wikipedia, you have links to go from the text to the reference and back. 1

Feature request

  • It should be possible to have, as an option, the reference list in the template (I don't want to copy the footnotearea plugin on each page).
    • Or maybe this should be a wiki page template per category of page? (ex.: if a page is in a category X, it uses the a wiki-page template, and this wiki page template has the footnote plugin at the bottom)


How can we make it future-proof so people may easily move to a tracker-based system?

It is possible to maintain these references in a tracker: Simple_Reference_Management to be able to eventually become a Bibliography management system (references)

Should this be a specialized implementation of a more general "note" plugin?

The general note plugin could have PluginMouseover, Pluginfade and Pluginfootnotes aka cite/ref as descendants. If we do keep separate, let's try to use the same names for the arguments

Should we have the references also available as a mouse-over?

And thus avoiding to scroll down and backup. References at the bottom would remain for printing though

Shouldn't we try to stay as close as possible to the MediaWiki/Wikipedia syntax?

Wikipedia uses2 :
Syntax uses by Wikipedia for references
<ref>California State University 2007.</ref>

Syntax currently in 3.0 to generate a reference:
{FOOTNOTE()}This is quite an interesting concept{FOOTNOTE}

Syntax uses by Wikipedia to generate the reference list, with option to have 2 colums

Syntax currently in 3.0 to generate the reference list:

What other features from Wikipedia should we plan ahead for?


A test

Wikipedia footnotes serve two purposes. First, they are used to add material that explains a point in greater detail, particularly if the explanation would be distracting if written out in the main article. Second, they are used to present citations to reliable sources that support assertions in the main article.3 As explained at Wikipedia:Citing sources, footnoting is one of several alternative ways to present citations.

More testing

Donec ante felis, dictum et, placerat nec, egestas ac, justo. Nunc commodo velit non urna mattis condimentum. Sed tincidunt, nulla at semper rhoncus, mi libero accumsan elit, ut auctor nunc metus ut velit. Vivamus vel velit. Maecenas molestie elementum neque. Sed laoreet nisl id tortor. Nulla facilisi. In hac habitasse platea dictumst. Nullam porta 4 . Sed nec sem eu diam aliquam aliquam. Fusce non purus. Sed id risus. Phasellus non libero nec ante aliquet fermentum.

Fusce libero turpis, dictum at, pharetra ac, scelerisque ut, purus. Suspendisse elementum mattis ante. Nam vulputate magna id lorem. Sed eros. Aliquam pretium purus. Cras egestas ipsum a risus. Praesent purus nisl, vestibulum vitae, placerat vel, vehicula vitae, nulla. Phasellus eleifend. Integer turpis lacus, adipiscing nec, sodales in, accumsan vitae, nisi. Maecenas in leo. Sed mauris. Nam enim. Quisque interdum elementum magna. Nam arcu dui, placerat at, tincidunt nec, sagittis nec, est.

Etiam feugiat posuere turpis. Morbi leo mi, posuere non, aliquam vitae, vestibulum quis, mauris. Praesent iaculis, urna eget consequat semper, neque diam tincidunt magna, ut tempus massa est id erat. Integer nunc nulla, ornare sit amet, pharetra et, mattis nec, mauris. Donec orci sem, hendrerit et, tristique et, auctor lobortis, mauris. Nunc non eros ac enim sodales volutpat. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Donec sed diam a tortor adipiscing fermentum. Praesent mollis cursus felis. Aliquam libero ligula, feugiat interdum, euismod at, dictum vel, felis. Proin sit amet pede. Mauris pellentesque.

Vestibulum ante ipsum primis in faucibus orci luctus5 et ultrices posuere cubilia Curae; Sed consectetur. Nunc nisl ante, sagittis suscipit, tincidunt eget, interdum at, turpis. Donec mattis neque nec lacus. Nulla a diam at arcu bibendum auctor. Fusce a dui. Aliquam eros. Mauris sagittis quam ac magna. Maecenas id mi in enim tempus ultrices. Pellentesque habitant morbi tristique senectus et netus et malesuada fames ac turpis egestas.

 Plugin disabled
Plugin footnotearea cannot be executed.


Information Version
Thu 21 of Jul, 2016 00:38 GMT-0000 Jean-Marc Libs reply 27
Mon 13 of Sep, 2010 22:26 GMT-0000 Marc Laporte cleaner 26
Wed 12 of Aug, 2009 11:44 GMT-0000 Marc Laporte 25
Wed 12 of Aug, 2009 11:43 GMT-0000 Marc Laporte 24
Fri 13 of Feb, 2009 14:23 GMT-0000 Marc Laporte 23
Fri 13 of Feb, 2009 14:17 GMT-0000 Marc Laporte 22
Fri 13 of Feb, 2009 14:15 GMT-0000 Marc Laporte 21
Fri 13 of Feb, 2009 14:13 GMT-0000 Marc Laporte 20
Fri 13 of Feb, 2009 14:11 GMT-0000 Marc Laporte 19
Fri 13 of Feb, 2009 14:10 GMT-0000 Marc Laporte 18
Fri 13 of Feb, 2009 13:57 GMT-0000 Marc Laporte 17
Fri 13 of Feb, 2009 13:56 GMT-0000 Marc Laporte 16
Fri 13 of Feb, 2009 13:54 GMT-0000 Marc Laporte 15
Fri 13 of Feb, 2009 13:52 GMT-0000 Marc Laporte 14
Fri 13 of Feb, 2009 13:49 GMT-0000 Marc Laporte CODE plugin is busted 13
Fri 13 of Feb, 2009 13:44 GMT-0000 Marc Laporte 12
Fri 13 of Feb, 2009 13:43 GMT-0000 Marc Laporte 11
Fri 13 of Feb, 2009 13:42 GMT-0000 Marc Laporte 10
Fri 13 of Feb, 2009 13:39 GMT-0000 Marc Laporte 9
Fri 13 of Feb, 2009 13:38 GMT-0000 Marc Laporte 8
Fri 13 of Feb, 2009 13:36 GMT-0000 Marc Laporte 7
Fri 13 of Feb, 2009 13:33 GMT-0000 Marc Laporte 6
Fri 13 of Feb, 2009 13:25 GMT-0000 Marc Laporte Plugin modified by editor. 5
Fri 13 of Feb, 2009 13:24 GMT-0000 Marc Laporte Plugin modified by editor. 4
Fri 13 of Feb, 2009 13:24 GMT-0000 Marc Laporte 3
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