History: CartoGraf

Preview of version: 535

CartoGraf is an interactive web-based mapping application to enhance learning in history and geography classes in high schools. CartoGraf is mainly based on Maps, Drawings, PluginAppFrame and Trackers. It is a great example of how to use profiles in a general purpose app (Tiki) to make a very specific application.

You can play with the demo at:
password is at: http://demo.tiki.org/

To get your own copy of CartoGraf
  1. You need to get branches/10x (Tiki10.x from SVN) for the latest and greatest goodies :-) (Use the Daily Build of from SVN)
  2. Apply the CartoGraf profile
  3. Follow the profile Setup instructions

We hope you like it and please do join the community!

Note: rewrite rules are essential for this profile

To see a demo video, please visit: http://tv.tiki.org/CartoGraf

Pages included by this profile


General Preferences

instructions: Setup preferences: feature_sefurl: y allowRegister: y browsertitle: CartoGraf Project tracker_refresh_itemlink_detail: y geo_always_load_openlayers: y url_after_validation: Account_Validated feature_jquery_ui_theme: start feature_left_column: n tracker_clone_item: y toolbar_trackers: bold,list,numlist,wikiplugin_youtube fgal_tracker_existing_search: y fgal_elfinder_feature: y layout_add_body_group_class: y useGroupHome: y feature_wiki_ext_icon: n feature_syntax_highlighter: n sitelogo_title: CartoGraf sitelogo_alt: CartoGraf logo


preferences: validateUsers: n feature_antibot: n log_tpl: y

Limit username pattern

CartoGraf relies heavily on Unified Search (Zend_Search_Lucene). Because of this, a username jean-marc won't work (but jean_marc is OK). Since hypens are often used in emails, you can't use CartoGraf with the pref "Use email as username" (login_is_email). Space and quote should also not be permitted.

preferences: username_pattern: /^[_a-zA-Z0-9]*$/ login_is_email: n


permissions: Anonymous: allow: - search - view_trackers - tracker_view_attachments Registered: allow: - attach_trackers - create_tracker_items - add_object - remove_object - upload_files - view_file_gallery

Look & Feel

preferences: style: CartoGraf.css feature_fixed_width: n jquery_ui_selectmenu: y feature_page_title: n feature_sitelogo: y wiki_edit_plugin: n sitelogo_src: styles/CartoGraf/logo.gif

objects: - type: menu ref: CartoGraf_Top_menu data: name: Top description: A menu containing the base navigation of the site collapse: none items: - name: Home url: ((HomePage)) - name: Partners url: ((Partners)) - name: Help url: ((Help)) - name: Setup url: ((Setup)) permissions: [ admin ] - type: menu ref: CartoGraf_RightEdge_menu data: name: RightEdge description: collapse: none items: - name: Register url: tiki-register.php - name: Demo url: ((Demo)) - name: Contact url: ((Contact))


preferences: modseparateanon: y objects: - type: module ref: LiveHeaderMap_module data: position: top order: 0 name: LiveHeaderMap groups: [ Anonymous, Registered ] params: nopage: Map custom: <div id="TheLiveHeaderMap" style="height:188px"></div> - type: module ref: LocationSearch_module data: position: top order: 49 #ensure the map location search is assigned as last module name: map_search_location groups: [ Registered ] params: legacy_mode: search_box show_search_button: y show_go_button: n show_edit_button: n default_button: search page: Map nobox: y style: "float: right; margin-right: 15px" #most of the params ignored as the module is not standard and does have no module div rendered but just the form tag (TODO: fix in Tiki) - type: module ref: TopMenu_module data: position: top order: 1 name: menu groups: [ Anonymous, Registered ] params: id: $CartoGraf_Top_menu type:horiz css:y menu_id:TopMenu translate:y nobox:y decorations:n notitle:y style: "float: left; margin-left: 350px" - type: module ref: RightEdgeMenu_module data: position: right order: 1 name: menu groups: [ Anonymous ] params: id: $CartoGraf_RightEdge_menu menu_id: RightEdgeMenu nobox: y nopage: Map


preferences: feature_wiki: y feature_articles: n feature_mytiki: n feature_trackers: y geo_tilesets: [mapquest_street, mapquest_aerial, google_street, google_satellite, google_physical, google_hybrid, blank] geo_google_streetview: y geo_google_streetview_overlay: y wikiplugin_appframe: y wikiplugin_list: y feature_search: y feature_wiki_argvariable: y trackerfield_geographicfeature: y fgal_upload_from_source: y


preferences: feature_draw: y feature_draw_hide_buttons: ellipse_cx, tool_ellipse_cy, tool_ellipse_rx, tool_ellipse_ry, rect_width_tool, rect_height_tool, cornerRadiusLabel, tool_eyedropper, view_grid, tool_angle, tool_blur, tool_position, xy_panel, marker_panel, tool_reorient, rulers, tool_source, tool_zoom, tool_eyedropper, view_grid, tool_wireframe, line_panel, main_button


Points of interest

objects: - type: tracker ref: pointsOfInterest data: name: Points of interest allow: [creator_modification, creator_deletion] show: list_modification_date section_format: tab - type: tracker_option data: tracker: $pointsOfInterest name: popup_fields value: "$profileobject:poiImage$,$profileobject:poiDescription$,$profileobject:poiFinder$" - type: tracker_field ref: poiName data: order: 10 name: Name type: text_field tracker: $pointsOfInterest flags: [ mandatory, list, title, link, searchable ] - type: tracker_field ref: poiDescription data: order: 20 name: Description type: text_area options: "1,,12" tracker: $pointsOfInterest flags: [ ] - type: tracker_field ref: poiIcon data: order: 30 name: Icon type: icon tracker: $pointsOfInterest flags: [ list ] options: "$profileobject:iconContainer$" - type: tracker_field ref: poiCoordinates data: order: 40 name: Coordinates type: header tracker: $pointsOfInterest - type: tracker_field ref: poiLocation data: order: 50 name: Location type: map options: "1" tracker: $pointsOfInterest flags: [ mandatory ] - type: tracker_field ref: poiAttachments data: order: 60 name: Attachments type: header tracker: $pointsOfInterest - type: tracker_field ref: poiImage data: order: 70 name: Image type: files options: "$profileobject:imageContainer$,image/*,1,1,,,1,n,0" tracker: $pointsOfInterest flags: [ ] - type: tracker_field ref: poiDetails data: order: 80 name: Details type: header tracker: $pointsOfInterest - type: tracker_field ref: poiMap data: order: 90 name: Map type: item_link options: "$profileobject:maps$,$profileobject:mapName$,0,,opc,,,,0,0,exact,one,0,$profileobject:mapShareCode$" tracker: $pointsOfInterest flags: [ mandatory, list, title, searchable ] permname: map visible: immutable - type: tracker_field ref: poiFinder data: order: 100 name: Finder type: user options: "1" tracker: $pointsOfInterest flags: [ mandatory, list ] permname: finder visible: immutable


This is both for polygons and paths

objects: - type: tracker ref: zones data: name: Zones allow: [creator_modification, creator_deletion] show: list_modification_date section_format: tab - type: tracker_option data: tracker: $zones name: popup_fields value: "$profileobject:zoneImage$,$profileobject:zoneDescription$,$profileobject:zoneFinder$" - type: tracker_field ref: zoneName data: order: 10 name: Name type: text_field tracker: $zones flags: [ list, title, link, searchable ] - type: tracker_field ref: zoneDescription data: order: 20 name: Description type: text_area options: "1,,12" tracker: $zones flags: [ ] - type: tracker_field ref: zoneAttachments data: order: 30 name: Attachments type: header tracker: $zones - type: tracker_field ref: zoneImage data: order: 40 name: Image type: files options: "$profileobject:imageContainer$,image/*,1,1,,,1,n,0" tracker: $zones flags: [ ] - type: tracker_field ref: zoneDetails data: order: 50 name: Details type: header tracker: $zones - type: tracker_field ref: zoneMap data: order: 60 name: Map type: item_link options: "$profileobject:maps$,$profileobject:mapName$,0,,opc,,,,0,0,exact,one,0,$profileobject:mapShareCode$" tracker: $zones flags: [ mandatory, list, title, searchable ] permname: map visible: immutable - type: tracker_field ref: zoneFinder data: order: 70 name: Finder type: user options: "1" tracker: $zones flags: [ mandatory, list ] permname: finder visible: immutable - type: tracker_field ref: zoneFeature data: order: 80 name: Zone type: geographic_feature options: "" tracker: $zones flags: [ mandatory ]


objects: - type: tracker ref: maps data: name: Maps allow: [creator_modification, creator_deletion] show: list_modification_date section_format: tab - type: tracker_option data: tracker: $maps name: popup_fields value: "$profileobject:mapDescription$" - type: tracker_field ref: mapName data: name: Name type: text_field tracker: $maps order: 10 flags: [ mandatory, list, title, link, searchable ] - type: tracker_field ref: mapDescription data: name: Instructions type: text_area options: "1,,15" tracker: $maps order: 20 flags: [ searchable ] - type: tracker_field ref: mapShareCode data: name: Share Code type: text_field tracker: $maps flags: [ list ] options: "0,10,,,15 order: 30 permname: shareCode - type: tracker_field ref: mapDetailsHeader data: name: Change Base location type: header tracker: $maps order: 40 - type: tracker_field ref: mapBaseLocation data: name: Base Location type: map tracker: $maps order: 50 flags: [ mandatory ] - type: tracker_field ref: mapOwner data: name: Owner type: user options: "1" tracker: $maps order: 60 flags: [ mandatory, list ] permname: owner visible: immutable


objects: - type: tracker ref: legend data: name: Legend allow: [creator_modification, creator_deletion] show: list_modification_date - type: tracker_field ref: legendIcon data: name: Icon type: icon tracker: $legend flags: [ mandatory, list ] order: 10 options: "$profileobject:iconContainer$" - type: tracker_field ref: legendText data: name: Text type: text_field tracker: $legend order: 20 flags: [ mandatory, list, title, link, searchable ] - type: tracker_field ref: legendMap data: name: Map type: item_link options: "$profileobject:maps$,$profileobject:mapName$,0,,opc,,,,0,0,exact,one,0,$profileobject:mapShareCode$" tracker: $legend flags: [ mandatory, list, title, searchable ] permname: map order: 30 visible: immutable - type: tracker_field ref: legendFinder data: name: Finder type: user options: "1" tracker: $legend order: 40 flags: [ mandatory, list ] permname: finder visible: immutable

File Galleries

objects: - type: file_gallery ref: iconContainer data: parent: 1 name: Icons description: Icons available for selection in the map. owner: admin archives: 5 flags: [] column: [ icon, name, created, creator, files ] init_files: - http://profiles.tiki.org/pics/icons/plugin.png - type: file_gallery ref: imageContainer data: parent: 1 name: Image Uploads description: Images uploaded by students owner: admin archives: -1 flags: [ public, visible ] column: [ icon, name, created, creator, files ] - type: file_gallery ref: imageBank data: parent: 1 name: Image Bank description: Images uploaded by site admins, for use by teachers and students owner: admin archives: -1 flags: [ visible ] column: [ icon, name, created, creator, files ]

Wiki Pages

objects: - type: wiki_page ref: home_page data: name: HomePage content: wikicontent:CartoGraf_HomePage - type: wiki_page ref: cartograf_setup data: name: Setup description: Post-Profile Setup Instructions lang: en content: wikicontent:CartoGraf_Setup - type: wiki_page ref: cartograf_help data: name: Help description: Help lang: en content: wikicontent:CartoGraf_Help - type: wiki_page ref: account_validated_page data: name: Account_Validated description: Account Validated lang: en content: wikicontent:CartoGraf_NewAccountValidationIncludedPage - type: wiki_page ref: demo_page data: name: Demo lang: en content: wikicontent:CartoGraf_Demo - type: wiki_page ref: partners_page data: name: Partners lang: en content: wikicontent:CartoGraf_Partners - type: wiki_page ref: contact_page data: name: Contact lang: en content: wikicontent:CartoGraf_Contact

Application Frame Pages

objects: - type: wiki_page ref: map_page data: name: Map content: wikicontent:CartoGraf_Map - type: wiki_page ref: mapcanvas_share_page data: name: MapCanvasShare content: wikicontent:CartoGraf_MapCanvasShare - type: wiki_page ref: mapcanvas_solo_page data: name: MapCanvasSolo content: wikicontent:CartoGraf_MapCanvasSolo - type: wiki_page ref: mapselector_page data: name: MapSelector content: wikicontent:CartoGraf_MapSelector

Development Wiki

Moved to https://dev.tiki.org/CartoGraf.


Information Version
Sat 23 of Mar, 2013 17:45 GMT-0000 Marc Laporte official! 560
Fri 22 of Mar, 2013 16:29 GMT-0000 Marc Laporte essential 559
Thu 21 of Mar, 2013 17:15 GMT-0000 Marc Laporte Updating where demos are 558
Wed 20 of Mar, 2013 17:38 GMT-0000 Jonny Bradley new prefs etc for trunk version 557
Wed 20 of Mar, 2013 17:28 GMT-0000 Jonny Bradley move to trunk notice 556
Mon 11 of Mar, 2013 21:57 GMT-0000 Marc Laporte link 555
Mon 11 of Mar, 2013 21:55 GMT-0000 Marc Laporte link 554
Mon 11 of Mar, 2013 21:53 GMT-0000 Marc Laporte typo 553
Mon 11 of Mar, 2013 21:52 GMT-0000 Marc Laporte important 552
Wed 06 of Mar, 2013 23:56 GMT-0000 Marc Laporte about SVN 551
Tue 05 of Mar, 2013 15:40 GMT-0000 Jonny Bradley better defaults for filegals 549
Tue 05 of Mar, 2013 15:38 GMT-0000 Jonny Bradley remove filegal columns setting so they use defaults (due to a bug in 10.x), and make imageBank "visible" 548
Tue 26 of Feb, 2013 17:08 GMT-0000 Jonny Bradley remove visible flag from imageBank filegal 547
Sun 27 of Jan, 2013 01:31 GMT-0000 Marc Laporte Take advantage of http://sourceforge.net/p/tikiwiki/code/44600 and http://sourceforge.net/p/tikiwiki/code/44559 546
Mon 21 of Jan, 2013 19:26 GMT-0000 luciash d' being 🧙 userpref was not the right plugin and as there is no global pref wikiplugin we need to workaround in the module 545
Mon 21 of Jan, 2013 16:17 GMT-0000 luciash d' being 🧙 wiki page for footer instead of credits.tpl, for easier management 544
Mon 21 of Jan, 2013 16:09 GMT-0000 luciash d' being 🧙 wiki page for footer instead of credits.tpl, for easier management 543
Mon 21 of Jan, 2013 15:35 GMT-0000 luciash d' being 🧙 wiki page for footer instead of credits.tpl, for easier management 542
Mon 21 of Jan, 2013 15:26 GMT-0000 luciash d' being 🧙 removed obsolete stuff 541
Mon 21 of Jan, 2013 11:02 GMT-0000 luciash d' being 🧙 no box for the header map module 540
Mon 21 of Jan, 2013 11:00 GMT-0000 luciash d' being 🧙 missing word 539
Thu 17 of Jan, 2013 16:15 GMT-0000 Jonny Bradley share code validation 538
Mon 14 of Jan, 2013 10:21 GMT-0000 luciash d' being 🧙 try display in colorbox 537
Sun 13 of Jan, 2013 23:32 GMT-0000 Marc Laporte Will put in footer 536
Sun 13 of Jan, 2013 23:27 GMT-0000 Marc Laporte logo 535