


preferences: feature_cssmenus: y feature_top_bar: y feature_sitemenu: y feature_antibot : y feature_page_title: n feature layoutshadows: y feature_freetags: y feature_search_fulltext: y feature_syntax_highlighter: y

preferences: browsertitle: $profilerequest:browsertitle$My Blog$ sitetitle: $profilerequest:sitetitle$My Blog$ sitesubtitle: $profilerequest:sitesubtitle$My Random Thoughts and Experiences$ feature_sitelogo: y # This permits logo, title and subtitle useUrlIndex: y urlIndex: tiki-view_blog.php?blogId=$profileobject:personal$

permissions: Anonymous: allow: - search - tell_a_friend - messagess - view_freetags Registered: allow: [] include: Anonymous Admins: allow: [ admin ]

Menu items
objects: - type: menu ref: personal_blog_menu data: name: My Menu menuId: '44' description: A menu containing the base navigation of the site collapse: none items: - name: Home url: 'tiki-view_blog.php?blogId=1' groups: [ Anonymous ] userlevel: '0' canonic: 'tiki-view_blog.php?blogId=1' sefurl: 'blog1-My-Personal-Blog' - name: VLog url: ((VLog)) groups: [ Anonymous ] - name: Socials url: ((Socials)) groups: [ Anonymous ] - name: About url: ((About)) groups: [ Anonymous ] - name: Contact url: tiki-contact.php groups: [ Anonymous ] - type: s name: Admin url: tiki-admin.php groups: [ Admins ] section: null perm: '' userlevel: '0' icon: null class: '' canonic: tiki-admin.php sefurl: tiki-admin.php items: - type: o name: Settings url: tiki-admin.php section: '' perm: '' groups: [ Admins ] userlevel: '0' icon: '' class: '' canonic: tiki-admin.php sefurl: tiki-admin.php - type: o name: Add Blog Post url: tiki-blog_post.php section: null perm: '' groups: [ Admins ] userlevel: '1' icon: null class: '' canonic: tiki-blog_post.php sefurl: tiki-blog_post.php - type: o name: List Pages url: 'tiki-listpages.php?cookietab=1' section: null perm: '' groups: [ Admins ] userlevel: '1' icon: null class: '' canonic: 'tiki-listpages.php?cookietab=1' sefurl: 'tiki-listpages.php?cookietab=1' - type: o name: Menu url: tiki-admin_menus.php section: null perm: '' groups: [ Admins ] userlevel: '1' icon: null class: '' canonic: tiki-admin_menus.php sefurl: tiki-admin_menus.php

objects: - type: module ref: module_menu data: name: menu position : topbar order: 10 params: id: $profileobject:personal_blog_menu$ type: horiz menu_id: tiki-top menu_class: clearfix nobox: y - type: module ref: module_freetags_most_popular data: position: left order: 5 name: freetags_most_popular groups: [ Anonymous ] - type: module data: name: adminbar params: mode: header nobox: 'y' groups: - Admins order: '3' position: top - type: module data: name: CustomCSS position: bottom order: 2 params: nobox: y custom: | {literal} <style> .personal-blog-social > p > img { width: 100%; } .personal-blog-vlog > p > img { width: 100%; } .personal-blog-about > p > img { width: 100%; } .blog-postbody-title .card-title { float:left; } .postbody-content { padding-left: 0; padding-right: 0; } .tiki_blogs .card.blogpost, .vlog-post { padding: 20px; border: 1px solid #ccc; } .tiki_blogs .card.blogpost, .tiki_blogs #comment-container { margin-left: 5%; margin-right: 5%; } .tiki_blogs .author_info { clear: both; } .tiki_blogs .post_single { margin-top: 30px; } .tiki_blogs .postfooter { padding: 0; } .top_modules .module.box-logo { order: 1; } .top_modules .module.box-adminbar { order: 2; width: 45%; } .top_modules .module.box-login_box { order: 3; } .vlog-post { display: flex; flex-direction: row; justify-content: space-between; margin: 0 10%; border-radius: 6px; } #middle { padding: 15px 5% 0; } #bottom_modules { background-color: #000; color: #fff; } #bottom_modules .box-CustomFooter { width: 100%; } </style> {/literal} - type: module data: name: CustomFooter position: bottom order: 1 params: nobox: y custom: | {literal} <div class="personal-blog-footer"> <p style="text-align: center;">© <span class="now"></span> Evoludata</p> </div> {/literal} {jq}{literal} $(document).ready(function () { $('.personal-blog-footer .now').text((new Date).getFullYear()); }); {/literal}{/jq}

objects: - type: tracker ref: trk_vlog data: name: 'Vlog' description: 'Vlog entries' show: - status - type: tracker_field ref: trk_vlog_title data: name: 'Vlog Title' permname: vlog_title tracker: $profileobject:trk_vlog$ type: text_field order: 10 flags: - list - searchable - public - mandatory - type: tracker_field ref: trk_vlog_text data: name: 'Vlog Text' permname: vlog_text tracker: $profileobject:trk_vlog$ type: text_area order: 20 flags: - searchable - public - type: tracker_field ref: trk_vlog_video data: name: 'Vlog Video' permname: vlog_video tracker: $profileobject:trk_vlog$ type: text_field order: 30 flags: - searchable - public


preferences: feature_blogs: y rss_blogs: y feature_blogposts_comments: y feature_blog_heading: n

permissions: Anonymous: allow: - read_blog Registered: allow: [] Admins: allow: [ admin ]

objects: - type: module ref: module_last_blog_posts data: name: last_blog_posts position: left groups: [ Anonymous ] order: 10 params: blogid: $profileobject:personal$ nonums: y - type: module ref: module_blogroll data: position: left order: 20 name: Blogroll custom: <a href="https://info.tiki.org/articles" target="_blank">Tiki.org News</a><br><a href="http://tiki.org/blog26" target="_blank">Tiki Dev Blog</a> groups: [ Anonymous ] - type: module ref: module_blog_last_comments data: position: left order: 25 name: blog_last_comments groups: [ Anonymous ] - type: module ref: module_months_links data: position: left order: 15 name: months_links groups: [ Anonymous ] params: id: $profileobject:personal$ nonums: y feature: blogs title: Archives section: blogs; wiki page

objects: - type: blog ref: personal data: title: $profilerequest:Blog Title$My Personal Blog$ description: $profilerequest:Blog Description$Random daily thoughts and travel stories$ user: $profilerequest:Blog Owner$admin$ allow_comments: y use_author: y add_date: y - type: blog_post ref: sample_post1 data: blog: $personal title: "Travel Diaries: Exploring The World" content: wikicontent:test_new_personal_blog_and_profile_post1_include - type: blog_post ref: sample_post2 data: blog: $personal title: "A Day in My Life: Behind the Scenes of a web dev" content: wikicontent:test_new_personal_blog_and_profile_post2_include - type: blog_post ref: sample_post3 data: blog: $personal title: "My Favorite Apps/Web Services/Websites and Why They Matter" content: wikicontent:test_new_personal_blog_and_profile_post3_include


preferences: feature_wiki: y feature_wiki_paragraph_formatting: y feature_wiki_paragraph_formatting_add_br: y feature_wiki_description: y feature_wiki_ext_icon: n wiki_edit_plugin: y wikiplugin_bloglist: y wikiplugin_jq: y

permissions: Anonymous: allow: - view Registered: allow: [] Admins: allow: [ admin ]

objects: - type: module ref: module_quick_edit data: name: quick_edit position: left groups: [ Registered ] order: 3

Wiki pages
instructions: Instructions of the Personal_Blog_and_Profile preferences: enable: [ feature_wiki ] objects: - type: wiki_page data: name: Socials lang: en mode: create_or_update content: wikicontent:test_new_personal_blog_and_profile_social_include - type: wiki_page data: name: About lang: en mode: create_or_update content: wikicontent:test_new_personal_blog_and_profile_about_include - type: wiki_page data: name: VLog lang: en mode: create_or_update content: wikicontent:test_new_personal_blog_and_profile_vlog_include - type: wiki_page ref: instructions_personal_blog_and_profile_page data: name: Instructions of the Personal_Blog_and_Profile description: The instructions of the Personal_Blog_and_Profile profile lang: en mode: create_or_update content: wikicontent:personal_blog_and_profile_instructions_21


preferences: feature_comments_moderation: y feature_comments_locking: y

permissions: Anonymous: allow: - read_comments - post_comments Registered: allow: [] Admins: allow: [ admin ]

Contact Us

preferences: feature_contact: y feature_messages: y contact_anon: y

permissions: Anonymous: allow: - messages Registered: allow: [] Admins: allow: [ admin ]

objects: - type: file_gallery ref: personal_blog_pictures_gallery_id data: name: Personal Blog Pictures description: Images for the personal blog wiki pages owner: admin archives: 0 flags: [ public, visible, lockable ] column: [ icon, name, created, creator, files ] init_files: - https://tiki.org/display505 - https://tiki.org/display507 - https://tiki.org/display508 - https://tiki.org/display509 - https://tiki.org/display510 - https://tiki.org/display511