
by jonnyb currently, but others are welcome to join in

This is how i keep setting up my development system - basically it turns everything on and makes Tiki almost unusable - so do not use on a live production site!
 Work in progress
This is work in progress and not to be used lightly.
Best only used on fresh installs for development puposes.


preferences: error_reporting_level: 2047 #Full error_reporting_adminonly: n #Not just for admins because we could be testing as Anonymous smarty_notice_reporting: y log_sql: y #logging sql queries log_mail: y #logging sent email log_tpl: y #add comments in templates (if you click view source, you can see which tpl was used to create it feature_debug_console: n # [http://dev.tiki.org/Debugger+Console|Debugger Console] smarty_security: y # it was required to turn off for debug console, but now we can restore. feature_bot_bar_debug: y feature_debug_console: y use_minified_scripts: n # to use compressed version of scripts, when available for faster performance but not so useful for debugging. feature_articles: y feature_forums: y feature_trackers: y feature_polls: y feature_calendar: y feature_newsletters: y feature_banners: y feature_categories: y feature_freetags: y feature_search: y feature_surveys: y feature_directory: y feature_quizzes: y feature_shoutbox: y feature_gmap: y feature_tell_a_friend: y feature_score: y feature_dynamic_content: y feature_user_watches: y feature_xmlrpc: y feature_debug_console: y feature_tikitests: y feature_perspective: y feature_quick_object_perms: y feature_kaltura: y feature_wiki_mindmap: y feature_print_indexed: y feature_webservices: y feature_webmail: y feature_sefurl: y feature_pagelist: y feature_mobile: y feature_morcego: y feature_comm: y feature_mailin: y feature_friends: y feature_custom_home: y feature_copyright: y feature_actionlog: y feature_contribution: y feature_ajax: y feature_sheet: y feature_wysiwyg: y feature_ajax_autosave: y feature_search_preferences: y feature_blogs: y

Mostly user stuff...

preferences: feature_mytiki: y feature_minical: y feature_userPreferences: y feature_notepad: y feature_user_bookmarks: y feature_contacts: y feature_group_watches: y feature_user_watches_translations: y feature_usermenu: y feature_tasks: y feature_messages: y feature_userfiles: y feature_userlevels: y feature_groupalert: y change_theme: y feature_wiki_userpage: y

Some includes that don't work (do they now?)

dependencies: # Could also be called dummy - $profiles.tiki.org:Test_All_Themes:Test_All_Themes - $profiles.tiki.org:Multilingual_Wiki - $profiles.tiki.org:Bug_Tracker