by jonnyb currently, but others are welcome to join in
This is how i keep setting up my development system - basically it turns everything on and makes Tiki almost unusable - so do not use on a live production site!
This is how i keep setting up my development system - basically it turns everything on and makes Tiki almost unusable - so do not use on a live production site!
Work in progress
This is work in progress and not to be used lightly.
Best only used on fresh installs for development puposes.
Best only used on fresh installs for development puposes.
preferences: error_reporting_level: 2047 #Full error_reporting_adminonly: n #Not just for admins because we could be testing as Anonymous smarty_notice_reporting: y log_sql: y #logging sql queries log_mail: y #logging sent email log_tpl: y #add comments in templates (if you click view source, you can see which tpl was used to create it feature_debug_console: n # [|Debugger Console] smarty_security: y # it was required to turn off for debug console, but now we can restore. feature_bot_bar_debug: y feature_debug_console: y use_minified_scripts: n # to use compressed version of scripts, when available for faster performance but not so useful for debugging. feature_articles: y feature_forums: y feature_trackers: y feature_polls: y feature_calendar: y feature_newsletters: y feature_banners: y feature_categories: y feature_freetags: y feature_search: y feature_surveys: y feature_directory: y feature_quizzes: y feature_shoutbox: y feature_gmap: y feature_tell_a_friend: y feature_score: y feature_dynamic_content: y feature_user_watches: y feature_xmlrpc: y feature_debug_console: y feature_tikitests: y feature_perspective: y feature_quick_object_perms: y feature_kaltura: y feature_wiki_mindmap: y feature_print_indexed: y feature_webservices: y feature_webmail: y feature_sefurl: y feature_pagelist: y feature_mobile: y feature_morcego: y feature_comm: y feature_mailin: y feature_friends: y feature_custom_home: y feature_copyright: y feature_actionlog: y feature_contribution: y feature_ajax: y feature_sheet: y feature_wysiwyg: y feature_ajax_autosave: y feature_search_preferences: y feature_blogs: y
Mostly user stuff...
preferences: feature_mytiki: y feature_minical: y feature_userPreferences: y feature_notepad: y feature_user_bookmarks: y feature_contacts: y feature_group_watches: y feature_user_watches_translations: y feature_usermenu: y feature_tasks: y feature_messages: y feature_userfiles: y feature_userlevels: y feature_groupalert: y change_theme: y feature_wiki_userpage: y
Some includes that don't work (do they now?)
dependencies: # Could also be called dummy - $ - $ - $