Translation of this page is incomplete.
CartoGraf est une application de cartographie interactive en ligne conçue pour travailler les cartes, les croquis et les images dans un context scolaire. CartoGraf est principalement basé sur les fonctions suivantes : Maps, Drawings, le PluginAppFrame et Trackers. C'est un bon exemple d'utilisation des profiles d'une application à usage général (Tiki) pour en faire une application très spécifique.
Pour obtenir votre propre copie de CartoGraf
- Téléchargez and installez Tiki11 (Utilisez Daily Build depuis SVN)
- Appliquez le profile CartoGraf
- Suivez les instructions pour installer le profile
Nous espérons que vous apprécierez l'application et nous vous invitons à rejoindre la commaunauté!
Note: rewrite rules are essential for this profile
Pages comprises par ce profile
Using:- CartoGraf_FR_HomePage
CartoGraf_CustomCSS- not used in the latest version - CartoGraf_Footer
- CartoGraf_FR_Setup
- CartoGraf_FR_Help
CartoGraf_MyMapsNo longer used - CartoGraf_FR_Map
- CartoGraf_MapCanvasShare (shared)
- CartoGraf_MapCanvasSolo (shared)
- CartoGraf_FR_MapSelector
- CartoGraf_FR_NewAccountValidationIncludedPage
- CartoGraf_languages
Préférences générales
instructions: Configuration preferences: feature_search_fulltext: n feature_search: y feature_sefurl: y allowRegister: y browsertitle: CartoGraf Project tracker_refresh_itemlink_detail: y geo_always_load_openlayers: y url_after_validation: Account_Validated feature_jquery_ui_theme: start feature_left_column: n tracker_clone_item: y toolbar_trackers: bold,list,numlist,wikiplugin_youtube layout_add_body_group_class: y feature_wiki_ext_icon: n feature_syntax_highlighter: n sitelogo_title: CartoGraf sitelogo_alt: CartoGraf logo
preferences: validateUsers: n feature_antibot: n sitelogo_alt: CartoGraf logo
File Galleries Prefs
preferences: fgal_tracker_existing_search: y fgal_elfinder_feature: y fgal_upload_from_source: y fgal_quota_per_fgal: y fgal_quota_default: 0 fgal_sort_mode: lastModif fgal_list_name: n fgal_list_description: y fgal_list_last_user: y fgal_list_author: o fgal_list_created: o fgal_list_lastModif: y fgal_list_size: y fgal_list_files: n fgal_image_max_size_x: 800
User Files
preferences: feature_userfiles: y feature_use_fgal_for_user_files: y userfiles_private: n userfiles_hidden: y userfiles_quota: 30 quota_show: bar_and_text
Restriction des caractères permis dans le nom d'utilisateur
CartoGraf repose fortement sur Unified Search (Zend_Search_Lucene). Ainsi, le nom d'utilisateur jean-marc ne fonctionnera pas. Parce que les traits d'union sont souvent utilisés dans les courriels, CartoGraf ne peut utiliser la préférence "Use email as username" (login_is_email). Les espaces et les guillements ne peuvent pas non plus être utilisés. Théoriquement, "underscore" fonctionne mais des tests ont révélé que non. Alors, on restreint à seulement des chiffres et des lettres, sans accents.YAML
preferences: username_pattern: /^[_a-zA-Z0-9]*$/ login_is_email: n
permissions: Anonymous: allow: - search - view_trackers - tracker_view_attachments Registered: allow: - attach_trackers - create_tracker_items - add_object - remove_object - upload_files - view_file_gallery - userfiles
Look & Feel
preferences: style: CartoGraf.css feature_fixed_width: n jquery_ui_selectmenu: y feature_page_title: n feature_sitelogo: y wiki_edit_plugin: n sitelogo_src: styles/CartoGraf/logo.gif
objects: - type: menu ref: CartoGraf_Top_menu data: name: Top description: Un menu qui contient la navigation de base du site collapse: none items: - name: Accueil url: ((Accueil)) - name: Aide url: ((Aide)) - name: Configuration url: ((Configuration)) permissions: [ admin ] - type: menu ref: CartoGraf_RightEdge_menu data: name: RightEdge description: collapse: none items: - name: S’inscrire url: tiki-register.php - name: Démo url: ((Démo)) - name: Contact url: ((Contact))
preferences: modseparateanon: y objects: - type: module ref: LiveHeaderMap_module data: position: top order: 0 name: LiveHeaderMap groups: [ Anonymous, Registered ] params: nobox: y nopage: Carte custom: <div id="TheLiveHeaderMap" style="height:188px"></div> - type: module ref: Footer_module data: position: bottom order: 0 name: Footer groups: [ Anonymous, Registered ] params: nobox: y custom: "{if $prefs.language eq 'fr'}{wikiplugin _name='include' page='Footer' start='-FR-START-' stop='-FR-END-'}{/wikiplugin}{else}{wikiplugin _name='include' page='Footer' start='-EN-START-' stop='-EN-END-'}{/wikiplugin}{/if}" - type: module ref: LocationSearch_module data: position: top order: 49 #ensure the map location search is assigned as last module name: map_search_location groups: [ Registered ] params: legacy_mode: search_box show_search_button: y show_go_button: n show_edit_button: n default_button: search page: Carte nobox: y style: "float: right; margin-right: 15px" #most of the params ignored as the module is not standard and does have no module div rendered but just the form tag (TODO: fix in Tiki) - type: module ref: TopMenu_module data: position: top order: 1 name: menu groups: [ Anonymous, Registered ] params: id: $CartoGraf_Top_menu type:horiz css:y menu_id:TopMenu translate:y nobox:y decorations:n notitle:y style: "float: left; margin-left: 350px" - type: module ref: RightEdgeMenu_module data: position: right order: 1 name: menu groups: [ Anonymous ] params: id: $CartoGraf_RightEdge_menu menu_id: RightEdgeMenu nobox: y nopage: Carte
preferences: feature_wiki: y feature_articles: n feature_mytiki: n feature_trackers: y geo_tilesets: [mapquest_street, mapquest_aerial, google_street, google_satellite, google_physical, google_hybrid, blank] geo_google_streetview: y geo_google_streetview_overlay: y wikiplugin_appframe: y wikiplugin_list: y feature_search: y feature_wiki_argvariable: y trackerfield_geographicfeature: y
preferences: feature_draw: y feature_draw_separate_base_image: y feature_draw_in_userfiles: y feature_draw_hide_buttons: ellipse_cx, tool_ellipse_cy, tool_ellipse_rx, tool_ellipse_ry, rect_width_tool, rect_height_tool, cornerRadiusLabel, tool_eyedropper, view_grid, tool_angle, tool_blur, tool_position, xy_panel, marker_panel, tool_reorient, rulers, tool_source, tool_zoom, tool_eyedropper, view_grid, tool_wireframe, line_panel, main_button
Points of interest
objects: - type: tracker ref: pointsOfInterest data: name: Points d'intérêt allow: [creator_modification, creator_deletion] show: list_modification_date section_format: tab admin_only_view: y - type: tracker_option data: tracker: $pointsOfInterest name: popup_fields value: "$profileobject:poiImage$,$profileobject:poiDescription$,$profileobject:poiFinder$" - type: tracker_field ref: poiName data: order: 10 name: Nom type: text_field tracker: $pointsOfInterest flags: [ public, mandatory, list, title, link, searchable ] - type: tracker_field ref: poiDescription data: order: 20 name: Description type: text_area options: "1,,12" tracker: $pointsOfInterest flags: [ public ] - type: tracker_field ref: poiIcon data: order: 30 name: Icône type: icon tracker: $pointsOfInterest flags: [ public, list ] options: "$profileobject:iconContainer$" - type: tracker_field ref: poiCoordinates data: order: 40 name: Coordonnées type: header tracker: $pointsOfInterest - type: tracker_field ref: poiLocation data: order: 50 name: Emplacement type: map options: "1" tracker: $pointsOfInterest flags: [ public, mandatory ] - type: tracker_field ref: poiAttachments data: order: 60 name: Fichiers joints type: header tracker: $pointsOfInterest - type: tracker_field ref: poiImage data: order: 70 name: Image type: files options: "2,image/*,1,1,,,1,n,$profileobject:imageBank$,2" tracker: $pointsOfInterest flags: [ public ] - type: tracker_field ref: poiDetails data: order: 80 name: Détails type: header tracker: $pointsOfInterest - type: tracker_field ref: poiMap data: order: 90 name: Carte type: item_link options: "$profileobject:maps$,$profileobject:mapName$,0,,opc,,,,0,0,exact,one,0,$profileobject:mapShareCode$" tracker: $pointsOfInterest flags: [ public, mandatory, list, title, searchable ] permname: map visible: immutable - type: tracker_field ref: poiFinder data: order: 100 name: Auteur type: user options: "1" tracker: $pointsOfInterest flags: [ public, mandatory, list ] permname: finder visible: immutable
Ceci est pour les polygones et les lignesYAML
objects: - type: tracker ref: zones data: name: Zones allow: [creator_modification, creator_deletion] show: list_modification_date section_format: tab admin_only_view: y - type: tracker_option data: tracker: $zones name: popup_fields value: "$profileobject:zoneImage$,$profileobject:zoneDescription$,$profileobject:zoneFinder$" - type: tracker_field ref: zoneName data: order: 10 name: Nom type: text_field tracker: $zones flags: [ public, list, title, link, searchable ] - type: tracker_field ref: zoneDescription data: order: 20 name: Description type: text_area options: "1,,12" tracker: $zones flags: [ public ] - type: tracker_field ref: zoneAttachments data: order: 30 name: Fichiers joints type: header tracker: $zones - type: tracker_field ref: zoneImage data: order: 40 name: Image type: files options: "2,image/*,1,1,,,1,n,$profileobject:imageBank$,2" tracker: $zones flags: [ public ] - type: tracker_field ref: zoneDetails data: order: 50 name: Détails type: header tracker: $zones - type: tracker_field ref: zoneMap data: order: 60 name: Carte type: item_link options: "$profileobject:maps$,$profileobject:mapName$,0,,opc,,,,0,0,exact,one,0,$profileobject:mapShareCode$" tracker: $zones flags: [ public, mandatory, list, title, searchable ] permname: map visible: immutable - type: tracker_field ref: zoneFinder data: order: 70 name: Auteur type: user options: "1" tracker: $zones flags: [ public, mandatory, list ] permname: finder visible: immutable - type: tracker_field ref: zoneFeature data: order: 80 name: Zone type: geographic_feature options: "" tracker: $zones flags: [ public, mandatory ]
objects: - type: tracker ref: maps data: name: Cartes allow: [creator_modification, creator_deletion] show: list_modification_date section_format: tab admin_only_view: y - type: tracker_option data: tracker: $maps name: popup_fields value: "$profileobject:mapDescription$" - type: tracker_field ref: mapName data: name: Nom type: text_field tracker: $maps order: 10 flags: [ public, mandatory, list, title, link, searchable ] - type: tracker_field ref: mapDescription data: name: Description type: text_area options: "1,,15" tracker: $maps order: 20 flags: [ public, searchable ] - type: tracker_field ref: mapShareCode data: name: Code de partage type: text_field tracker: $maps flags: [ public, list ] options: "0,10,,,15 order: 30 permname: shareCode validation: regex validation_param: \\w* validation_message: Seulement des chiffres et des lettres sont permis dans le code de partage - type: tracker_field ref: mapDetailsHeader data: name: Changer l'origine de la carte type: header tracker: $maps order: 40 - type: tracker_field ref: mapBaseLocation data: name: Origine de la carte type: map tracker: $maps order: 50 flags: [ public, mandatory ] - type: tracker_field ref: mapOwner data: name: Auteur type: user options: "1" tracker: $maps order: 60 flags: [ public, mandatory, list ] permname: owner visible: immutable
objects: - type: tracker ref: legend data: name: Légende allow: [creator_modification, creator_deletion] show: list_modification_date admin_only_view: y - type: tracker_field ref: legendIcon data: name: Icône type: icon tracker: $legend flags: [ public, mandatory, list ] order: 10 options: "$profileobject:iconContainer$" - type: tracker_field ref: legendText data: name: Texte type: text_field tracker: $legend order: 20 flags: [ public, mandatory, list, title, link, searchable ] - type: tracker_field ref: legendMap data: name: Carte type: item_link options: "$profileobject:maps$,$profileobject:mapName$,0,,opc,,,,0,0,exact,one,0,$profileobject:mapShareCode$" tracker: $legend flags: [ public, mandatory, list, title, searchable ] permname: map order: 30 visible: immutable - type: tracker_field ref: legendFinder data: name: Auteur type: user options: "1" tracker: $legend order: 40 flags: [ public, mandatory, list ] permname: finder visible: immutable
File Galleries
User files needs to be added somewhereYAML
objects: - type: file_gallery ref: iconContainer data: parent: 1 name: Icônes description: Icons available for selection in the map. owner: admin archives: 5 flags: [] init_files: - - type: file_gallery ref: imageBank data: parent: 1 name: Banque d'image description: Images ajoutées par les administrateurs du site, pour utilisation par les étudiants et enseignants owner: admin archives: -1 flags: [visible] image_max_size_x: 0
Wiki Pages
objects: - type: wiki_page ref: home_page data: name: Accueil content: wikicontent:CartoGraf_FR_HomePage - type: wiki_page ref: cartograf_footer data: name: Footer content: wikicontent:CartoGraf_Footer - type: wiki_page ref: cartograf_setup data: name: Configuration description: Post-Profile Setup Instructions lang: en content: wikicontent:CartoGraf_FR_Setup - type: wiki_page ref: cartograf_help data: name: Aide description: Aide lang: en content: wikicontent:CartoGraf_FR_Help - type: wiki_page ref: account_validated_page data: name: Account_Validated description: Account Validated lang: en content: wikicontent:CartoGraf_NewAccountValidationIncludedPage - type: wiki_page ref: demo_page data: name: Démo lang: en content: wikicontent:CartoGraf_FR_Demo - type: wiki_page ref: partners_page data: name: Partenaires lang: en content: wikicontent:CartoGraf_FR_Partners - type: wiki_page ref: contact_page data: name: Contact lang: en content: wikicontent:CartoGraf_FR_Contact
Application Frame Pages
objects: - type: wiki_page ref: map_page data: name: Carte content: wikicontent:CartoGraf_FR_Map - type: wiki_page ref: mapcanvas_share_page data: name: MapCanvasShare content: wikicontent:CartoGraf_MapCanvasShare - type: wiki_page ref: mapcanvas_solo_page data: name: MapCanvasSolo content: wikicontent:CartoGraf_MapCanvasSolo - type: wiki_page ref: mapselector_page data: name: MapSelector content: wikicontent:CartoGraf_FR_MapSelector