Social Networking Profile
This will be full featured profile to help building Social Networking website out-of-the-box.Currently under development on SVN trunk for Tiki 4.0 | Don't use for production !
The profile will create a "User Profile" tracker with some basic additional fields related to user login which are not already part of "My Tiki" user preferences. Some of the fields will be possible to display for Anonymous users using a Pretty Tracker templates at registration time and the rest will be possible to edit and show in the My Tiki User Preferences and Info pages after the user logs in as Registered. The profile will also enable "Social Networking" related features, set up the layout and a SN theme by default.
Feature Preferences
preferences: style: darkroom.css sitetitle: $profilerequest:sitetitle$Social Tiki Network$ sitesubtitle: $profilerequest:sitesubtitle$Join Us !$ browsertitle: $profilerequest:browsertitle$Social Tiki$ allowRegister: y # Allow users to create new accounts eponymousGroups: y # Each user gets a group of the same name as username forgotPass: y modseparateanon: y feature_ajax: y feature_articles: n feature_backlinks: y feature_banning: y feature_blogs: y feature_calendar : y feature_categories : y feature_cssmenus: y feature_file_galleries : y feature_forums : y feature_forum_parse: y feature_fullscreen: y feature_iepngfix: y # prevents major ugliness in IE6 feature_multilingual: y feature_phplayers: y feature_polls : y feature_newsletters : y feature_score : y feature_search : y feature_minichat : y feature_modulecontrols: y feature_user_watches : y feature_group_watches : y feature_groupalert : y feature_messages : y feature_mytiki : y feature_notepad : y feature_shoutbox: y feature_sitemenu: y feature_tasks : y feature_top_bar: y feature_topbar_custom_code: <div class="center"><a href="tiki-my_tiki.php">{tr}My Dashboard{/tr}</a></div> feature_topbar_id_menu: feature_trackers: y feature_user_bookmarks : y feature_userfiles : y feature_userPreferences: y feature_wiki : y feature_wiki_print : y feature_wiki_attachments: y feature_wiki_comments: y feature_wikiapproval: n sitelogo_src: userTracker:y validateUsers: n wiki_edit_plugin: y
User Profile tracker definition
objects: - type: tracker ref: user_tracker data: name: User Profile description: Additional user information default_status: open show: [ ] - type: tracker_field ref: login data: name: login tracker: $user_tracker type: user flags: [ searchable, public, list, mandatory, link ] order: 10 options: 1 - type: tracker_field ref: user_real-name data: name: Real Name tracker: $user_tracker type: p flags: [ public ] order: 20 options: realName - type: tracker_field ref: user_birthday data: name: Date of Birth tracker: $user_tracker type: f flags: [ public ] order: 30 options: d,1890,,blank - type: tracker_field ref: user_street-address data: name: Street Address tracker: $user_tracker type: text_field flags: [ public ] order: 110 - type: tracker_field ref: user_city data: name: City tracker: $user_tracker type: text_field flags: [ public ] order: 120 - type: tracker_field ref: user_state data: name: State tracker: $user_tracker type: text_field flags: [ public ] order: 130 - type: tracker_field ref: user_zip-code data: name: Zip Code tracker: $user_tracker type: text_field flags: [ public ] order: 140 - type: tracker_field ref: user_country data: name: Country tracker: $user_tracker type: p flags: [ public ] order: 150 options: country - type: tracker_field ref: user_website data: name: Website tracker: $user_tracker type: text_field flags: [ public ] order: 170 - type: tracker_field ref: user_primary-phone data: name: Primary Phone tracker: $user_tracker type: text_field flags: [ public ] order: 180 - type: tracker_field ref: user_secondary-phone data: name: Secondary Phone tracker: $user_tracker type: text_field flags: [ public ] order: 190 - type: tracker_field ref: user_facebook data: name: Facebook page tracker: $user_tracker type: text_field flags: [ searchable, public, list ] order: 200 - type: tracker_field ref: user_skypeid data: name: SkypeID tracker: $user_tracker type: text_field flags: [ public ] order: 210 - type: tracker_field ref: user_icq data: name: ICQ tracker: $user_tracker type: text_field flags: [ public ] order: 220
Adding module
This is a box on the side which permits quick access to one's user tracker.YAML
objects: - type: module ref: usergroup_tracker data: name: usergroup_tracker position: left order: 1 groups: [ Registered ] - type: module ref: shoutbox data: name: shoutbox position: left order: 2 groups: [ Registered ]
Add registration_fields
Add post-install instructions
This will include: User_Trackers_include_wiki_page with post-install instructions
instructions: User_Trackers preferences: enable: [ feature_wiki ] objects: - type: wiki_page ref: User_Trackers_include_wiki_page data: name: User_Trackers description: What needs to be done lang: en content: wikicontent:User_Trackers_include_wiki_page