The goal is to allow the customization of a new tiki site in a few clicks into a full site which supports local barter markets, including community currency features, which can be further customized as each community wants to be also their main website (Extranet and Intranet with wiki pages, forums, calendars, newsletters, blogs, file galleries, spreadsheets. freetags, fine grained permission system, integrated search respecting access permissions, ...).
Related sites:
List of topics of items offered, or wanted, to be shown as types of offers, and/or types of wants.
This tracker is to hold only the Barter Network (= CCLite "Registry") and the currency being used. In phase 1 of this profile and the cc development, only one currency is allowed per barter network, but the system has been designed to accept any number of currencies for each Barter Network, as in CClite.
The tracker fields are left to a minimum. More fields can be added for specific details about offers.
Pretty Tracker Templates:
CC Lite
Related sites:
- Documentation:
- Development:
Demo prototype: to reinstall somewhere else) - Future site to implement it (among others):
1. Implementation
- minimal fields required for a database of offers, a database of wants, and another want of people, which can be linked through users.
- a few modules added, including a wiki page menu
- just one column (right, for instance)
1.1. Future improvements
- finish the tasks listed here:
- make all strings i18n-ready (add {TR()}string of text{TR} to all of them) (Xavi for all current strings; Jonny and luci also for any newer strings, please)
- show currency name next to the "price" in the offer page template. Maybe use the info from cclite, as it works at the "trade" plugin, instead of attempting to use data from the extra tracker with pairs of currency and registry names (item link type of filed in the offers tracker)? (Xavi?, Jonny?)
- categorize offers and wants in the profile, so that they are searchable (the search seems to be using category data) (Xavi)
- create the wants pages, in a similar way to the offers (Xavi)
- Use filegals for images (jonny)
- Make datachannel for creating new offers, and make new wiki page for each one (jonny)
Add sample data for barter networks and their currencies (Xavi)Done -
Add sample data of offers and demands (Xavi)Done -
Add fields for the payment and cclite specific options in admin panels (Xavi)Done - Evaluate the chance to add a google map field for offers and wants (Xavi)
- add (dynamically) list of offers and wants to user pages (or user profile pages). (Xavi)
- Add content to homepage (Xavi):
- articles
- calendar, and upcoming events
- come rss feed from calendar, articles, offers and wants
- Add some custom logo and specific graphic design (Xavi: help needed for the design)
- There will be a group tracker for registered users, collecting some extra information from users (like interests for exchanging things, topics they would like to learn from or teach others about). This group tracker will be shown at registration time (Xavi, and probably, help needed; we'll see).
- Allow the user to click on certain check-boxes at registration time (i.e., fields of the group tracker at registration time, and or PluginGroup buttons to subscribe to some "watchers" group) in order to let them monitor from the very beginning some general users forum, or community news blog, community newsletter, calendar, etc. To be implemented by group watch or Newsletter feature, managed by letting users assign or unassign from dummy groups watching. (Xavi)
- Implement the tasks listed here:
In order to use this profile with this set of data below (to populate it properly), you need beforehand to create two users in your tiki site: user1 and user2. This is due to the fact that the profiles system isn't able to create users in tiki (at least, so far by the Feb'09).
Table of contents
2. Preferences
preferences: allowRegister: y browsertitle: $profilerequest:Browser Title$Our cclite-powered barter community$ feature_actionlog: y feature_categories: y feature_cssmenus: y feature_display_my_to_others: y feature_file_galleries_author: y feature_file_galleries: y feature_freetags: y feature_group_watches: y feature_lang_use_db: y feature_messages: y feature_multilingual: y feature_mytiki: y feature_score: y feature_search_fulltext: y feature_site_send_link: y feature_trackers: y feature_userPreferences: y feature_user_watches : y feature_wiki_argvariable: y feature_wiki: y forgotPass: y log_mail: y payment_currency: $profilerequest:Currency initials$ECO$ payment_feature: y sitemycode_publish: y sitesubtitle: $profilerequest:Site Subtitle$Join us$ sitetitle: $profilerequest:sitetitle$Our CC-Barter Market$ payment_system: $profilerequest:Payment System$cclite$ payment_cclite_registries: $profilerequest:Barter network names (comma separated)$c2c1,c2c3$ payment_cclite_currencies: $profilerequest:Barter network currencies (comma separated)$ECO,HOUR$ payment_cclite_gateway: $profilerequest:CCLite Server URL$$ payment_default_delay: $profilerequest:Default delay for payments (in days)$30$ payment_cclite_merchant_user: $profilerequest:CCLite Merchant User$manager$ payment_cclite_merchant_key: $profilerequest:CCLite Merchant Key$1010101010$ payment_cclite_mode: $profilerequest:CCLite enable payments (Test,Live)$Test$ payment_cclite_hashing_algorithm: $profilerequest:Hashing Algorithm (SHA1,SHA256,SHA512)$SHA1$ payment_cclite_notify: $profilerequest:Cclite Payment Notification$y$ trackerfield_autoincrement: y trackerfield_itemlink: y trackerfield_itemslist: y userTracker: y wiki_creator_admin: y wiki_watch_author: y wiki_watch_editor: y user_show_realnames: n instructions: Instructions
3. User Interface (YAML)
3.1. Menu
3.1.1. Top bar menu
preferences: feature_sitemenu : y feature_topbar_id_menu: $profileobject:CCLite_Market_horizontal_menu$ feature_top_bar: y
3.1.2. Wiki side menu
This will add the page CCLite_Market_menupage as the menu contentYAML
objects: - type: wiki_page ref: cclite_market_menupage_include data: name: Menu description: Simple menu based on a wiki page lang: en mode: create_or_update content: wikicontent:cclite_market_menupage
3.1.3. Horizontal Menu items
objects: - type: menu ref: cclite_market_horizontal_menu data: name: My Menu description: A menu containing the base navigation of the site collapse: none items: - name: Home url: index.php - name: About items: - name: Community url: ((Community)) - name: Calendar url: tiki-calendar.php - name: Forums url: tiki-forums.php - name: Files url: tiki-list_file_gallery.php - name: Help items: - name: Wiki Syntax Help url: ((Wiki Help)) - name: Admin menu url: tiki-admin_menus.php permissions: [ edit_menu ]
3.2. Modules
objects: - type: module ref: module_menupage data: name: menupage position: right groups: [ Anonymous, Registered ] order: 10 params: pagemenu: $cclite_market_menupage_include - type: module ref: module_breadcrumb data: position: right order: 20 name: breadcrumb groups: [ Anonymous ]
4. Object Creation (YAML)
4.1. Wiki Pages
objects: - type: wiki_page ref: cclite_market_homepage_include data: name: Welcome description: Home page lang: en mode: create_or_update content: wikicontent:cclite_market_HomePage - type: wiki_page ref: cclite_market_registered_homepage_include data: name: Registered HomePage description: Registered Members HomePage lang: en mode: create_or_update content: wikicontent:cclite_market_Registered_HomePage - type: wiki_page ref: cclite_market_instructions_include data: name: Instructions description: Profile Instructions lang: en mode: create_or_update content: wikicontent:cclite_market_Instructions - type: wiki_page ref: cclite_market_about_include data: name: Community description: About the Community behind this Barter Market lang: en mode: create_or_update content: wikicontent:cclite_market_About - type: wiki_page ref: cclite_market_help_include data: name: Wiki Help description: Wiki Syntax Help lang: en mode: create_or_update content: wikicontent:Simple_Sample_Page
4.2. Wiki plugins
preferences: wikiplugin_addtocart: y wikiplugin_cclite: y wikiplugin_trackerfilter: y wikiplugin_trackerlist: y wikiplugin_trade: y wikiplugin_tr: y wikiplugin_perm: y wikiplugin_inline_addtocart: n wikiplugin_inline_cclite: n wikiplugin_inline_trackerfilter: n wikiplugin_inline_trackerlist: n wikiplugin_inline_trade: n wikiplugin_inline_tr: n wikiplugin_inline_perm: n
4.3. File Gallery
objects: - type: file_gallery ref: General_File_Gallery data: name: General description: Images & files owner: admin archives: 0 flags: [ public, visible, lockable ] column: [ icon, name, created, creator, files ]
objects: - type: forum ref: General_Forum data: name: Discussion forum attachments: everyone enable: [ topic_smiley ] list: [ topic_reads ]
5. Groups & Permissions (YAML)
Name | Description |
Anonymous | Anonymous users can read articles |
Registered | Just self-register with an email address |
Editors | Can destroy & edit all content |
SubAdmins | Almost all powers |
Admins | All powers |
permissions: Anonymous: allow: - download_files - list_file_galleries - list_trackers - payment_view - read_comments - search - tracker_view_comments - tracker_view_ratings - view - view_category - view_fgal_explorer - view_fgal_path - view_file_gallery - view_freetags - view_trackers - view_trackers_pending - wiki_view_comments - wiki_view_history - wiki_view_source objects: - type: category id: $category_pretty_tracker_templates allow: [ use_as_template ] deny: [ view, edit ] - type: wiki_page id: Profile_CCLite_OfferList_Template allow: [ view, use_as_template ] deny: [ ] - type: wiki_page id: Profile_CCLite_Offer_Template allow: [ view, use_as_template ] deny: [ ] - type: wiki_page id: Profile_CCLite_WantList_Template allow: [ view, use_as_template ] deny: [ ] - type: wiki_page id: Profile_CCLite_Want_Template allow: [ view, use_as_template ] deny: [ ] Registered: user_tracker: $tracker_people user_tracker_field: $tracker_people_login registration_fields: [ $tracker_people_name, $tracker_people_business, $tracker_people_mobile, $tracker_people_interests ] allow: - attach_trackers - comment - comment_tracker_items - create_tracker_items - add_object - remove_object - edit - edit_categorized - freetags_tag - messages - payment_manual - payment_request - post_comments - tracker_vote_ratings - upload_files - upload_picture - watch_trackers Customers: include: [ Registered ] description: Users who have made a purchase/payment/exchange allow: [] Editors: include: Registered description: Can approve & delete allow: - admin_banners - admin_banning - admin_categories - create_category - admin_comments - admin_file_galleries - admin_freetags - admin_newsletters - admin_notifications - admin_rssmodules - admin_wiki - broadcast - broadcast_all - clean_cache - edit_menu - edit_menu_option - export_tracker - lock - minor - modify_tracker_items - payment_admin - plugin_approve - plugin_preview - use_HTML - wiki_admin_attachments - view_trackers_closed - view_trackers_pending SubAdmins: include: Editors description: Site sub-administrators allow: - adminusers - trust_input - payment_manual - payment_admin - payment_view - payment_request Admins: include: SubAdmins allow: - admin
5.1. Categories
List of topics of items offered, or wanted, to be shown as types of offers, and/or types of wants.
objects: - type: category ref: category_offers data: name: Offers description: Base category for all offers - type: category ref: category_objects data: name: Objects parent: $category_offers - type: category ref: category_knowledge data: name: Knowledge parent: $category_offers - type: category ref: category_time_based_services data: name: Services (time based) parent: $category_offers - type: category ref: category_pretty_tracker_templates data: name: Pretty Tracker Templates description: For Wiki pages serving as templates for Tracker and TrackerList wikiplugins items: - [ wiki_page, $page_offerlist_tpl ] - [ wiki_page, $page_offer_tpl ] - [ wiki_page, $page_wantlist_tpl ] - [ wiki_page, $page_want_tpl ]
5.2. Barter Network and Currencies
This tracker is to hold only the Barter Network (= CCLite "Registry") and the currency being used. In phase 1 of this profile and the cc development, only one currency is allowed per barter network, but the system has been designed to accept any number of currencies for each Barter Network, as in CClite.
objects: - type: tracker ref: tracker_network_and_cc data: name: Barter Network and its Currencies description: Name of the Barter Network (CCLite Registry) and its registered currencies. default_status: open show: [ status, creation_date, modification_date, list_modification_date ] allow: [ comments, creator_modification ] - type: tracker_field ref: tracker_network_and_cc_code data: name: Barter Network and Currency pair Code description: Unique Barter network and curency pair code id tracker: $tracker_network_and_cc type: auto_increment options: 1,,,itemId flags: [ public, mandatory ] order: 1 - type: tracker_field ref: tracker_network_and_cc_name data: name: Name description: Name of the Barter Network (CCLite Registry) tracker: $tracker_network_and_cc type: text_field flags: [ searchable, public, list, mandatory ] order: 10 - type: tracker_field ref: tracker_network_and_cc_currency data: name: Currency description: Currency name tracker: $tracker_network_and_cc type: text_field flags: [ searchable, public, list, mandatory, link ] order: 20
5.3. Offers
The tracker fields are left to a minimum. More fields can be added for specific details about offers.
objects: - type: tracker ref: tracker_offers data: name: Offers description: Offers of goods, knowledge, and services. default_status: open show: [ status, creation_date, modification_date, list_modification_date ] allow: [ comments, creator_modification ] - type: tracker_field ref: tracker_offers_code data: name: Offer Code description: Unique offer code id tracker: $tracker_offers type: auto_increment options: ,,,itemId flags: [ public, mandatory ] order: 1 - type: tracker_field ref: tracker_offers_title data: name: Title description: Main display name of the offer tracker: $tracker_offers type: text_field flags: [ searchable, public, list, mandatory, link ] order: 10 - type: tracker_field ref: tracker_offers_description data: name: Description description: More info tracker: $tracker_offers type: text_area flags: [ searchable, public, list ] order: 20 - type: tracker_field ref: tracker_offers_category data: name: Category description: Offer category tracker: $tracker_offers type: category options: $profileobject:category_offers$,checkbox flags: [ searchable, public, mandatory, list ] order: 30 - type: tracker_field ref: tracker_offers_price data: name: Price description: The amount in community currency in exchange of this offer, in case you dont want any of the items in my offers list (as a decimal value; e.g. 42.50) tracker: $tracker_offers type: numeric options: 0,6,, flags: [ public ] order: 40 - type: tracker_field ref: tracker_offers_currency_and_network data: name: Currency & Barter Network description: The currency name as well as the Barter network (CCLite registry) where it comes from tracker: $tracker_offers type: item_link options: $profileobject:tracker_network_and_cc$, $profileobject:tracker_network_and_cc_name$, 0, $profileobject:tracker_network_and_cc_currency$|$profileobject:tracker_network_and_cc_name$, op flags: [ public ] order: 50 - type: tracker_field ref: tracker_offers_currency data: name: Currency description: The currency name from that Barter network tracker: $tracker_offers type: item_link options: $profileobject:tracker_network_and_cc$, $profileobject:tracker_network_and_cc_name$, 0, $profileobject:tracker_network_and_cc_currency$, op flags: [ public ] order: 60 - type: tracker_field ref: tracker_offers_network data: name: Barter Network description: The Barter network (CCLite registry) where the item comes from tracker: $tracker_offers type: item_link options: $profileobject:tracker_network_and_cc$, $profileobject:tracker_network_and_cc_name$, 0, $profileobject:tracker_network_and_cc_name$, op flags: [ public ] order: 70 - type: tracker_field ref: tracker_offers_weight data: name: Weight description: The weight of the offer (most likely in grammes) tracker: $tracker_offers type: numeric flags: [ searchable ] order: 80 - type: tracker_field ref: tracker_offers_image data: name: Image description: Main image of the offer for offer detail page tracker: $tracker_offers type: image options: 100,100,600,600,1000,item flags: [ public, list, link ] order: 90 - type: tracker_field ref: tracker_offers_user data: name: Person who offers it description: Person who is offer it tracker: $tracker_offers type: user options: 1,1 flags: [ public, searchable ] order: 100 - type: tracker_field ref: tracker_offers_wants_same_user data: name: Wants of the same person description: Active wants from the same person who is offer it tracker: $tracker_offers type: item_list options: $profileobject:tracker_wants$, $profileobject:tracker_wants_user$, $profileobject:tracker_offers_user$, $profileobject:tracker_wants_title$,op flags: [ public, list, link ] order: 110
5.4. Wants
The tracker fields are left to a minimum. More fields can be added for specific details about wants.YAML
objects: - type: tracker ref: tracker_wants data: name: Wants description: Wants of goods, services and knowledge. default_status: open show: [ status, creation_date, modification_date, list_modification_date ] allow: [ comments, creator_modification ] - type: tracker_field ref: tracker_wants_code data: name: Want Code description: Unique want code id tracker: $tracker_wants type: auto_increment options: ,,,itemId flags: [ public, mandatory ] order: 1 - type: tracker_field ref: tracker_wants_title data: name: Title description: Main display name of the want tracker: $tracker_wants type: text_field flags: [ searchable, public, list, mandatory, link ] order: 10 - type: tracker_field ref: tracker_wants_description data: name: Description description: More info tracker: $tracker_wants type: text_area flags: [ searchable, public, list ] order: 20 - type: tracker_field ref: tracker_wants_category data: name: Category description: Want category (so far the same as the offers) tracker: $tracker_wants type: category options: $profileobject:category_offers$,checkbox flags: [ searchable, public, mandatory, list ] order: 30 - type: tracker_field ref: tracker_wants_price data: name: Amount offered description: The amount in community currency in exchange of this want, in case you don't want any of the items in my offers list (as a decimal value; e.g. 42.50) tracker: $tracker_wants type: numeric options: 0,6,$profilerequest:Currency symbol$e$, flags: [ public ] order: 40 - type: tracker_field ref: tracker_wants_currency_and_network data: name: Currency & Barter Network description: The currency name as well as the Barter network (CCLite registry) where it comes from tracker: $tracker_wants type: item_link options: $profileobject:tracker_network_and_cc$, $profileobject:tracker_network_and_cc_name$, 0, $profileobject:tracker_network_and_cc_currency$|$profileobject:tracker_network_and_cc_name$, op flags: [ public ] order: 50 - type: tracker_field ref: tracker_wants_currency data: name: Currency description: The currency name from that Barter network tracker: $tracker_wants type: item_link options: $profileobject:tracker_network_and_cc$, $profileobject:tracker_network_and_cc_name$, 0, $profileobject:tracker_network_and_cc_currency$, op flags: [ public ] order: 60 - type: tracker_field ref: tracker_wants_network data: name: Barter Network description: The Barter network (CCLite registry) where the item comes from tracker: $tracker_wants type: item_link options: $profileobject:tracker_network_and_cc$, $profileobject:tracker_network_and_cc_name$, 0, $profileobject:tracker_network_and_cc_name$, op flags: [ public ] order: 70 - type: tracker_field ref: tracker_wants_weight data: name: Weight description: The weight of the want (most likely in grammes) tracker: $tracker_wants type: numeric flags: [ searchable ] order: 80 - type: tracker_field ref: tracker_wants_image data: name: Image description: Main image of the want for the item detail page tracker: $tracker_wants type: image options: 100,100,600,600,1000,item flags: [ public, list, link ] order: 90 - type: tracker_field ref: tracker_wants_user data: name: Person who wants it description: Person who wants it tracker: $tracker_wants type: user options: 1,1 flags: [ public, searchable ] order: 100 - type: tracker_field ref: tracker_wants_offers_same_user data: name: Offers of the same person description: Active offers from the same person who wants it tracker: $tracker_wants type: item_list options: $profileobject:tracker_offers$, $profileobject:tracker_offers_user$, $profileobject:tracker_wants_user$, $profileobject:tracker_offers_title$, op flags: [ public, list, link ] order: 110
5.5. People
objects: - type: tracker ref: tracker_people data: name: People description: People registered allow: [ one_item_per_user, creator_modification ] default_status: open - type: tracker_field ref: tracker_people_login data: name: login tracker: $tracker_people type: user flags: [ searchable, public, list, mandatory, link ] order: 1 options: 1 - type: tracker_field ref: tracker_people_name data: name: Name tracker: $tracker_people type: text_field flags: [ public, list, mandatory, link ] order: 10 - type: tracker_field ref: tracker_people_business data: name: Business Name tracker: $tracker_people type: text_field flags: [ public ] order: 30 - type: tracker_field ref: tracker_people_mobile data: name: Mobile Phone tracker: $tracker_people type: text_field visible: [ admin_editable, creator_editable ] flags: [] order: 40 - type: tracker_field ref: tracker_people_interests data: name: Short Description description: Very short description of interests from each person. tracker: $tracker_people type: text_area flags: [ public ] order: 100
6. Sample Data
6.1. Sample users
The Users handler is not fully supported by Tiki 5.1 (fixed for 6.0), so users will have to be added "by hand" in the local Tiki once the profile has been applied.6.2. Sample Networks & Currencies
objects: - type: tracker_item ref: network_001 data: tracker: $CCLite_Market:tracker_network_and_cc status: open values: - [ $CCLite_Market:tracker_network_and_cc_code, 1 ] - [ $CCLite_Market:tracker_network_and_cc_name, c2c1 ] - [ $CCLite_Market:tracker_network_and_cc_currency, "ECO" ] - type: tracker_item ref: network_002 data: tracker: $CCLite_Market:tracker_network_and_cc status: open values: - [ $CCLite_Market:tracker_network_and_cc_code, 2 ] - [ $CCLite_Market:tracker_network_and_cc_name, c2c3 ] - [ $CCLite_Market:tracker_network_and_cc_currency, "HOUR" ]
6.3. Sample Offers
objects: - type: tracker_item ref: offer_001 data: tracker: $CCLite_Market:tracker_offers status: open values: - [ $CCLite_Market:tracker_offers_code, 1 ] - [ $CCLite_Market:tracker_offers_title, Beer ] - [ $CCLite_Market:tracker_offers_description, "Home made beer. Mmmmm, delicious!" ] - [ $CCLite_Market:tracker_offers_category, $profileobject:category_objects$ ] - [ $CCLite_Market:tracker_offers_price, 2 ] - [ $CCLite_Market:tracker_offers_currency_and_network, "c2c1 ECO" ] - [ $CCLite_Market:tracker_offers_currency, "ECO" ] - [ $CCLite_Market:tracker_offers_network, c2c1 ] - [ $CCLite_Market:tracker_offers_weight, 300 ] - [ $CCLite_Market:tracker_offers_image, ] - [ $CCLite_Market:tracker_offers_user, admin ] - [ $CCLite_Market:tracker_offers_wants_same_user, ] - type: tracker_item ref: offer_002 data: tracker: $CCLite_Market:tracker_offers status: open values: - [ $CCLite_Market:tracker_offers_code, 2 ] - [ $CCLite_Market:tracker_offers_title, GNU/Linux ] - [ $CCLite_Market:tracker_offers_description, "I'll train you on how to install, manage and take the most out of your computers (new or old) with GNU/Linux! Free & Libre Open-Source Software is good for you!" ] - [ $CCLite_Market:tracker_offers_category, $profileobject:category_knowledge$ ] - [ $CCLite_Market:tracker_offers_price, 1.5 ] - [ $CCLite_Market:tracker_offers_currency_and_network, "c2c3 HOUR" ] - [ $CCLite_Market:tracker_offers_currency, "HOUR" ] - [ $CCLite_Market:tracker_offers_network, c2c3 ] - [ $CCLite_Market:tracker_offers_weight, 750 ] - [ $CCLite_Market:tracker_offers_image, ] - [ $CCLite_Market:tracker_offers_user, admin ] - [ $CCLite_Market:tracker_offers_wants_same_user, ] - type: tracker_item ref: offer_003 data: tracker: $CCLite_Market:tracker_offers status: closed values: - [ $CCLite_Market:tracker_offers_code, 3 ] - [ $CCLite_Market:tracker_offers_title, "Working at an organic farm" ] - [ $CCLite_Market:tracker_offers_description, "I have some experience working in organic farms, and I can help you in your work" ] - [ $CCLite_Market:tracker_offers_category, $profileobject:category_time_based_services$ ] - [ $CCLite_Market:tracker_offers_price, 3.5 ] - [ $CCLite_Market:tracker_offers_currency_and_network, "c2c1 ECO"] - [ $CCLite_Market:tracker_offers_currency, "ECO" ] - [ $CCLite_Market:tracker_offers_network, c2c1 ] - [ $CCLite_Market:tracker_offers_weight, 50300 ] - [ $CCLite_Market:tracker_offers_image, ] - [ $CCLite_Market:tracker_offers_user, admin ] - [ $CCLite_Market:tracker_offers_wants_same_user, ]
6.4. Sample Wants
objects: - type: tracker_item ref: want_001 data: tracker: $CCLite_Market:tracker_wants status: open values: - [ $CCLite_Market:tracker_wants_code, 1 ] - [ $CCLite_Market:tracker_wants_title, Strawberry plants ] - [ $CCLite_Market:tracker_wants_description, "Strawbery plants to grow in our terrace" ] - [ $CCLite_Market:tracker_wants_category, $profileobject:category_objects$ ] - [ $CCLite_Market:tracker_wants_price, ] - [ $CCLite_Market:tracker_wants_currency_and_network, ] - [ $CCLite_Market:tracker_wants_currency, ECO ] - [ $CCLite_Market:tracker_wants_network, c2c1 ] - [ $CCLite_Market:tracker_wants_weight, ] - [ $CCLite_Market:tracker_wants_image, ] - [ $CCLite_Market:tracker_wants_user, admin ] - [ $CCLite_Market:tracker_wants_offers_same_user, ] - type: tracker_item ref: want_002 data: tracker: $CCLite_Market:tracker_wants status: pending values: - [ $CCLite_Market:tracker_wants_code, 2 ] - [ $CCLite_Market:tracker_wants_title, Php + Mysql developing ] - [ $CCLite_Market:tracker_wants_description, "We need a php + mysql developer to help us fix some bugs in our free and open source software project. We offer this amount in community currency per hour" ] - [ $CCLite_Market:tracker_wants_category, $profileobject:category_time_based_services$ ] - [ $CCLite_Market:tracker_wants_price, 20 ] - [ $CCLite_Market:tracker_wants_currency_and_network, ] - [ $CCLite_Market:tracker_wants_currency, ECO ] - [ $CCLite_Market:tracker_wants_network, c2c1 ] - [ $CCLite_Market:tracker_wants_weight, ] - [ $CCLite_Market:tracker_wants_image, ] - [ $CCLite_Market:tracker_wants_user, admin ] - [ $CCLite_Market:tracker_wants_offers_same_user, ] - type: tracker_item ref: want_003 data: tracker: $CCLite_Market:tracker_wants status: open values: - [ $CCLite_Market:tracker_wants_code, 3 ] - [ $CCLite_Market:tracker_wants_title, "Learn to play chess" ] - [ $CCLite_Market:tracker_wants_description, "We'd love to learn how to play chess" ] - [ $CCLite_Market:tracker_wants_category, $profileobject:category_knowledge$ ] - [ $CCLite_Market:tracker_wants_price, ] - [ $CCLite_Market:tracker_wants_currency_and_network, ] - [ $CCLite_Market:tracker_wants_currency, ECO ] - [ $CCLite_Market:tracker_wants_network, c2c1 ] - [ $CCLite_Market:tracker_wants_weight, 3000 ] - [ $CCLite_Market:tracker_wants_image, ] - [ $CCLite_Market:tracker_wants_user, admin ] - [ $CCLite_Market:tracker_wants_offers_same_user, ]
Pretty Things
Pretty Tracker Templates:
- Profile_CCLite_Offer_Template
- Profile_CCLite_OfferList_Template
- Profile_CCLite_Want_Template
- Profile_CCLite_WantList_Template
objects: - type: wiki_page ref: page_offer_tpl data: name: Profile_CCLite_Offer_Template content: wikicontent:Profile_CCLite_Offer_Template - type: wiki_page ref: page_offerlist_tpl data: name: Profile_CCLite_OfferList_Template content: wikicontent:Profile_CCLite_OfferList_Template - type: wiki_page ref: page_offer data: name: Offer content: wikicontent:Profile_CCLite_Offer_Include - type: wiki_page ref: page_offerlist data: name: Offers content: wikicontent:Profile_CCLite_OfferList_Include - type: wiki_page ref: page_want_tpl data: name: Profile_CCLite_Want_Template content: wikicontent:Profile_CCLite_Want_Template - type: wiki_page ref: page_wantlist_tpl data: name: Profile_CCLite_WantList_Template content: wikicontent:Profile_CCLite_WantList_Template - type: wiki_page ref: page_want data: name: Want content: wikicontent:Profile_CCLite_Want_Include - type: wiki_page ref: page_wantlist data: name: Wants content: wikicontent:Profile_CCLite_WantList_Include
7. Related
7.1. Related sites
7.2. Related profiles
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