

Our Products


 Plugin disabled
Plugin fluidgrid cannot be executed.

Solutions "Out of the Box" 

To get you going quickly you can select from a list of profiles. Tiki will then be configured correctly for you to start using it immediately. This will save you a lot of time and also allows you to share the details of successful configurations.
Examples of this powerful profile feature include:
 Plugin disabled
Plugin fluidgrid cannot be executed.

Tech Specs 

Designed to be run easily on readily available web hosting technology. Tiki is built using following technologies, chosen to provide a powerful and proven foundation for the system:
  • PHP
  • MySQL
  • Zend Framework
  • jQuery
  • Smarty

Created by Xavier de Pedro. Last Modification: Sunday 14 of June, 2020 14:48:39 GMT-0000 by Jonny Bradley.